- John mentions everyone from his team with `@john-team`
- John mentions only his marketing team with `@john-team/marketing`
## Group-level list views of issues and merge requests
## Issues and merge requests within a group
Issues and merge requests are part of projects. For a given group, view all the
issues across all the projects in that group, together in a single list view. This
is the [group-level issue list view](../project/issues/index.md#issue-list-views-searching-and-filtering).
Similarly, there is a [group-level merge request list view](../project/merge_requests/index.md#merge-request-list-views-searching-and-filtering).
[issues](../project/issues/index.md#issues-per-group) and [merge requests](../project/merge_requests/index.md#merge-requests-per-group) across all the projects in that group,
@@ -56,24 +56,23 @@ B. Consider you're a web developer writing a webpage for your company's:
1. Once approved, your merge request is [squashed and merged](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/merge_requests/squash_and_merge.html), and [deployed to staging with GitLab Pages](https://about.gitlab.com/2016/08/26/ci-deployment-and-environments/)(Squash and Merge is available in GitLab Enterprise Edition Starter)
1. Your production team [cherry picks](#cherry-pick-changes) the merge commit into production
## Merge requests per project
## Merge request list views, searching, and filtering
View all the merge requests within a project by navigating to **Project > Merge Requests**.
View all the merge requests within a project by navigating to **Project > Merge Requests**.
There are tabs to quickly filter by open, merged, and closed merge requests.
When you access your project's merge requests, GitLab will present them in a list,
and you can use the tabs available to quickly filter by open and closed. You can also [search and filter the results](../../search/index.md#issues-and-merge-requests-per-project).

[Search and filter the results](../../search/index.md#issues-and-merge-requests-per-project).
## Merge requests per group
View all the merge requests in a group (that is, all the merge requests across all projects in that
group) by navigating to **Group > Merge Requests**. This view also has the open, merged, and closed
merge request tabs.
merge request tabs, from which you can [search and filter the results](../../search/index.md#issues-and-merge-requests-per-group).

[Search and filter the results](../../search/index.md#issues-and-merge-requests-per-group).
## Authorization for merge requests
There are two main ways to have a merge request flow with GitLab:
@@ -159,7 +158,6 @@ all your changes will be available to preview by anyone with the Review Apps lin
[Read more about Review Apps.](../../../ci/review_apps/index.md)
## Tips
Here are some tips that will help you be more efficient with merge requests in