| `enabled_git_access_protocol` | string | no | Enabled protocols for Git access. Allowed values are: `ssh`, `http`, and `nil` to allow both protocols. |
| `koding_enabled` | boolean | no | Enable Koding integration. Default is `false`. |
| `koding_url` | string | yes (if `koding_enabled` is `true`) | The Koding instance URL for integration. |
| `disabled_oauth_sign_in_sources` | Array of strings | no | Disabled OAuth sign-in sources |
| `help_text` | string | no | GitLab server administrator information |
| `elasticsearch_host` | string | no | The TCP/IP host to use for connecting to Elasticsearch. Use a comma-separated list to support clustering (e.g., "host1, host2") |
| `elasticsearch_port` | integer | no | The TCP/IP port that Elasticsearch listens to. The default value is 9200 |
| `usage_ping_enabled` | boolean | no | Every week GitLab will report license usage back to GitLab, Inc.|
| `repository_size_limit` | integer | no | Size limit per repository (MB) |
curl --request PUT --header"PRIVATE-TOKEN: 9koXpg98eAheJpvBs5tK" https://gitlab.example.com/api/v3/application/settings?signup_enabled=false&default_project_visibility=1