Commit 38bc8053 authored by Gabriel Mazetto's avatar Gabriel Mazetto

Improved Geo Nodes admin screen instructions and Geo setup documentation

parent 5a04e93e
- page_title 'Geo nodes'
Geo nodes
Geo Nodes
#{link_to 'Geo nodes', help_page_path('geo', 'nodes'), class: 'vlink'} are special GitLab
replicated instances.
With #{link_to 'GitLab Geo', help_page_path('gitlab-geo', 'overview'), class: 'vlink'} you can install a special
read-only and replicated instance anywhere.
......@@ -15,25 +15,24 @@
- @node.errors.full_messages.each do |msg|
%p= msg
= f.label :url, 'URL:', class: 'control-label'
= f.label :primary do
= f.check_box :primary
%strong This is a primary node
= f.label :url, 'URL', class: 'control-label'
= f.text_field :url, class: 'form-control'
= f.fields_for :geo_node_key, @node.geo_node_key do |fg|
= fg.label :key, 'Public Key:', class: 'control-label'
= fg.label :key, 'Public Key', class: 'control-label'
= fg.text_area :key, class: 'form-control thin_area', rows: 5
Paste a machine public key here for the gitlab user running on this node. Read more about how to generate it
Paste a machine public key here for the GitLab user this node runs on. Read more about how to generate it
= link_to "here", help_page_path("ssh", "README")
= f.label :primary, 'Primary', class: 'control-label checkbox'
= f.label :primary do
= f.check_box :primary
%strong This is a primary node
= f.submit 'Add Node', class: 'btn btn-create'
......@@ -85,6 +85,12 @@
= nav_link(controller: :geo_nodes) do
= link_to admin_geo_nodes_path, title: 'Gitlab Geo' do
= icon('globe fw')
Geo Nodes
= nav_link(controller: :abuse_reports) do
= link_to admin_abuse_reports_path, title: "Abuse Reports" do
= icon('exclamation-circle fw')
## GitLab Geo (EE)
# GitLab Geo
GitLab Geo allows you to replicate your GitLab instance to other
geographical locations as a read-only fully operational version.
When Geo is enabled, we reffer to your original instance as a **primary**
node and the replicated read-only ones as **secondaries**.
GitLab Geo requires some additional work installing and configuring your
instance, than a normal setup.
### Primary Node
To make your day-use instance a primary Geo node, you access your
administration screen and go to Gitlab Geo `/admin/geo_nodes`.
You must add your instance address the same way it is configured on
your `gitlab.yml`, select **this is a primary node** and save.
### Secondary Node
To install a secondary node, you must follow your normal install
instructions with some extra requirements:
* You must replicate your database to this instance.
* Primary node must be able to access this instance by HTTP/HTTPS
### Current limitations
* You cannot push code to secondary nodes
* Git LFS is not supported yet
* Git Annex is not supported yet
### Frequently Asked Questions
* Can I use Geo in a disaster recovery situation?
Gitlab Geo was not made with that in mind. There are limitations to what
we replicate (see Current limitations). In an extreme data-loss situation
you can make a secondary Geo into your primary, but this is not officially
* [Overview](
## GitLab Geo (EE)
GitLab Geo allows you to replicate your GitLab instance to other
geographical locations as a read-only fully operational version.
When Geo is enabled, we reffer to your original instance as a **primary**
node and the replicated read-only ones as **secondaries**.
### Setup instructions
GitLab Geo requires some additional work installing and configuring your
instance, than a normal setup.
#### Primary Node
To turn your GitLab instance into a primary Geo node, go to
**Admin Area > Geo Nodes** (`/admin/geo_nodes`).
In **Geo Nodes** screen, fill in the required fields and make sure you
check `This is a primary node` before hitting Add Node.
Fill **URL** field with your instance full URL, in the same way it is
configure in your `gitlab.yml` (source based install) or
`/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` (omnibus install).
The **Public Key** field must contain the SSH public key of the user that
your GitLab instance runs on (unless changed, should be the user `git`).
![Geo Nodes Screen](img/geo-nodes-screen.png)
Repeat the same instructions to add your secondaries instances remembering not
to check `This is a primary node`, and to use the correct Public Key.
You will need to setup your database into a **Master <-> Slave** replication
topology, and your Primary node should always point to a database's
Master instance.
#### Secondary Node
To install a secondary node, you must follow your a normal GitLab install
instructions with some extra requirements:
* You should point your database connection to a Slave replicated instance.
* Your secondary node should be allowed to comunicate by HTTP/HTTPS and
SSH with your primary node (make sure your firewall is not blocking that).
### Current limitations
* You cannot push code to secondary nodes
* Git LFS is not supported yet
* Git Annex is not supported yet
* Wiki's are not being replicated yet
* Git clone from secondaries by HTTP/HTTPS only (ssh-keys
aren't being replicated yet)
### Frequently Asked Questions
* Can I use Geo in a disaster recovery situation?
> There are limitations to what we replicate (see Current limitations).
In an extreme data-loss situation you can make a secondary Geo into your
primary, but this is not officially supported yet.
* What data is replicated to a secondary node?
> We currently replicate project repositories and whole database. This
means user accounts, issues, merge requests, groups, project data, etc
will be available for query.
We currently don't replicate user generated attachments / avatars or any
other file in `public/upload`. We also don't replicate LFS / Annex or
artifacts data (`shared/folder`).
* Can I git push to a secondary node?
> No. All writing operations (this includes git push) must be done in your
primary node.
* How long does it take to have a commit replicated to a secondary node?
> All replication operations are async and are queued to be dispatched
in a batched request at every 10 seconds. Besides that, it depends on a
lot of other factors including the ammount of traffic, how big your
commit is, the connectivity between your nodes, your hardware, etc.
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