Commit 39081051 authored by Alexander Turinske's avatar Alexander Turinske Committed by Phil Hughes

Convert group saml buttons to gl-button styles

parent 900f072e
- scim_token_not_present = @scim_token_url.nil? - scim_token_not_present = @scim_token_url.nil?
.gl-mt-3.js-generate-scim-token-container{ class: "#{ 'd-none' unless scim_token_not_present}" } .gl-mt-3.js-generate-scim-token-container{ class: "#{ 'd-none' unless scim_token_not_present}" }
%p= s_('GroupSAML|Generate a SCIM token to set up your System for Cross-Domain Identity Management.') %p= s_('GroupSAML|Generate a SCIM token to set up your System for Cross-Domain Identity Management.')
%button.btn.btn_default.btn-white.js-generate-scim-token{ type: 'button' }{ type: 'button' }
= s_('GroupSAML|Generate a SCIM token') = s_('GroupSAML|Generate a SCIM token')
.gl-mt-3.js-scim-token-container{ class: "#{ 'd-none' if scim_token_not_present}" } .gl-mt-3.js-scim-token-container{ class: "#{ 'd-none' if scim_token_not_present}" }
.well-segment.borderless.mb-3.col-12.col-lg-9.p-0 .well-segment.borderless.mb-3.col-12.col-lg-9.p-0
...@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ ...@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
.form-text.text-muted.js-scim-token-helper-text .form-text.text-muted.js-scim-token-helper-text
%span %span
= s_('GroupSAML|The SCIM token is now hidden. To see the value of the token again, you need to ') = s_('GroupSAML|The SCIM token is now hidden. To see the value of the token again, you need to ')
%button.btn.btn-default.btn-link.d-inline.align-baseline.js-reset-scim-token{ type: 'button' }{ type: 'button' }
= _('reset it.') = _('reset it.')
%span.d-none %span.d-none
= s_("GroupSAML|Make sure you save this token — you won't be able to access it again.") = s_("GroupSAML|Make sure you save this token — you won't be able to access it again.")
title: Convert group saml buttons to gl-button styles
merge_request: 49852
type: other
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