Commit 3a9edf30 authored by Phil Hughes's avatar Phil Hughes

Removes support for WIP in the title toggle button

This removes support for WIP from the merge request forms draft
toggle button.

Changelog: removed
parent f2896c7a
......@@ -54,9 +54,9 @@ export default class IssuableForm {
this.wipRegex = new RegExp(
'^\\s*(' + // Line start, then any amount of leading whitespace
'draft\\s-\\s' + // Draft_-_ where "_" are *exactly* one whitespace
'|\\[(draft|wip)\\]\\s*' + // [Draft] or [WIP] and any following whitespace
'|(draft|wip):\\s*' + // Draft: or WIP: and any following whitespace
'|(draft|wip)\\s+' + // Draft_ or WIP_ where "_" is at least one whitespace
'|\\[draft\\]\\s*' + // [Draft] or [WIP] and any following whitespace
'|draft:\\s*' + // Draft: or WIP: and any following whitespace
'|draft\\s+' + // Draft_ or WIP_ where "_" is at least one whitespace
'|\\(draft\\)\\s*' + // (Draft) and any following whitespace
')+' + // At least one repeated match of the preceding parenthetical
'\\s*', // Any amount of trailing whitespace
......@@ -146,18 +146,12 @@ export default class IssuableForm {
workInProgress() {
return this.wipRegex.test(this.titleField.val());
titlePrefixContainsDraft() {
const prefix = this.titleField.val().match(this.wipRegex);
return prefix && prefix[0].match(/draft/i);
renderWipExplanation() {
if (this.workInProgress()) {
// These strings are not "translatable" (the code is hard-coded to look for them)
this.$wipExplanation.find('code')[0].textContent = this.titlePrefixContainsDraft()
? 'Draft' /* eslint-disable-line @gitlab/require-i18n-strings */
: 'WIP';
this.$wipExplanation.find('code')[0].textContent =
'Draft'; /* eslint-disable-line @gitlab/require-i18n-strings */
return this.$noWipExplanation.hide();
......@@ -5,11 +5,8 @@
- div_class = no_issuable_templates ? 'col-sm-10' : 'col-sm-7 col-lg-8'
- toggle_wip_link_start = '<a href="" class="js-toggle-wip">'
- toggle_wip_link_end = '</a>'
- draft_snippet = '<code>Draft:</code>'.html_safe
- wip_snippet = '<code>WIP:</code>'.html_safe
- draft_or_wip_snippet = '<code>Draft/WIP</code>'.html_safe
- add_wip_text = (_('%{link_start}Start the title with %{draft_snippet} or %{wip_snippet}%{link_end} to prevent a merge request that is a work in progress from being merged before it\'s ready.') % { link_start: toggle_wip_link_start, link_end: toggle_wip_link_end, draft_snippet: draft_snippet, wip_snippet: wip_snippet } ).html_safe
- remove_wip_text = (_('%{link_start}Remove the %{draft_or_wip_snippet} prefix%{link_end} from the title to allow this merge request to be merged when it\'s ready.' ) % { link_start: toggle_wip_link_start, link_end: toggle_wip_link_end, draft_or_wip_snippet: draft_or_wip_snippet } ).html_safe
- add_wip_text = (_('%{link_start}Start the title with %{draft_snippet}%{link_end} to prevent a merge request that is a work in progress from being merged before it\'s ready.') % { link_start: toggle_wip_link_start, link_end: toggle_wip_link_end, draft_snippet: '<code>Draft:</code>'.html_safe } ).html_safe
- remove_wip_text = (_('%{link_start}Remove the %{draft_snippet} prefix%{link_end} from the title to allow this merge request to be merged when it\'s ready.' ) % { link_start: toggle_wip_link_start, link_end: toggle_wip_link_end, draft_snippet: '<code>Draft</code>'.html_safe } ).html_safe
%div{ class: div_class }
= form.text_field :title, required: true, maxlength: 255, autofocus: true,
title: Remove support for WIP in merge request title toggle
type: removed
......@@ -663,10 +663,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%{link_start}Read more%{link_end} about role permissions"
msgstr ""
msgid "%{link_start}Remove the %{draft_or_wip_snippet} prefix%{link_end} from the title to allow this merge request to be merged when it's ready."
msgid "%{link_start}Remove the %{draft_snippet} prefix%{link_end} from the title to allow this merge request to be merged when it's ready."
msgstr ""
msgid "%{link_start}Start the title with %{draft_snippet} or %{wip_snippet}%{link_end} to prevent a merge request that is a work in progress from being merged before it's ready."
msgid "%{link_start}Start the title with %{draft_snippet}%{link_end} to prevent a merge request that is a work in progress from being merged before it's ready."
msgstr ""
msgid "%{listToShow}, and %{awardsListLength} more."
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ RSpec.describe 'Merge request > User sees draft help message' do
'It looks like you have some draft commits in this branch'
expect(page).to have_text(
"Start the title with Draft: or WIP: to prevent a merge request that is a \
"Start the title with Draft: to prevent a merge request that is a \
work in progress from being merged before it's ready."
......@@ -20,11 +20,6 @@ describe('IssuableForm', () => {
describe('removeWip', () => {
${'wip '}
${' wIP: '}
${'[WIp] '}
${' [WIp]'}
${'drAft '}
${'draFT: '}
${' [DRaft] '}
......@@ -34,7 +29,7 @@ describe('IssuableForm', () => {
${'dRaFt - '}
${'(draft) '}
${' (DrafT)'}
${'wip wip: [wip] draft draft - draft: [draft] (draft)'}
${'draft draft - draft: [draft] (draft)'}
`('removes "$prefix" from the beginning of the title', ({ prefix }) => {
instance.titleField.val(`${prefix}The Issuable's Title Value`);
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