Commit 43005f2d authored by Douwe Maan's avatar Douwe Maan

Allow suggestions to be copied and pasted as GFM

Supports both suggestions transformed from GFM to HTML and from GFM to
HTML to Vue component.
parent 25429c63
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ const PLAINTEXT_LANG = 'plaintext';
// - Banzai::Filter::SyntaxHighlightFilter
// - Banzai::Filter::MathFilter
// - Banzai::Filter::MermaidFilter
// - Banzai::Filter::SuggestionFilter
export default class CodeBlock extends BaseCodeBlock {
get schema() {
return {
......@@ -20,7 +21,7 @@ export default class CodeBlock extends BaseCodeBlock {
lang: { default: PLAINTEXT_LANG },
parseDOM: [
// Matches HTML generated by Banzai::Filter::SyntaxHighlightFilter, Banzai::Filter::MathFilter or Banzai::Filter::MermaidFilter
// Matches HTML generated by Banzai::Filter::SyntaxHighlightFilter, Banzai::Filter::MathFilter, Banzai::Filter::MermaidFilter, or Banzai::Filter::SuggestionFilter
tag: 'pre.code.highlight',
preserveWhitespace: 'full',
......@@ -39,7 +40,7 @@ export default class CodeBlock extends BaseCodeBlock {
contentElement: 'annotation[encoding="application/x-tex"]',
attrs: { lang: 'math' },
// Matches HTML generated by Banzai::Filter::MathFilter,
// Matches HTML generated by Banzai::Filter::MermaidFilter,
// after being transformed by app/assets/javascripts/behaviors/markdown/render_mermaid.js
tag: 'svg.mermaid',
......@@ -47,6 +48,25 @@ export default class CodeBlock extends BaseCodeBlock {
contentElement: 'text.source',
attrs: { lang: 'mermaid' },
// Matches HTML generated by Banzai::Filter::SuggestionFilter,
// after being transformed by app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/components/markdown/suggestions.vue
tag: '.md-suggestion',
skip: true,
tag: '.md-suggestion-header',
ignore: true,
tag: '.md-suggestion-diff',
preserveWhitespace: 'full',
getContent: (el, schema) =>
[...el.querySelectorAll(' span')].map(span =>
attrs: { lang: 'suggestion' },
toDOM: node => ['pre', { class: 'code highlight', lang: node.attrs.lang }, ['code', 0]],
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ export default {
<div class="md-suggestion">
:can-apply="suggestion.appliable && suggestion.current_user.can_apply && !disabled"
title: Allow suggestions to be copied and pasted as GFM
type: fixed
# frozen_string_literal: true
# Generated HTML is transformed back to GFM by app/assets/javascripts/behaviors/markdown/nodes/code_block.js
module Banzai
module Filter
class SuggestionFilter < HTML::Pipeline::Filter
......@@ -402,6 +402,68 @@ describe 'Copy as GFM', :js do
expect(output_gfm.strip).to eq(gfm.strip)
'SuggestionFilter: suggestion as converted from GFM to HTML',
And newer
aggregate_failures('SuggestionFilter: suggestion as transformed from HTML to Vue component') do
gfm = <<~GFM
And newer
html = <<~HTML
<div class="md-suggestion">
<div class="md-suggestion-header border-bottom-0 mt-2 qa-suggestion-diff-header">
<div class="qa-suggestion-diff-header font-weight-bold">
Suggested change
<a href="/gitlab/help/user/discussions/" aria-label="Help" class="js-help-btn">
<svg aria-hidden="true" class="s16 ic-question-o link-highlight">
<use xlink:href="/gitlab/assets/icons.svg#question-o"></use>
<button type="button" class="btn qa-apply-btn">Apply suggestion</button>
<table class="mb-3 md-suggestion-diff js-syntax-highlight code white">
<tr class="line_holder old">
<td class="diff-line-num old_line qa-old-diff-line-number old">9</td>
<td class="diff-line-num new_line old"></td>
<td class="line_content old"><span>Old
<tr class="line_holder new">
<td class="diff-line-num old_line new"></td>
<td class="diff-line-num new_line qa-new-diff-line-number new">9</td>
<td class="line_content new"><span>New
<tr class="line_holder new">
<td class="diff-line-num old_line new"></td>
<td class="diff-line-num new_line qa-new-diff-line-number new">10</td>
<td class="line_content new"><span> And newer
output_gfm = html_to_gfm(html)
expect(output_gfm.strip).to eq(gfm.strip)
Markdown is supported
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