Commit 48aeda4e authored by Doug Stull's avatar Doug Stull

Create ViewComponent for gl-alert

- leverage ViewComponent benefits
parent aa1b72c3
- return unless show_security_newsletter_user_callout?
= render 'shared/global_alert',
title: s_('AdminArea|Get security updates from GitLab and stay up to date'),
variant: :tip,
alert_class: 'js-security-newsletter-callout',
alert_data: { feature_id: Users::CalloutsHelper::SECURITY_NEWSLETTER_CALLOUT, dismiss_endpoint: callouts_path, defer_links: 'true' },
close_button_data: { testid: 'close-security-newsletter-callout' } do
= render :tip,
title: s_('AdminArea|Get security updates from GitLab and stay up to date'),
alert_class: 'js-security-newsletter-callout',
alert_data: { feature_id: Users::CalloutsHelper::SECURITY_NEWSLETTER_CALLOUT,
dismiss_endpoint: callouts_path,
defer_links: 'true' },
close_button_data: { testid: 'close-security-newsletter-callout' }) do
= s_('AdminArea|Sign up for the GitLab Security Newsletter to get notified for security updates.')
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
- if @group.new_record?
= render 'shared/global_alert', dismissible: false do
= render false) do
= render 'shared/group_tips'
......@@ -14,11 +14,9 @@
- if @project.last_repository_check_failed?
= render 'shared/global_alert',
variant: :danger,
= render :danger,
alert_class: 'gl-mb-5',
alert_data: { testid: 'last-repository-check-failed-alert' },
is_container: true do
alert_data: { testid: 'last-repository-check-failed-alert' }) do
- last_check_message = _("Last repository check (%{last_check_timestamp}) failed. See the 'repocheck.log' file for error messages.")
- last_check_message = last_check_message % { last_check_timestamp: time_ago_with_tooltip(@project.last_repository_check_at) }
......@@ -25,10 +25,9 @@
- if project
= render 'shared/global_alert',
variant: :danger,
= render :danger,
dismissible: false,
title: project.full_name do
title: project.full_name) do
= link_to _('Disable'), admin_namespace_project_runner_project_path(project.namespace, project, runner_project), method: :delete, class: 'btn gl-alert-action btn-confirm btn-md gl-button'
- if registration_features_can_be_prompted?
= render 'shared/global_alert',
variant: :tip,
= render :tip,
alert_class: 'gl-my-5',
dismissible: false do
dismissible: false) do
= render 'shared/registration_features_discovery_message', feature_title: s_('RegistrationFeatures|send emails to users')
......@@ -6,17 +6,13 @@{ 'aria-label': 'Loading' } s_('ClusterIntegration|Kubernetes cluster is being created...')
= render 'shared/global_alert',
variant: :warning,
alert_class: 'hidden js-cluster-api-unreachable',
close_button_class: 'js-close' do
= render :warning,
alert_class: 'hidden js-cluster-api-unreachable') do
= s_('ClusterIntegration|Your cluster API is unreachable. Please ensure your API URL is correct.')
= render 'shared/global_alert',
variant: :warning,
alert_class: 'hidden js-cluster-authentication-failure js-cluster-api-unreachable',
close_button_class: 'js-close' do
= render :warning,
alert_class: 'hidden js-cluster-authentication-failure js-cluster-api-unreachable') do
= s_('ClusterIntegration|There was a problem authenticating with your cluster. Please ensure your CA Certificate and Token are valid.')
- link = link_to(s_('ClusterIntegration|sign up'), '', target: '_blank', rel: 'noopener noreferrer')
= render 'shared/global_alert',
title: s_('ClusterIntegration|Did you know?'),
= render s_('ClusterIntegration|Did you know?'),
alert_class: 'gcp-signup-offer',
alert_data: { feature_id: Users::CalloutsHelper::GCP_SIGNUP_OFFER, dismiss_endpoint: callouts_path } do
alert_data: { feature_id: Users::CalloutsHelper::GCP_SIGNUP_OFFER, dismiss_endpoint: callouts_path }) do
= s_('ClusterIntegration|Every new Google Cloud Platform (GCP) account receives $300 in credit upon %{sign_up_link}. In partnership with Google, GitLab is able to offer an additional $200 for both new and existing GCP accounts to get started with GitLab\'s Google Kubernetes Engine Integration.').html_safe % { sign_up_link: link }
......@@ -4,9 +4,8 @@
= s_('GroupsNew|Import groups from another instance of GitLab')
= link_to _('History'), history_import_bulk_imports_path, class: 'gl-link gl-ml-auto'
= render 'shared/global_alert',
dismissible: false,
variant: :warning do
= render false,
variant: :warning) do
- docs_link_start = '<a href="%{url}" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">'.html_safe % { url: help_page_path('user/group/import/') }
- docs_link_end = '</a>'.html_safe
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
%h4= s_('GroupSettings|Export group')
%p= _('Export this group with all related data.')
= render 'shared/global_alert', variant: :warning, dismissible: false, alert_class: 'gl-mb-4' do
= render :warning, dismissible: false, alert_class: 'gl-mb-4') do
- docs_link_start = '<a href="%{url}" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">'.html_safe % { url: help_page_path('user/group/import/') }
- docs_link_end = '</a>'.html_safe
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
- export_information = _('After the export is complete, download the data file from a notification email or from this page. You can then import the data file from the %{strong_text_start}Create new group%{strong_text_end} page of another GitLab instance.') % { strong_text_start: '<strong>'.html_safe, strong_text_end: '</strong>'.html_safe}
= export_information.html_safe
= link_to _('Learn more.'), help_page_path('user/group/settings/'), target: '_blank', rel: 'noopener noreferrer'
= render 'shared/global_alert', dismissible: false, alert_class: 'gl-mb-5' do
= render false, alert_class: 'gl-mb-5') do
%p= _('The following items will be exported:')
- remove_form_id = local_assigns.fetch(:remove_form_id, nil)
- if group.paid?
= render 'shared/global_alert', dismissible: false, alert_class: 'gl-mb-5', alert_data: { testid: 'group-has-linked-subscription-alert' } do
= render false, alert_class: 'gl-mb-5', alert_data: { testid: 'group-has-linked-subscription-alert' }) do
= html_escape(_("This group can't be removed because it is linked to a subscription. To remove this group, %{linkStart}link the subscription%{linkEnd} with a different group.")) % { linkStart: "<a href=\"#{help_page_path('subscriptions/index', anchor: 'change-the-linked-namespace')}\">".html_safe, linkEnd: '</a>'.html_safe }
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
%li= s_('GroupSettings|You will need to update your local repositories to point to the new location.')
%li= s_("GroupSettings|If the parent group's visibility is lower than the group's current visibility, visibility levels for subgroups and projects will be changed to match the new parent group's visibility.")
- if group.paid?
= render 'shared/global_alert', dismissible: false, alert_class: 'gl-mb-5' do
= render false, alert_class: 'gl-mb-5') do
= html_escape(_("This group can't be transferred because it is linked to a subscription. To transfer this group, %{linkStart}link the subscription%{linkEnd} with a different group.")) % { linkStart: "<a href=\"#{help_page_path('subscriptions/index', anchor: 'change-the-linked-namespace')}\">".html_safe, linkEnd: '</a>'.html_safe }
.js-transfer-group-form{ data: initial_data }
- if @errors.present?
= render 'shared/global_alert',
variant: :danger,
= render :danger,
dismissible: false,
alert_class: 'gl-mb-5' do
alert_class: 'gl-mb-5') do
- @errors.each do |error|
= error
......@@ -2,18 +2,15 @@
- @content_class = "limit-container-width" unless fluid_layout
- if current_user.ldap_user?
= render 'shared/global_alert',
variant: :info,
alert_class: 'gl-my-5',
dismissible: false do
= render 'gl-my-5',
dismissible: false) do
= s_('Profiles|Some options are unavailable for LDAP accounts')
- if params[:two_factor_auth_enabled_successfully]
= render 'shared/global_alert',
variant: :success,
= render :success,
alert_class: 'gl-my-5',
close_button_class: 'js-close-2fa-enabled-success-alert' do
close_button_class: 'js-close-2fa-enabled-success-alert') do
= html_escape(_('You have set up 2FA for your account! If you lose access to your 2FA device, you can use your recovery codes to access your account. Alternatively, if you upload an SSH key, you can %{anchorOpen}use that key to generate additional recovery codes%{anchorClose}.')) % { anchorOpen: '<a href="%{href}">'.html_safe % { href: help_page_path('user/profile/account/two_factor_authentication', anchor: 'generate-new-recovery-codes-using-ssh') }, anchorClose: '</a>'.html_safe }
......@@ -40,7 +40,9 @@
= _('Time based: Yes')
= form_tag profile_two_factor_auth_path, method: :post do |f|
- if @error
= render 'shared/global_alert', title: @error[:message], variant: :danger, dismissible: false do
= render @error[:message],
variant: :danger,
dismissible: false) do
= link_to _('Try the troubleshooting steps here.'), help_page_path('user/profile/account/', anchor: 'troubleshooting'), target: '_blank', rel: 'noopener noreferrer'
- project = local_assigns.fetch(:project)
- return unless project.delete_error.present?
= render 'shared/global_alert', variant: :warning, dismissible: false, alert_class: 'project-deletion-failed-message' do
= render :warning,
dismissible: false,
alert_class: 'project-deletion-failed-message') do
This project was scheduled for deletion, but failed with the following message:
= project.delete_error
- event = last_push_event
- if event && show_last_push_widget?(event)
= render 'shared/global_alert',
variant: :success,
= render :success,
alert_class: 'gl-mt-3',
close_button_class: 'js-close-banner' do
close_button_class: 'js-close-banner') do
%span= s_("LastPushEvent|You pushed to"){ data: { toggle: 'tooltip' }, title: event.ref_name }
......@@ -37,7 +37,9 @@
- link_start_group_path = '<a href="%{path}">' % { path: new_group_path }
- project_tip = s_('ProjectsNew|Want to house several dependent projects under the same namespace? %{link_start}Create a group.%{link_end}') % { link_start: link_start_group_path, link_end: '</a>' }
= project_tip.html_safe
= render 'shared/global_alert', alert_class: "gl-mb-4 gl-display-none js-user-readme-repo", dismissible: false, variant: :success do
= render "gl-mb-4 gl-display-none js-user-readme-repo",
dismissible: false,
variant: :success) do
- help_link_start = '<a href="%{url}" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">'.html_safe % { url: help_page_path('user/profile/index', anchor: 'add-details-to-your-profile-with-a-readme') }
= html_escape(_('%{project_path} is a project that you can use to add a README to your GitLab profile. Create a public project and initialize the repository with a README to get started. %{help_link_start}Learn more.%{help_link_end}')) % { project_path: "<strong>#{current_user.username} / #{current_user.username}</strong>".html_safe, help_link_start: help_link_start, help_link_end: '</a>'.html_safe }
......@@ -15,10 +15,9 @@
#{ dropzone_text.html_safe }
= render 'shared/global_alert',
variant: :danger,
= render :danger,
alert_class: 'dropzone-alerts gl-alert gl-alert-danger gl-mb-5 data gl-display-none',
dismissible: false
dismissible: false)
= render 'shared/new_commit_form', placeholder: placeholder, ref: local_assigns[:ref]
......@@ -4,10 +4,9 @@
- webpack_preload_asset_tag('monaco')
- if @conflict
= render 'shared/global_alert',
alert_class: 'gl-mb-5 gl-mt-5',
= render 'gl-mb-5 gl-mt-5',
variant: :danger,
dismissible: false do
dismissible: false) do
- blob_url = project_blob_path(@project, @id)
- external_link_icon = content_tag 'span', { aria: { label: _('Opens new window') }} do
- sprite_icon('external-link', css_class: 'gl-icon').html_safe
......@@ -2,9 +2,7 @@
- default_ref = params[:ref] || @project.default_branch
- if @error
= render 'shared/global_alert',
variant: :danger,
close_button_class: 'js-close' do
= render :danger) do
= @error
......@@ -35,9 +35,8 @@
- if hidden > 0
= render 'shared/global_alert',
variant: :warning,
dismissible: false do
= render :warning,
dismissible: false) do
= n_('%s additional commit has been omitted to prevent performance issues.', '%s additional commits have been omitted to prevent performance issues.', hidden) % number_with_delimiter(hidden)
= render 'shared/global_alert',
title: _('Too many changes to show.'),
= render _('Too many changes to show.'),
variant: :warning,
alert_class: 'gl-mb-5' do
alert_class: 'gl-mb-5') do
= html_escape(_("To preserve performance only %{strong_open}%{display_size} of %{real_size}%{strong_close} files are displayed.")) % { display_size: diff_files.size, real_size: diff_files.real_size, strong_open: '<strong>'.html_safe, strong_close: '</strong>'.html_safe }
- page_title _("Fork project")
- if @forked_project && !@forked_project.saved?
= render 'shared/global_alert',
title: _('Fork Error!'),
= render _('Fork Error!'),
variant: :danger,
alert_class: 'gl-mt-5',
dismissible: false do
dismissible: false) do
= _("You tried to fork %{link_to_the_project} but it failed for the following reason:").html_safe % { link_to_the_project: link_to_project(@project) }
......@@ -2,9 +2,7 @@
- service_desk_link_url = help_page_path('user/project/service_desk')
- service_desk_link_start = '<a href="%{url}" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">'.html_safe % { url: service_desk_link_url }
= render 'shared/global_alert',
variant: :warning,
close_button_class: 'js-close',
alert_class: 'hide js-alert-moved-from-service-desk-warning gl-mt-5' do
= render :warning,
alert_class: 'hide js-alert-moved-from-service-desk-warning gl-mt-5') do
= s_('This project does not have %{service_desk_link_start}Service Desk%{service_desk_link_end} enabled, so the user who created the issue will no longer receive email notifications about new activity.').html_safe % { service_desk_link_start: service_desk_link_start, service_desk_link_end: '</a>'.html_safe }
......@@ -6,10 +6,9 @@
= cache(cache_key, expires_in: do
- if @merge_request.closed_or_merged_without_fork?
= render 'shared/global_alert',
alert_class: 'gl-mb-5',
= render 'gl-mb-5',
variant: :danger,
dismissible: false do
dismissible: false) do
= _('The source project of this merge request has been removed.')
......@@ -9,9 +9,8 @@
= render "projects/merge_requests/mr_title"
= render "projects/merge_requests/mr_box"
= render 'shared/global_alert',
variant: :danger,
dismissible: false do
= render :danger,
dismissible: false) do
- if @merge_request.for_fork? && !@merge_request.source_project
= err_fork_project_removed
......@@ -12,11 +12,9 @@
= render_if_exists 'shared/milestones/burndown', milestone: @milestone, project: @project
- if can?(current_user, :read_issue, @project) && @milestone.total_issues_count == 0
= render 'shared/global_alert',
variant: :info,
dismissible: false,
= render false,
alert_data: { testid: 'no-issues-alert' },
alert_class: 'gl-mt-3 gl-mb-5' do
alert_class: 'gl-mt-3 gl-mb-5') do
= _('Assign some issues to this milestone.')
- else
......@@ -37,9 +37,7 @@
= f.submit _('Mirror repository'), class: 'gl-button btn btn-confirm js-mirror-submit qa-mirror-repository-button', name: :update_remote_mirror
- else
= render 'shared/global_alert',
dismissible: false,
variant: :info do
= render false) do
= _('Mirror settings are only available to GitLab administrators.')
- if domain_presenter.errors.any?
= render 'shared/global_alert', variant: :danger, dismissible: false do
= render :danger, dismissible: false) do
- domain_presenter.errors.full_messages.each do |msg|
= msg
......@@ -5,10 +5,9 @@
-# When using integration.activate_disabled_reason[:trackers], it's potentially insecure to use the raw records
-# when passed directly to the frontend. Only use specific fields that are needed for render.
-# For example, we can get the link to each tracker with scoped_edit_integration_path(tracker, tracker.project)
= render 'shared/global_alert',
title: s_('ExternalIssueIntegration|Another issue tracker is already in use'),
= render s_('ExternalIssueIntegration|Another issue tracker is already in use'),
variant: :warning,
dismissible: false do
dismissible: false) do
= s_('ExternalIssueIntegration|Only one issue tracker integration can be active at a time. Please disable the active tracker first and try again.')
- if show_auto_devops_implicitly_enabled_banner?(project, current_user)
= render 'shared/global_alert',
variant: :info,
alert_class: 'qa-auto-devops-banner auto-devops-implicitly-enabled-banner',
= render 'qa-auto-devops-banner auto-devops-implicitly-enabled-banner',
close_button_class: 'hide-auto-devops-implicitly-enabled-banner',
close_button_data: { project_id: } do
close_button_data: { project_id: }) do
= s_("AutoDevOps|The Auto DevOps pipeline has been enabled and will be used if no alternative CI configuration file is found.")
- unless Gitlab.config.registry.enabled
......@@ -8,11 +8,10 @@
= _('Git repository URL')
= f.text_field :import_url, value: import_url.sanitized_url,
autocomplete: 'off', class: 'form-control gl-form-input', placeholder: '', required: true
= render 'shared/global_alert',
variant: :danger,
= render :danger,
alert_class: 'gl-mt-3 js-import-url-error hide',
dismissible: false,
close_button_class: 'js-close-2fa-enabled-success-alert' do
close_button_class: 'js-close-2fa-enabled-success-alert') do
= s_('Import|There is not a valid Git repository at this URL. If your HTTP repository is not publicly accessible, verify your credentials.')
- if show_no_password_message?
= render 'shared/global_alert',
variant: :warning,
= render :warning,
alert_class: 'js-no-password-message',
close_button_class: 'js-hide-no-password-message' do
close_button_class: 'js-hide-no-password-message') do
= no_password_message
- if show_no_ssh_key_message?
= render 'shared/global_alert',
variant: :warning,
= render :warning,
alert_class: 'js-no-ssh-message',
close_button_class: 'js-hide-no-ssh-message' do
close_button_class: 'js-hide-no-ssh-message') do
= s_("MissingSSHKeyWarningLink|You can't push or pull repositories using SSH until you add an SSH key to your profile.")
- if cookies[:hide_project_limit_message].blank? && !current_user.hide_project_limit && !current_user.can_create_project? && current_user.projects_limit > 0
= render 'shared/global_alert',
variant: :warning,
= render :warning,
dismissible: false,
alert_class: 'project-limit-message' do
alert_class: 'project-limit-message') do
= _("You won't be able to create new projects because you have reached your project limit.")
- if session[:ask_for_usage_stats_consent]
= render 'shared/global_alert',
variant: :info,
alert_class: 'service-ping-consent-message' do
= render 'service-ping-consent-message') do
- docs_link = link_to _('collect usage information'), help_page_path('user/admin_area/settings/'), class: 'gl-link'
- settings_link = link_to _('your settings'), metrics_and_profiling_admin_application_settings_path(anchor: 'js-usage-settings'), class: 'gl-link'
= render 'shared/global_alert',
variant: :warning,
= render :warning,
alert_class: 'js-recovery-settings-callout gl-mt-5',
alert_data: { feature_id: Users::CalloutsHelper::TWO_FACTOR_AUTH_RECOVERY_SETTINGS_CHECK, dismiss_endpoint: callouts_path, defer_links: 'true' },
close_button_data: { testid: 'close-account-recovery-regular-check-callout' } do
alert_data: { feature_id: Users::CalloutsHelper::TWO_FACTOR_AUTH_RECOVERY_SETTINGS_CHECK,
dismiss_endpoint: callouts_path,
defer_links: 'true' },
close_button_data: { testid: 'close-account-recovery-regular-check-callout' }) do
= s_('Profiles|Ensure you have two-factor authentication recovery codes stored in a safe place.')
= link_to _('Learn more.'), help_page_path('user/profile/account/two_factor_authentication', anchor: 'recovery-codes'), target: '_blank', rel: 'noopener noreferrer'
= render 'shared/global_alert',
alert_class: 'gl-my-5',
= render 'gl-my-5',
variant: :danger,
dismissible: false,
title: reason do
title: reason) do
= s_('The git server, Gitaly, is not available at this time. Please contact your administrator.')
......@@ -10,10 +10,9 @@
- if hook_log.internal_error_message.present?
= render 'shared/global_alert',
title: _('Internal error occurred while delivering this webhook.'),
= render _('Internal error occurred while delivering this webhook.'),
variant: :danger,
dismissible: false do
dismissible: false) do
= _('Error: %{error}') % { error: hook_log.internal_error_message }
......@@ -6,10 +6,9 @@
= form_errors(issuable)
- if @conflict
= render 'shared/global_alert',
variant: :danger,
= render :danger,
dismissible: false,
alert_class: 'gl-mb-5' do
alert_class: 'gl-mb-5') do
Someone edited the #{issuable.class.model_name.human.downcase} the same time you did.
Please check out
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
= dropdown_title(create_label_title(subject), options: { back: true, close: show_close })
= dropdown_content do
= render 'shared/global_alert', variant: :danger, alert_class: 'js-label-error gl-mb-3', dismissible: false
= render :danger, alert_class: 'js-label-error gl-mb-3', dismissible: false)
%input#new_label_name.default-dropdown-input{ type: "text", placeholder: _('Name new label') }
= render_suggested_colors
- milestone = local_assigns[:milestone]
- if milestone.complete? &&
= render 'shared/global_alert',
variant: :success,
= render :success,
alert_data: { testid: 'all-issues-closed-alert' },
dismissible: false do
dismissible: false) do
= yield
- alert_class = 'gl-mb-5'
- if runner.group_type?
= render 'shared/global_alert',
alert_class: alert_class,
= render alert_class,
title: s_('Runners|This runner is available to all projects and subgroups in a group.'),
dismissible: false do
dismissible: false) do
= s_('Runners|Use Group runners when you want all projects in a group to have access to a set of runners.')
= link_to _('Learn more.'), help_page_path('ci/runners/runners_scope', anchor: 'group-runners'), target: '_blank', rel: 'noopener noreferrer'
- else
= render 'shared/global_alert',
alert_class: alert_class,
= render alert_class,
title: s_('Runners|This runner is associated with specific projects.'),
dismissible: false do
dismissible: false) do
= s_('Runners|You can set up a specific runner to be used by multiple projects but you cannot make this a shared runner.')
= link_to _('Learn more.'), help_page_path('ci/runners/runners_scope', anchor: 'specific-runners'), target: '_blank', rel: 'noopener noreferrer'
......@@ -10,17 +10,13 @@
limit: hook.rate_limit,
support_link_start: link_start % { url: support_path },
support_link_end: link_end }
= render 'shared/global_alert',
title: s_('Webhooks|Webhook was automatically disabled'),
variant: :danger,
close_button_class: 'js-close' do
= render s_('Webhooks|Webhook was automatically disabled'),
variant: :danger) do
= s_('Webhooks|The webhook was triggered more than %{limit} times per minute and is now disabled. To re-enable this webhook, fix the problems shown in %{strong_start}Recent events%{strong_end}, then re-test your settings. %{support_link_start}Contact Support%{support_link_end} if you need help re-enabling your webhook.').html_safe % placeholders
- elsif hook.permanently_disabled?
= render 'shared/global_alert',
title: s_('Webhooks|Webhook failed to connect'),
variant: :danger,
close_button_class: 'js-close' do
= render s_('Webhooks|Webhook failed to connect'),
variant: :danger) do
= s_('Webhooks|The webhook failed to connect, and is disabled. To re-enable it, check %{strong_start}Recent events%{strong_end} for error details, then test your settings below.').html_safe % { strong_start: strong_start, strong_end: strong_end }
- elsif hook.temporarily_disabled?
......@@ -30,9 +26,7 @@
retry_time: time_interval_in_words(hook.disabled_until -,
help_link_start: link_start % { url: help_path },
help_link_end: link_end }
= render 'shared/global_alert',
title: s_('Webhooks|Webhook fails to connect'),
variant: :warning,
close_button_class: 'js-close' do
= render s_('Webhooks|Webhook fails to connect'),
variant: :warning) do
= s_('Webhooks|The webhook %{help_link_start}failed to connect%{help_link_end}, and will retry in %{retry_time}. To re-enable it, check %{strong_start}Recent events%{strong_end} for error details, then test your settings below.').html_safe % placeholders
......@@ -21,10 +21,9 @@
- halted_migrations = elasticsearch_available && Elastic::DataMigrationService.halted_migrations?
- if halted_migrations
= render 'shared/global_alert',
variant: :warning,
= render :warning,
title: _('Elasticsearch migration halted'),
alert_class: 'gl-my-3' do
alert_class: 'gl-my-3') do
= html_escape_once(_('Check the %{code_open}elasticsearch.log%{code_close} file to debug why the migration halted and make any changes before retrying the migration. When you fix the cause of the failure, select %{strong_open}Retry migration%{strong_close}, and the migration is scheduled to retry in the background.')) % { strong_open: '<strong>'.html_safe, strong_close: '</strong>'.html_safe, code_open: '<code>'.html_safe, code_close: '</code>'.html_safe }
= link_to _('Learn more.'), help_page_path('integration/elasticsearch', anchor: 'advanced-search-migrations')
......@@ -11,10 +11,9 @@
- if @elasticsearch_warn_if_not_using_aliases
- content_for :page_level_alert do
%div{ class: [container_class, @content_class, 'gl-pt-5!'] }
= render 'shared/global_alert',
title: s_('AdvancedSearch|Reindex required'),
= render s_('AdvancedSearch|Reindex required'),
dismissible: false,
variant: :warning do
variant: :warning) do
= s_('Introduced in GitLab 13.1, before using %{reindexing_link_start}zero-downtime reindexing%{link_end} and %{migrations_link_start}Advanced Search migrations%{link_end}, you need to %{recreate_link_start}recreate your index%{link_end}.').html_safe % { reindexing_link_start: help_zero_downtime_reindexing_link_start, migrations_link_start: help_advanced_search_migrations_link_start, recreate_link_start: help_recreate_index_link_start, link_end: '</a>'.html_safe }
= bootstrap_form_for @saml_response_check.tap(&:valid?), url: '#', html: { class: 'gl-show-field-errors' } do |f|
- if f.object.valid?
= render 'shared/global_alert',
variant: :success do
= render :success) do
= s_('GroupSAML|Valid SAML Response')
= f.errors_on :xml_response, hide_attribute_name: true
= render 'shared/global_alert',
title: _('Thanks for your purchase!'),
= render _('Thanks for your purchase!'),
variant: :success,
close_button_data: { testid: 'close-product-purchase-success' } do
close_button_data: { testid: 'close-product-purchase-success' }) do
= _('You have successfully purchased %{product}. You\'ll receive a receipt by email. Your purchase may take a minute to sync, so refresh the page if you don\'t see it yet.') % { product: product_name }
......@@ -3,10 +3,9 @@
- if message.present? && subscribable.present?
.js-gitlab-ee-license-banner.hidden{ class: [container_class, @content_class, 'gl-pt-5!'] }
= render 'shared/global_alert',
variant: :danger,
= render :danger,
title: message,
alert_data: { license_expiry: subscribable.expires_at, defer_links: "true" } do
alert_data: { license_expiry: subscribable.expires_at, defer_links: "true" }) do
- if subscribable.block_changes?
= link_to_button_style(path: renew_subscription_path, track_property: 'renew')
- return unless show_seats_count_alert?
= render 'shared/global_alert',
alert_class: 'js-approaching-seats-count-threshold',
alert_data: { dismiss_endpoint: group_callouts_path, feature_id: Users::GroupCalloutsHelper::APPROACHING_SEAT_COUNT_THRESHOLD, group_id: },
= render 'js-approaching-seats-count-threshold',
alert_data: { dismiss_endpoint: group_callouts_path,
feature_id: Users::GroupCalloutsHelper::APPROACHING_SEAT_COUNT_THRESHOLD,
group_id: },
title: _('%{group_name} is approaching the limit of available seats') % { group_name: group_name },
close_button_data: { testid: 'approaching-seats-count-threshold-alert-dismiss' } do
close_button_data: { testid: 'approaching-seats-count-threshold-alert-dismiss' }) do
= _('Your subscription has %{remaining_seats_count} out of %{total_seats_count} seats remaining. Even if you reach the number of seats in your subscription, you can continue to add users, and GitLab will bill you for the overage.') % { remaining_seats_count: remaining_seats_count, total_seats_count: total_seats_count }
= learn_more_link
......@@ -3,10 +3,11 @@
- expired_tokens =
- return unless expired_tokens.present?
= render 'shared/global_alert',
title: n_('%d token has expired', '%d tokens have expired', expired_tokens.size) % expired_tokens.size,
= render n_('%d token has expired', '%d tokens have expired', expired_tokens.size) % expired_tokens.size,
alert_class: 'gl-mb-3 js-token-expiry-callout',
alert_data: { feature_id: "profile_personal_access_token_expiry", dismiss_endpoint: callouts_path, defer_links: 'true' },
variant: :danger do
alert_data: { feature_id: "profile_personal_access_token_expiry",
dismiss_endpoint: callouts_path,
defer_links: 'true' },
variant: :danger) do
= _('Until revoked, expired personal access tokens pose a security risk.')
- if session.delete(:slack_install_success)
= render 'shared/global_alert',
title: s_('SlackIntegration|GitLab for Slack was successfully installed.'),
variant: :success do
= render s_('SlackIntegration|GitLab for Slack was successfully installed.'),
variant: :success) do
= s_('SlackIntegration|You can now close this window and go to your Slack workspace.')
......@@ -3,12 +3,11 @@
= content_for :page_level_alert do
%div{ class: [container_class, @content_class, 'gl-pt-5!'] }
= render 'shared/global_alert',
title: payload.subject,
= render payload.subject,
variant: payload.display_error_version? ? :danger : :warning,
alert_class: 'gl-my-5',
alert_data: { testid: 'manual-quarterly-co-term-banner' },
dismissible: false do
dismissible: false) do
= payload.body
......@@ -3,12 +3,11 @@
= content_for :page_level_alert do
%div{ class: [container_class, @content_class, 'gl-pt-5!'] }
= render 'shared/global_alert',
title: payload.subject,
= render payload.subject,
variant: payload.display_error_version? ? :danger : :warning,
alert_class: 'gl-my-5',
alert_data: { testid: 'manual-renewal-banner' },
dismissible: false do
dismissible: false) do
= payload.body
......@@ -10,11 +10,11 @@
- users_pending_approval_link_start = link_start.html_safe % { url: help_page_path('user/group/index', anchor: 'approve-pending-members-for-a-group') }
- link_end = '</a>'.html_safe
= render 'shared/global_alert',
title: s_('NamespaceUserCap|Your group has reached its billable member limit'),
= render s_('NamespaceUserCap|Your group has reached its billable member limit'),
variant: :warning,
close_button_class: 'js-namespace-user-cap-alert-dismiss',
close_button_data: { cookie_id: hide_user_cap_alert_cookie_id(root_namespace), testid: 'namespace_user_cap_alert_dismiss' } do
close_button_data: { cookie_id: hide_user_cap_alert_cookie_id(root_namespace),
testid: 'namespace_user_cap_alert_dismiss' }) do
= s_('NamespaceUserCap|Pending users must be reviewed and approved by a group owner. Learn more about %{user_caps_link_start}user caps%{link_end} and %{users_pending_approval_link_start}users pending approval%{link_end}.').html_safe % { user_caps_link_start: user_caps_link_start, users_pending_approval_link_start: users_pending_approval_link_start, link_end: link_end }
......@@ -5,11 +5,12 @@
- help_link_end = '</a>'.html_safe
%div{ class: [container_class, @content_class, 'gl-pt-5!'] }
= render 'shared/global_alert',
variant: :warning,
= render :warning,
title: s_('Admin|Your instance has reached its user cap'),
alert_class: 'js-new-user-signups-cap-reached',
alert_data: { feature_id: ::EE::Users::CalloutsHelper::NEW_USER_SIGNUPS_CAP_REACHED, dismiss_endpoint: callouts_path, defer_links: "true" } do
alert_data: { feature_id: ::EE::Users::CalloutsHelper::NEW_USER_SIGNUPS_CAP_REACHED,
dismiss_endpoint: callouts_path,
defer_links: "true" }) do
= s_('Admin|Additional users must be reviewed and approved by a system administrator. Learn more about %{help_link_start}usage caps%{help_link_end}.').html_safe % { help_link_start: help_link_start, help_link_end: help_link_end }
- if User.blocked_pending_approval.count > 0
......@@ -2,8 +2,7 @@
- content_for :user_over_limit_free_plan_alert do
.container-fluid.container-limited{ class: "gl-pb-2! gl-pt-6! #{@content_class}" }
= render 'shared/global_alert',
alert_class: 'js-user-over-limit-free-plan-alert',
= render 'js-user-over-limit-free-plan-alert',
alert_data: { track_action: 'render',
track_label: 'user_limit_banner',
dismiss_endpoint: group_callouts_path,
......@@ -13,7 +12,7 @@
title: _('From June 22, 2022 (GitLab 15.1), free personal namespaces and top-level groups will be limited to %{free_limit} members') % { free_limit: ::Plan::FREE_USER_LIMIT },
close_button_data: { track_action: 'dismiss_banner',
track_label: 'user_limit_banner',
testid: 'user-over-limit-free-plan-dismiss' } do
testid: 'user-over-limit-free-plan-dismiss' }) do
= _('Your %{doc_link_start}namespace%{doc_link_end}, %{strong_start}%{namespace_name}%{strong_end} has more than %{free_limit} members. From June 22, 2022, it will be limited to %{free_limit}, and the remaining members will get a %{link_start}status of Over limit%{link_end} and lose access to the namespace. You can go to the Usage Quotas page to manage which %{free_limit} members will remain in your namespace. To get more members, an owner can start a trial or upgrade to a paid tier.').html_safe % { namespace_name:,
free_limit: ::Plan::FREE_USER_LIMIT,
- if show_eoa_bronze_plan_banner?(namespace)
= render 'shared/global_alert',
title: s_("BillingPlans|End of availability for the Bronze Plan"),
= render s_("BillingPlans|End of availability for the Bronze Plan"),
alert_class: 'gl-mt-5 js-eoa-bronze-plan-banner',
alert_data: { feature_id: ::EE::Users::CalloutsHelper::EOA_BRONZE_PLAN_BANNER, dismiss_endpoint: callouts_path } do
alert_data: { feature_id: ::EE::Users::CalloutsHelper::EOA_BRONZE_PLAN_BANNER,
dismiss_endpoint: callouts_path }) do
- announcement_link = external_link("announcement blog", "")
= s_("BillingPlans|While GitLab is ending availability of the Bronze plan, you can still renew your Bronze subscription one additional time before %{eoa_bronze_plan_end_date}. We are also offering a limited time free upgrade to our Premium Plan (up to 25 users)! Learn more about the changes and offers in our %{announcement_link}.").html_safe % { announcement_link: announcement_link, eoa_bronze_plan_end_date: eoa_bronze_plan_end_date.in_time_zone.to_date.to_s(:medium) }
- page_title _("Billing")
= render 'shared/global_alert',
title: _('Subscription service outage'),
= render _('Subscription service outage'),
variant: :danger,
is_contained: true,
alert_class: 'gl-mb-5',
dismissible: false do
dismissible: false) do
= html_escape(_("The GitLab subscription service ( is currently experiencing an outage. You can monitor the status and get updates at %{linkStart}{linkEnd}.")) % { linkStart: "<a href=\"#{::EE::GITLAB_COM_STATUS_URL}\">".html_safe, linkEnd: '</a>'.html_safe }
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