Commit 49fce172 authored by Felipe Artur's avatar Felipe Artur

Remove not used parameter from epics finder

Removed groups parameter from
can_read_all_epics_in_related_groups function.

Changelog: other
EE: true
parent 546408fe
......@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ class EpicsFinder < IssuableFinder
# if user is member of top-level related group, he can automatically read
# all epics in all subgroups
next groups if can_read_all_epics_in_related_groups?(groups, include_confidential: false)
next groups if can_read_all_epics_in_related_groups?(include_confidential: false)
next groups.public_to_user unless current_user
next groups.public_to_user(current_user) unless groups.user_is_member(current_user).exists?
......@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ class EpicsFinder < IssuableFinder
# rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord
def with_confidentiality_access_check(epics, groups)
return epics if can_read_all_epics_in_related_groups?(groups)
return epics if can_read_all_epics_in_related_groups?
......@@ -224,23 +224,17 @@ class EpicsFinder < IssuableFinder
# `true` even if `groups` contains a group where the user cannot view
# confidential epics. As such you should only call this with `false` if you
# are planning on filtering out confidential epics separately.
def can_read_all_epics_in_related_groups?(groups, include_confidential: true)
def can_read_all_epics_in_related_groups?(include_confidential: true)
return true if @skip_visibility_check
return false unless current_user
# If a user is a member of a group, he also inherits access to all subgroups,
# so here we check if user is member of the top-level group (from the
# list of groups being requested) - this is checked by
# epic group hierarchy) - this is checked by
# `read_confidential_epic` policy. If that's the case we don't need to
# check membership on subgroups.
# `groups` is a list of groups in the same group hierarchy, group is
# highest in the group hierarchy except if we fetch ancestors - in that
# case top-level group is group's root parent
parent = params.fetch(:include_ancestor_groups, false) ? :
# If they can view confidential epics in this parent group they can
# definitely view confidential epics in subgroups.
return true if Ability.allowed?(current_user, :read_confidential_epic, parent)
# If we don't account for confidential (assume it will be filtered later by
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