Commit 4d8567cd authored by manojmj's avatar manojmj

Project bot users should always have their emails confirmed by default

This change makes sure that Project bot users
always have their emails confirmed by default, upon their creation.
parent 4244baa2
......@@ -13,8 +13,6 @@ module ResourceAccessTokens
return unless feature_enabled?
return error("User does not have permission to create #{resource_type} Access Token") unless has_permission_to_create?
# We skip authorization by default, since the user creating the bot is not an admin
# and project/group bot users are not created via sign-up
user = create_user
return error(user.errors.full_messages.to_sentence) unless user.persisted?
......@@ -49,6 +47,11 @@ module ResourceAccessTokens
def create_user
# Even project maintainers can create project access tokens, which in turn
# creates a bot user, and so it becomes necessary to have `skip_authorization: true`
# since someone like a project maintainer does not inherently have the ability
# to create a new user in the system., default_user_params).execute(skip_authorization: true)
......@@ -57,7 +60,8 @@ module ResourceAccessTokens
name: params[:name] || "#{} bot",
email: generate_email,
username: generate_username,
user_type: "#{resource_type}_bot".to_sym
user_type: "#{resource_type}_bot".to_sym,
skip_confirmation: true # Bot users should always have their emails confirmed.
title: Project bot users should always have their emails confirmed by default
merge_request: 35498
type: fixed
......@@ -45,6 +45,27 @@ RSpec.describe ResourceAccessTokens::CreateService do
expect(access_token.user.reload.user_type).to eq("#{resource_type}_bot")
context 'email confirmation status' do
shared_examples_for 'creates a user that has their email confirmed' do
it 'creates a user that has their email confirmed' do
response = subject
access_token = response.payload[:access_token]
expect(access_token.user.reload.confirmed?).to eq(true)
context 'when created by an admin' do
it_behaves_like 'creates a user that has their email confirmed' do
let(:user) { create(:admin) }
context 'when created by a non-admin' do
it_behaves_like 'creates a user that has their email confirmed'
context 'bot name' do
context 'when no value is passed' do
it 'uses default value' do
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