Commit 4e501c94 authored by Alex Kalderimis's avatar Alex Kalderimis

Changes in response to reviewer comments

This updates some module doc comments, changes some variable names, uses
`global_id_of` in a few more places, and adds a new use of `before_all`.
parent cc54581b
......@@ -8,21 +8,30 @@ module Gitlab
# example:
# class MyAwesomeClass
# def sum_frobbocities(ids)
# { |n| get_the_thing(n) }.map(&method(:force).sum
# include ::Gitlab::Graphql::Laziness
# # takes a list of id and list of factors, and computes
# # sum of [SomeObject[i]#value * factor[i]]
# def resolve(ids:, factors:)
# .map { |id, factor| promise_an_int(id, factor) }
# .map(&method(:force))
# .sum
# end
# def get_the_thing(id)
# thunk = SomeBatchLoader.load(id)
# defer { force(thunk).frobbocity * 2 }
# # returns a promise for an Integer
# def (id, factor)
# thunk = SomeObject.lazy_find(id)
# defer { force(thunk).value * factor }
# end
# end
# In the example above, we use defer to delay forcing the batch-loaded
# item until we need it, and then we use `force` to consume the lazy values
# If `SomeBatchLoader.load(id)` batches correctly, calling
# `sum_frobbocities` will only perform one batched load.
# If `SomeObject.lazy_find(id)` batches correctly, calling
# `resolve` will only perform one batched load for all objects, rather than
# loading them individually before combining the results.
module Laziness
def defer(&block)
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ require 'spec_helper'
RSpec.describe ::CachingArrayResolver do
include GraphqlHelpers
include Gitlab::Graphql::Laziness
let_it_be(:admins) { create_list(:user, 4, admin: true) }
let(:query_context) { { current_user: admins.first } }
......@@ -211,8 +212,4 @@ RSpec.describe ::CachingArrayResolver do
allow(resolver).to receive(:field_options).and_return(opts.merge(max_page_size: max_page_size))
resolve(resolver, args: args, ctx: query_context, schema: schema, field: field)
def force(lazy)
......@@ -163,9 +163,9 @@ RSpec.describe 'Creating a Snippet' do
context 'when there are uploaded files' do
shared_examples 'expected files argument' do |file_value, expected_value|
let(:uploaded_files) { file_value }
let(:ham) { build(:snippet) }
let(:snippet) { build(:snippet) }
let(:creation_response) do
::ServiceResponse.error(message: 'urk', payload: { snippet: ham })
::ServiceResponse.error(message: 'urk', payload: { snippet: snippet })
it do
......@@ -71,12 +71,12 @@ RSpec.describe 'query terraform states' do
'updatedAt' => terraform_state.updated_at.iso8601,
'lockedByUser' => { 'id' => global_id_of(terraform_state.locked_by_user) },
'latestVersion' => {
'id' => eq(latest_version.to_global_id.to_s),
'id' => eq(global_id_of(latest_version)),
'serial' => eq(latest_version.version),
'downloadPath' => eq(download_path),
'createdAt' => eq(latest_version.created_at.iso8601),
'updatedAt' => eq(latest_version.updated_at.iso8601),
'createdByUser' => { 'id' => eq(latest_version.created_by_user.to_global_id.to_s) },
'createdByUser' => { 'id' => eq(global_id_of(latest_version.created_by_user)) },
'job' => { 'name' => eq( }
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ RSpec.describe 'getting project information' do
context 'when the user has access to the project', :use_clean_rails_memory_store_caching, :request_store do
before do
before_all do
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