Commit 4eaa3932 authored by Shaun Burns's avatar Shaun Burns

Added cpp documentation for junit integration.

parent 4d4522c1
......@@ -140,6 +140,27 @@ java:
- target/failsafe-reports/TEST-*.xml
### C/C++ example
There are a few tools that can produce JUnit reports in C/C++.
#### GoogleTest
In the following example, `gtest` is used to generate the test reports.
If there are multiple gtest executables created for different architectures (`x86`, `x64` or `arm`),
you will be required to run each test providing a unique filename. The results
will then be aggregated together.
stage: test
- gtest.exe --gtest_output="xml:report.xml"
junit: report.xml
## Limitations
Currently, the following tools might not work because their XML formats are unsupported in GitLab.
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