Commit 52080f74 authored by Annabel Dunstone's avatar Annabel Dunstone

Add new icons to group page layout nav

parent 5e9e9a1e
......@@ -304,6 +304,19 @@
border-bottom: none;
height: 51px;
svg {
position: relative;
top: 2px;
margin-right: 2px;
height: 15px;
width: auto;
polygon {
fill: $layout-link-gray;
.fade-right {
@include fade(left, rgba(250, 250, 250, 0.4), $background-color);
right: 0;
......@@ -325,9 +338,17 @@
&.active {
a, i {
color: $black;
svg {
polygon {
fill: $black;
.badge {
= nav_link(path: ['root#index', 'projects#trending', 'projects#starred', 'dashboard/projects#index'], html_options: {class: "#{project_tab_class} home"}) do
= link_to dashboard_projects_path, title: 'Projects', class: 'dashboard-shortcuts-projects' do
= icon('bookmark fw')
= navbar_icon('project')
= nav_link(controller: :todos) do
......@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
= nav_link(path: 'dashboard#activity') do
= link_to activity_dashboard_path, class: 'dashboard-shortcuts-activity', title: 'Activity' do
<<<<<<< e6daf1f899b412ded9a16674865b09f31fc7c75a
= icon('dashboard fw')
......@@ -27,11 +26,8 @@
= nav_link(path: 'dashboard#issues') do
= link_to assigned_issues_dashboard_path, title: 'Issues', class: 'dashboard-shortcuts-issues' do
= icon('exclamation-circle fw')
= navbar_icon('activity')
= nav_link(controller: [:groups, 'groups/milestones', 'groups/group_members']) do
= link_to dashboard_groups_path, title: 'Groups' do
......@@ -46,12 +42,10 @@
= nav_link(path: 'dashboard#issues') do
= link_to assigned_issues_dashboard_path, title: 'Issues', class: 'dashboard-shortcuts-issues' do
= navbar_icon('issues')
>>>>>>> Start adding SVG icons
= nav_link(path: 'dashboard#merge_requests') do
= link_to assigned_mrs_dashboard_path, title: 'Merge Requests', class: 'dashboard-shortcuts-merge_requests' do
= icon('tasks fw')
= navbar_icon('mr')
Merge Requests
= nav_link(controller: :snippets) do
......@@ -5,36 +5,36 @@
= nav_link(path: 'groups#show', html_options: {class: 'home'}) do
= link_to group_path(@group), title: 'Home' do
= icon('group fw')
= navbar_icon('group')
= nav_link(path: 'groups#activity') do
= link_to activity_group_path(@group), title: 'Activity' do
= icon('dashboard fw')
= navbar_icon('activity')
= nav_link(controller: [:group, :milestones]) do
= link_to group_milestones_path(@group), title: 'Milestones' do
= icon('clock-o fw')
= navbar_icon('milestones')
= nav_link(path: 'groups#issues') do
= link_to issues_group_path(@group), title: 'Issues' do
= icon('exclamation-circle fw')
= navbar_icon('issues')
- issues =, group_id:, state: 'opened').execute
%span.badge.count= number_with_delimiter(issues.count)
= nav_link(path: 'groups#merge_requests') do
= link_to merge_requests_group_path(@group), title: 'Merge Requests' do
= icon('tasks fw')
= navbar_icon('mr')
Merge Requests
- merge_requests =, group_id:, state: 'opened').execute
%span.badge.count= number_with_delimiter(merge_requests.count)
= nav_link(controller: [:group_members]) do
= link_to group_group_members_path(@group), title: 'Members' do
= icon('users fw')
= navbar_icon('members')
......@@ -24,17 +24,19 @@
= nav_link(path: 'projects#show', html_options: {class: 'home'}) do
= link_to project_path(@project), title: 'Project', class: 'shortcuts-project' do
= icon('bookmark fw')
= navbar_icon('project')
= nav_link(path: 'projects#activity') do
= link_to activity_project_path(@project), title: 'Activity', class: 'shortcuts-project-activity' do
= icon('dashboard fw')
= navbar_icon('activity')
- if project_nav_tab? :files
= nav_link(controller: %w(tree blob blame edit_tree new_tree find_file commit commits compare repositories tags branches releases network)) do
= link_to project_files_path(@project), title: 'Files', class: 'shortcuts-tree' do
= link_to project_files_path(@project), title: 'Code', class: 'shortcuts-tree' do
= icon('code fw')
......@@ -42,7 +44,7 @@
- if project_nav_tab? :pipelines
= nav_link(controller: :pipelines) do
= link_to project_pipelines_path(@project), title: 'Pipelines', class: 'shortcuts-pipelines' do
= icon('ship fw')
= navbar_icon('pipelines')
......@@ -63,14 +65,14 @@
- if project_nav_tab? :milestones
= nav_link(controller: :milestones) do
= link_to namespace_project_milestones_path(@project.namespace, @project), title: 'Milestones' do
= icon('clock-o fw')
= navbar_icon('milestones')
- if project_nav_tab? :issues
= nav_link(controller: :issues) do
= link_to url_for_project_issues(@project, only_path: true), title: 'Issues', class: 'shortcuts-issues' do
= icon('exclamation-circle fw')
= navbar_icon('issues')
- if @project.default_issues_tracker?
......@@ -79,7 +81,7 @@
- if project_nav_tab? :merge_requests
= nav_link(controller: :merge_requests) do
= link_to namespace_project_merge_requests_path(@project.namespace, @project), title: 'Merge Requests', class: 'shortcuts-merge_requests' do
= icon('tasks fw')
= navbar_icon('mr')
Merge Requests
%span.badge.count.merge_counter= number_with_delimiter(@project.merge_requests.opened.count)
......@@ -94,7 +96,7 @@
- if project_nav_tab? :wiki
= nav_link(controller: :wikis) do
= link_to get_project_wiki_path(@project), title: 'Wiki', class: 'shortcuts-wiki' do
= icon('book fw')
= navbar_icon('wiki')
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