Commit 532202a5 authored by Robert Speicher's avatar Robert Speicher

Merge branch 'fix-project-destroy-skip-repo' into 'master'

Fix skip_repo parameter being ignored when destroying a namespace

When destroying a namespace, the `skip_repo` parameter is supposed to prevent the repository directory from being destroyed and allow
the namespace after_destroy hook to run. If the namespace fails to be deleted for some reason, we could be left with repositories that are deleted with existing projects.

See merge request !5654
parents 8890376f 443ae8c4
......@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ v 8.11.0 (unreleased)
- Add commit stats in commit api. !5517 (dixpac)
- Add CI configuration button on project page
- Make error pages responsive (Takuya Noguchi)
- Fix skip_repo parameter being ignored when destroying a namespace
- Change requests_profiles resource constraint to catch virtually any file
- Reduce number of queries made for merge_requests/:id/diffs
- Sensible state specific default sort order for issues and merge requests !5453 (tomb0y)
......@@ -12,6 +12,6 @@ class ProjectDestroyWorker
user = User.find(user_id), user, params).execute, user, params.symbolize_keys).execute
require 'spec_helper'
describe ProjectDestroyWorker do
let(:project) { create(:project) }
let(:path) { project.repository.path_to_repo }
subject { }
describe "#perform" do
it "deletes the project" do
subject.perform(, project.owner, {})
expect(Project.all).not_to include(project)
expect(Dir.exist?(path)).to be_falsey
it "deletes the project but skips repo deletion" do
subject.perform(, project.owner, { "skip_repo" => true })
expect(Project.all).not_to include(project)
expect(Dir.exist?(path)).to be_truthy
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