scope:order_closest_future_date,->{reorder(Arel.sql('CASE WHEN issues.due_date >= CURRENT_DATE THEN 0 ELSE 1 END ASC, ABS(CURRENT_DATE - issues.due_date) ASC'))}
@@ -24045,9 +24045,7 @@ CREATE INDEX idx_issues_on_project_id_and_created_at_and_id_and_state_id ON issu
CREATE INDEX idx_issues_on_project_id_and_due_date_and_id_and_state_id ON issues USING btree (project_id, due_date, id, state_id) WHERE (due_date IS NOT NULL);
CREATE INDEX idx_issues_on_project_id_and_rel_asc_and_id ON issues USING btree (project_id, relative_position, id);
CREATE INDEX idx_issues_on_project_id_and_rel_position_and_state_id_and_id ON issues USING btree (project_id, relative_position, state_id, id DESC);
CREATE INDEX idx_issues_on_project_id_and_rel_position_and_id_and_state_id ON issues USING btree (project_id, relative_position, id, state_id);
CREATE INDEX idx_issues_on_project_id_and_updated_at_and_id_and_state_id ON issues USING btree (project_id, updated_at, id, state_id);
The default colors and limits for the badge are as follows:
- 95 up to and including 100% - good (`#4c1`)
- 90 up to 95% - acceptable (`#a3c51c`)
- 75 up to 90% - medium (`#dfb317`)
- 0 up to 75% - low (`#e05d44`)
- no coverage - unknown (`#9f9f9f`)
*Up to* means up to, but not including, the upper bound.
You can overwrite the limits by using the following additional parameters ([Introduced]( in GitLab 14.4):
-`min_good` (default 95, can use any value between 3 and 100)
-`min_acceptable` (default 90, can use any value between 2 and min_good-1)
-`min_medium` (default 75, can use any value between 1 and min_acceptable-1)
If an invalid boundary is set, GitLab automatically adjusts it to be valid. For example,
if `min_good` is set `80`, and `min_acceptable` is set to `85` (too high), GitLab automatically
sets `min_acceptable` to `79` (`min_good` - `1`).
### Badge styles
Pipeline badges can be rendered in different styles by adding the `style=style_name` parameter to the URL. Two styles are available: