Commit 56b6ef9e authored by Daniel Paul Searles's avatar Daniel Paul Searles Committed by Russell Dickenson

Update go docs to suggest usage of go-cmp

parent 26397c2b
......@@ -450,6 +450,78 @@ The conventional Secure [analyzer](
If the scanner report is small, less than 35 lines, then feel free to [inline the report]( rather than use a `testdata` directory.
#### Test Diffs
The [go-cmp]<> package should be used when comparing large structs in tests. It makes it possible to output a specific diff where the two structs differ, rather than seeing the whole of both structs printed out in the test logs. Here is a small example:
package main
import (
type Foo struct {
Desc Bar
Point Baz
type Bar struct {
A string
B string
type Baz struct {
X int
Y int
func TestHelloWorld(t *testing.T) {
want := Foo{
Desc: Bar{A: "a", B: "b"},
Point: Baz{X: 1, Y: 2},
got := Foo{
Desc: Bar{A: "a", B: "b"},
Point: Baz{X: 2, Y: 2},
t.Log("reflect comparison:")
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
t.Errorf("Wrong result. want:\n%v\nGot:\n%v", want, got)
t.Log("cmp comparison:")
if diff := cmp.Diff(want, got); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("Wrong result. (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
The output demonstrates why `go-cmp` is far superior when comparing large structs. Even though you could spot the difference with this small difference, it quickly gets unwieldy as the data grows.
main_test.go:36: reflect comparison:
main_test.go:38: Wrong result. want:
{{a b} {1 2}}
{{a b} {2 2}}
main_test.go:41: cmp comparison:
main_test.go:43: Wrong result. (-want +got):
Desc: {A: "a", B: "b"},
Point: main.Baz{
- X: 1,
+ X: 2,
Y: 2,
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