| [Burndown Charts](user/project/milestones/burndown_charts.md)**(STARTER)** | Watch your project's progress throughout a specific milestone. |
| [Discussions](user/discussions/index.md) | Threads, comments, and resolvable threads in issues, commits, and merge requests. |
| [Discussions](user/discussions/index.md) | Threads, comments, and resolvable threads in issues, commits, and merge requests. |
| [Due Dates](user/project/issues/due_dates.md) | Keep track of issue deadlines. |
| [Epics](user/group/epics/index.md)**(ULTIMATE)** | Tracking groups of issues that share a theme. |
| [Issues](user/project/issues/index.md), including [confidential issues](user/project/issues/confidential_issues.md),<br/>[issue and merge request templates](user/project/description_templates.md),<br/>and [moving issues](user/project/issues/managing_issues.md#moving-issues) | Project issues and restricting access to issues as well as creating templates for submitting new issues and merge requests. Also, moving issues between projects. |
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ GitLab has supported LDAP integration since [version 2.2](https://about.gitlab.c
### Choosing an LDAP Server
The main reason organizations choose to utilize a LDAP server is to keep the entire organization's user base consolidated into a central repository. Users can access multiple applications and systems across the IT environment using a single login. Because LDAP is an open, vendor-neutral, industry standard application protocol, the number of applications using LDAP authentication continues to increase.
The main reason organizations choose to utilize a LDAP server is to keep the entire organization's user base consolidated into a central repository. Users can access multiple applications and systems across the IT environment using a single login. Because LDAP is an open, vendor-neutral, industry standard application protocol, the number of applications using LDAP authentication continues to increase.
There are many commercial and open source [directory servers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Directory_service#LDAP_implementations) that support the LDAP protocol. Deciding on the right directory server highly depends on the existing IT environment in which the server will be integrated with.
@@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ For example, [Active Directory](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versio
We won't cover the installation and configuration of Windows Server or Active Directory Domain Services in this tutorial. There are a number of resources online to guide you through this process:
- Install Windows Server 2012 - (`technet.microsoft.com`) - [Installing Windows Server 2012](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/it-pro/windows-server-2012-R2-and-2012/jj134246(v=ws.11))
- Install Windows Server 2012 - (`technet.microsoft.com`) - [Installing Windows Server 2012](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/it-pro/windows-server-2012-R2-and-2012/jj134246(v=ws.11))
- Install Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) (`technet.microsoft.com`)- [Install Active Directory Domain Services](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/identity/ad-ds/deploy/install-active-directory-domain-services--level-100-#BKMK_PS)
- Install Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) (`technet.microsoft.com`)- [Install Active Directory Domain Services](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/identity/ad-ds/deploy/install-active-directory-domain-services--level-100-#BKMK_PS)
> **Shortcut:** You can quickly install AD DS via PowerShell using
- Ensure that you entered the `external_url` or `gitlab_rails['geo_node_name']` when adding the secondary node in the admin are of the **primary** node.
- Prior to GitLab 12.4, edit the secondary node in the Admin Area of the **primary** node and ensure that there is a trailing `/` in the `Name` field.
1. Check returns Exception: PG::UndefinedTable: ERROR: relation "geo_nodes" does not exist
1. Check returns `Exception: PG::UndefinedTable: ERROR: relation "geo_nodes" does not exist`
@@ -777,7 +777,7 @@ two checks. The result of both of these checks is cached.
see if we can access filesystem underneath the Gitaly server
directly. If so, use the Rugged patch.
To see if GitLab Rails can access the repo filesystem directly, we use
To see if GitLab Rails can access the repo filesystem directly, we use
the following heuristic:
- Gitaly ensures that the filesystem has a metadata file in its root
@@ -1010,7 +1010,7 @@ unset https_proxy
When updating the `gitaly['listen_addr']` or `gitaly['prometheus_listen_addr']` values, Gitaly may continue to listen on the old address after a `sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure`.
When this occurs, performing a `sudo gitlab-ctl restart` will resolve the issue. This will no longer be necessary after [this issue](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitaly/issues/2521) is resolved.
When this occurs, performing a `sudo gitlab-ctl restart` will resolve the issue. This will no longer be necessary after [this issue](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitaly/issues/2521) is resolved.
@@ -307,4 +307,4 @@ has number of drawbacks, as mentioned in [Why Ruby’s Timeout is dangerous (and
> - while creating an object to save to the database afterwards
> - in any of your code, regardless of whether it could have possibly raised an exception before
> Nobody writes code to defend against an exception being raised on literally any line. That’s not even possible. So Thread.raise is basically like a sneak attack on your code that could result in almost anything. It would probably be okay if it were pure-functional code that did not modify any state. But this is Ruby, so that’s unlikely :)
> Nobody writes code to defend against an exception being raised on literally any line. That’s not even possible. So Thread.raise is basically like a sneak attack on your code that could result in almost anything. It would probably be okay if it were pure-functional code that did not modify any state. But this is Ruby, so that’s unlikely :)
@@ -658,7 +658,7 @@ Send IRC messages, on update, to a list of recipients through an Irker gateway.
Set Irker (IRC gateway) service for a project.
> NOTE: Irker does NOT have built-in authentication, which makes it vulnerable to spamming IRC channels if it is hosted outside of a firewall. Please make sure you run the daemon within a secured network to prevent abuse. For more details, read: <http://www.catb.org/~esr/irker/security.html>.
> NOTE: Irker does NOT have built-in authentication, which makes it vulnerable to spamming IRC channels if it is hosted outside of a firewall. Please make sure you run the daemon within a secured network to prevent abuse. For more details, read: <http://www.catb.org/~esr/irker/security.html>.
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ are listed in the descriptions of the relevant settings.
| `external_auth_client_key_pass` | string | no | Passphrase to use for the private key when authenticating with the external service this is encrypted when stored |
| `external_auth_client_key` | string | required by: `external_auth_client_cert` | Private key for the certificate when authentication is required for the external authorization service, this is encrypted when stored |
| `external_authorization_service_default_label` | string | required by: `external_authorization_service_enabled` | The default classification label to use when requesting authorization and no classification label has been specified on the project |
| `external_authorization_service_enabled` | boolean | no | (**If enabled, requires:**`external_authorization_service_default_label`, `external_authorization_service_timeout` and `external_authorization_service_url` ) Enable using an external authorization service for accessing projects |
| `external_authorization_service_enabled` | boolean | no | (**If enabled, requires:**`external_authorization_service_default_label`, `external_authorization_service_timeout` and `external_authorization_service_url`) Enable using an external authorization service for accessing projects |
| `external_authorization_service_timeout` | float | required by: `external_authorization_service_enabled` | The timeout after which an authorization request is aborted, in seconds. When a request times out, access is denied to the user. (min: 0.001, max: 10, step: 0.001) |
| `external_authorization_service_url` | string | required by: `external_authorization_service_enabled` | URL to which authorization requests will be directed |
| `file_template_project_id` | integer | no | **(PREMIUM)** The ID of a project to load custom file templates from |
This will make sure we have all requirements ready. Next, we want to run `composer install` to fetch all PHP dependencies and `npm install` to load Node.js packages, then run the `npm` script. We need to append them into `before_script` section:
This will make sure we have all requirements ready. Next, we want to run `composer install` to fetch all PHP dependencies and `npm install` to load Node.js packages, then run the `npm` script. We need to append them into `before_script` section:
@@ -455,7 +455,7 @@ helped us with overall code quality (using delegation, `&.` those
types of things), and making the code more robust.
**["Support multiple assignees for merge requests"](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/10161)**:
A good example of collaboration on an MR touching multiple parts of the codebase. Nick pointed out interesting edge cases, James Lopes also joined in raising concerns on import/export feature.
A good example of collaboration on an MR touching multiple parts of the codebase. Nick pointed out interesting edge cases, James Lopes also joined in raising concerns on import/export feature.
@@ -185,6 +185,6 @@ NOTE: **Note:** Keep in mind that all runtimes should be measured against GitLab
| Migration Type | Execution Time Recommended | Notes |
| Regular migrations on `db/migrate` | `3 minutes` | A valid exception are index creation as this can take a long time. |
| Regular migrations on `db/migrate` | `3 minutes` | A valid exception are index creation as this can take a long time. |
| Post migrations on `db/post_migrate` | `10 minutes` | |
| Background migrations | --- | Since these are suitable for larger tables, it's not possible to set a precise timing guideline, however, any single query must stay below `1 second` execution time with cold caches. |
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ You can find more about the organization of the frontend team in the [handbook](
## Development Checklist
The idea is to remind us about specific topics during the time we build a new feature or start something. This is a common practice in other industries (like pilots) that also use standardised checklists to reduce problems early on.
The idea is to remind us about specific topics during the time we build a new feature or start something. This is a common practice in other industries (like pilots) that also use standardised checklists to reduce problems early on.
Copy the content over to your issue or merge request and if something doesn't apply simply remove it from your current list.
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ But if the login feature is already covered with end-to-end tests through the GU
Let's say that, on average, the process to perform a successful login through the GUI takes 2 seconds.
Now, realize that almost all tests need the user to be logged in, and that we need every test to run in isolation, meaning that tests cannot interfere with each other. This would mean that for every test the user needs to log in, and "waste 2 seconds".
Now, realize that almost all tests need the user to be logged in, and that we need every test to run in isolation, meaning that tests cannot interfere with each other. This would mean that for every test the user needs to log in, and "waste 2 seconds".
Now, multiply the number of tests per 2 seconds, and as your test suite grows, the time to run it grows with it, and this is not sustainable.
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Sometimes you may notice that there is already good coverage in lower test level
- Take a look at the [How to test at the correct level?](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/blob/master/doc/development/testing_guide/testing_levels.md#how-to-test-at-the-correct-level) section of the [Testing levels](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/blob/master/doc/development/testing_guide/testing_levels.md) document
- Look into the frequency in which such a feature is changed (_Stable features that don't change very often might not be worth covering with end-to-end tests if they're already covered in lower levels_)
- Look into the frequency in which such a feature is changed (_Stable features that don't change very often might not be worth covering with end-to-end tests if they're already covered in lower levels_)
- Finally, discuss with the developer(s) involved in developing the feature and the tests themselves, to get their feeling
If you want to use HTTPS, see [Using HTTPS](#using-https) for the additional steps.
NOTE: **Note:**
Make sure your hostname can be resolved on the machine itself by either a proper DNS record or an additional line in `/etc/hosts` (" hostname"). This might be necessary, for example, if you set up GitLab behind a reverse proxy. If the hostname cannot be resolved, the final installation check will fail with `Check GitLab API access: FAILED. code: 401` and pushing commits will be rejected with `[remote rejected] master -> master (hook declined)`.
Make sure your hostname can be resolved on the machine itself by either a proper DNS record or an additional line in `/etc/hosts` (" hostname"). This might be necessary, for example, if you set up GitLab behind a reverse proxy. If the hostname cannot be resolved, the final installation check will fail with `Check GitLab API access: FAILED. code: 401` and pushing commits will be rejected with `[remote rejected] master -> master (hook declined)`.
NOTE: **Note:**
GitLab Shell application startup time can be greatly reduced by disabling RubyGems. This can be done in several ways:
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ The **GitLab for Jira** App is only compatible with GitLab.com **and** Jira Clou
1. After installing, click **Get started** to go to the configurations page. This page is always available under **Jira Settings > Apps > Manage apps**.

1. Enter the group or personal namespace in the **Namespace** field and click **Link namespace to Jira**. Make sure you are logged in on GitLab.com and the namespace has a Silver or above license. The user setting up _GitLab for Jira_ must have **Maintainer** access to the GitLab namespace.
1. Enter the group or personal namespace in the **Namespace** field and click **Link namespace to Jira**. Make sure you are logged in on GitLab.com and the namespace has a Silver or above license. The user setting up _GitLab for Jira_ must have **Maintainer** access to the GitLab namespace.
NOTE: **Note:**
The GitLab user only needs access when adding a new namespace. For syncing with Jira, we do not depend on the user's token.
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ In this case, enable cross-site cookies in your browser.
## Usage
Once the integration is set up on GitLab and Jira you may refer any Jira issue by its ID in branch names, commit messages and merge request titles on GitLab's side,
Once the integration is set up on GitLab and Jira you may refer any Jira issue by its ID in branch names, commit messages and merge request titles on GitLab's side,
and you will be able to see the linked `branches`, `commits`, and `merge requests` when entering a Jira issue
(inside the Jira issue, merge requests will be called "pull requests").
| .NET | [Nuget](https://www.nuget.org/)(.NET Framework is supported via the [mono project](https://www.mono-project.com/). Windows specific dependencies are not supported at this time.) |[License Finder](https://github.com/pivotal/LicenseFinder)|
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ Variables for Prometheus queries must be lowercase.
There are 2 methods to specify a variable in a query or dashboard:
1. Variables can be specified using the [Liquid template format](https://help.shopify.com/en/themes/liquid/basics), for example `{{ci_environment_slug}}` ([added](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/20793) in GitLab 12.6).
1. You can also enclose it in quotation marks with curly braces with a leading percent, for example `"%{ci_environment_slug}"`. This method is deprecated though and support will be [removed in the next major release](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/issues/37990).
1. You can also enclose it in quotation marks with curly braces with a leading percent, for example `"%{ci_environment_slug}"`. This method is deprecated though and support will be [removed in the next major release](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/issues/37990).