Commit 5a9ccb2e authored by Lakshit's avatar Lakshit

Apply gl-button class to projects/graphs

parent ac1f366c
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
= (_("Code coverage statistics for master %{start_date} - %{end_date}") % {start_date: start_date, end_date: end_date})
- download_path = capture do
%a.btn.btn-sm{ href: "#{download_path}?#{@daily_coverage_options[:base_params].to_query}" }{ href: "#{download_path}?#{@daily_coverage_options[:base_params].to_query}" }
= _("Download raw data (.csv)")
#js-code-coverage-chart{ data: { graph_endpoint: "#{@daily_coverage_options[:graph_api_path]}?#{@daily_coverage_options[:base_params].to_query}" } }
......@@ -3,6 +3,6 @@
= render 'shared/ref_switcher', destination: 'graphs'
= link_to s_('Commits|History'), project_commits_path(@project, current_ref), class: 'btn'
= link_to s_('Commits|History'), project_commits_path(@project, current_ref), class: 'btn gl-button'
.js-contributors-graph{ class: container_class, 'data-project-graph-path': project_graph_path(@project, current_ref, format: :json),'data-project-branch': current_ref }
title: Apply GitLab UI button styles to buttons in app/views/projects/graphs directory
merge_request: 44295
author: Lakshit
type: other
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