Commit 5e0a6d9c authored by peterhegman's avatar peterhegman

Fix broadcast messages button alignment

When a broadcast message was really long it caused the edit/delete
buttons to have incorrect alignment.
parent 40d009e9
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
- if @broadcast_messages.any?
%th Status
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
= message.target_path
= message.broadcast_type.capitalize
= link_to sprite_icon('pencil-square'), edit_admin_broadcast_message_path(message), title: 'Edit', class: 'btn'
= link_to sprite_icon('remove'), admin_broadcast_message_path(message), method: :delete, remote: true, title: 'Remove', class: 'js-remove-tr btn btn-danger'
title: Fix "Broadcast Messages" table overflow and button alignment
merge_request: 32801
type: fixed
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