Commit 5f09bb05 authored by Dmitriy Zaporozhets's avatar Dmitriy Zaporozhets

Merge branch 'ce-to-ee-2018-09-19' into 'master'

CE upstream - 2018-09-19 12:23 UTC

See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab-ee!7412
parents 8b046005 111924cc
import './autosize';
import './bind_in_out';
import './markdown/render_gfm';
import initGFMInput from './markdown/gfm_auto_complete';
import initCopyAsGFM from './markdown/copy_as_gfm';
import initCopyToClipboard from './copy_to_clipboard';
import './details_behavior';
import installGlEmojiElement from './gl_emoji';
import './quick_submit';
import './requires_input';
import initPageShortcuts from './shortcuts';
import './toggler_behavior';
import '../preview_markdown';
import './preview_markdown';
import $ from 'jquery';
import { convertPermissionToBoolean } from '~/lib/utils/common_utils';
import GfmAutoComplete from '~/gfm_auto_complete';
export default function initGFMInput() {
$('.js-gfm-input:not(.js-vue-textarea)').each((i, el) => {
const gfm = new GfmAutoComplete(gl.GfmAutoComplete && gl.GfmAutoComplete.dataSources);
const enableGFM = convertPermissionToBoolean(el.dataset.supportsAutocomplete);
gfm.setup($(el), {
emojis: true,
members: enableGFM,
issues: enableGFM,
milestones: enableGFM,
mergeRequests: enableGFM,
labels: enableGFM,
/* eslint-disable consistent-return, no-new */
import Shortcuts from './shortcuts/shortcuts';
import $ from 'jquery';
import GfmAutoComplete from './gfm_auto_complete';
import { convertPermissionToBoolean } from './lib/utils/common_utils';
import GlFieldErrors from './gl_field_errors';
import Shortcuts from './shortcuts';
import SearchAutocomplete from './search_autocomplete';
import performanceBar from './performance_bar';
function initSearch() {
// Only when search form is present
if ($('.search').length) {
return new SearchAutocomplete();
function initFieldErrors() {
$('.gl-show-field-errors').each((i, form) => {
new GlFieldErrors(form);
function initPageShortcuts(page) {
export default function initPageShortcuts() {
const { page } = document.body.dataset;
const pagesWithCustomShortcuts = [
......@@ -46,44 +26,10 @@ function initPageShortcuts(page) {
if (pagesWithCustomShortcuts.indexOf(page) === -1) {
new Shortcuts();
function initGFMInput() {
$('.js-gfm-input:not(.js-vue-textarea)').each((i, el) => {
const gfm = new GfmAutoComplete(
gl.GfmAutoComplete && gl.GfmAutoComplete.dataSources,
const enableGFM = convertPermissionToBoolean(
gfm.setup($(el), {
emojis: true,
members: enableGFM,
issues: enableGFM,
milestones: enableGFM,
mergeRequests: enableGFM,
labels: enableGFM,
function initPerformanceBar() {
if (document.querySelector('#js-peek')) {
performanceBar({ container: '#js-peek' });
// the pages above have their own shortcuts sub-classes instantiated elsewhere
// TODO: replace this whitelist with something more automated/maintainable
if (page && !pagesWithCustomShortcuts.includes(page)) {
return new Shortcuts();
return false;
export default () => {
const page = $('body').attr('data-page');
if (page) {
import $ from 'jquery';
import Cookies from 'js-cookie';
import Mousetrap from 'mousetrap';
import axios from './lib/utils/axios_utils';
import { refreshCurrentPage, visitUrl } from './lib/utils/url_utility';
import findAndFollowLink from './shortcuts_dashboard_navigation';
import axios from '../../lib/utils/axios_utils';
import { refreshCurrentPage, visitUrl } from '../../lib/utils/url_utility';
import findAndFollowLink from '../../lib/utils/navigation_utility';
const defaultStopCallback = Mousetrap.stopCallback;
Mousetrap.stopCallback = (e, element, combo) => {
import Mousetrap from 'mousetrap';
import { getLocationHash, visitUrl } from './lib/utils/url_utility';
import { getLocationHash, visitUrl } from '../../lib/utils/url_utility';
import Shortcuts from './shortcuts';
const defaults = {
import $ from 'jquery';
import Mousetrap from 'mousetrap';
import _ from 'underscore';
import Sidebar from './right_sidebar';
import Sidebar from '../../right_sidebar';
import Shortcuts from './shortcuts';
import { CopyAsGFM } from './behaviors/markdown/copy_as_gfm';
import { CopyAsGFM } from '../markdown/copy_as_gfm';
export default class ShortcutsIssuable extends Shortcuts {
constructor(isMergeRequest) {
import Mousetrap from 'mousetrap';
import findAndFollowLink from './shortcuts_dashboard_navigation';
import findAndFollowLink from '../../lib/utils/navigation_utility';
import Shortcuts from './shortcuts';
export default class ShortcutsNavigation extends Shortcuts {
import Mousetrap from 'mousetrap';
import ShortcutsNavigation from './shortcuts_navigation';
import findAndFollowLink from './shortcuts_dashboard_navigation';
import findAndFollowLink from '../../lib/utils/navigation_utility';
export default class ShortcutsWiki extends ShortcutsNavigation {
constructor() {
......@@ -14,10 +14,10 @@ import 'core-js/es6/map';
import 'core-js/es6/weak-map';
// Browser polyfills
import 'classlist-polyfill';
import 'formdata-polyfill';
import './polyfills/custom_event';
import './polyfills/element';
import './polyfills/event';
import './polyfills/nodelist';
import './polyfills/request_idle_callback';
import './polyfills/svg';
Element.prototype.closest = Element.prototype.closest ||
// polyfill Element.classList and DOMTokenList with classList.js
import 'classlist-polyfill';
Element.prototype.closest =
Element.prototype.closest ||
function closest(selector, selectedElement = this) {
if (!selectedElement) return null;
return selectedElement.matches(selector) ?
selectedElement :
Element.prototype.closest(selector, selectedElement.parentElement);
return selectedElement.matches(selector)
? selectedElement
: Element.prototype.closest(selector, selectedElement.parentElement);
Element.prototype.matches = Element.prototype.matches ||
Element.prototype.matches =
Element.prototype.matches ||
Element.prototype.matchesSelector ||
Element.prototype.mozMatchesSelector ||
Element.prototype.msMatchesSelector ||
......@@ -15,13 +20,15 @@ Element.prototype.matches = Element.prototype.matches ||
function matches(selector) {
const elms = (this.document || this.ownerDocument).querySelectorAll(selector);
let i = elms.length - 1;
while (i >= 0 && elms.item(i) !== this) { i -= 1; }
while (i >= 0 && elms.item(i) !== this) {
i -= 1;
return i > -1;
// From the polyfill on MDN,
((arr) => {
arr.forEach((item) => {
(arr => {
arr.forEach(item => {
if (, 'remove')) {
import svg4everybody from 'svg4everybody';
// polyfill support for external SVG file references via <use xlink:href>
// @see
import $ from 'jquery';
import Dropzone from 'dropzone';
import _ from 'underscore';
import './preview_markdown';
import './behaviors/preview_markdown';
import csrf from './lib/utils/csrf';
import axios from './lib/utils/axios_utils';
import { visitUrl } from './lib/utils/url_utility';
import { visitUrl } from './url_utility';
* Helper function that finds the href of the fiven selector and updates the location.
......@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
import jQuery from 'jquery';
import Cookies from 'js-cookie';
import svg4everybody from 'svg4everybody';
// bootstrap webpack, common libs, polyfills, and behaviors
import './webpack';
......@@ -25,11 +24,12 @@ import initLayoutNav from './layout_nav';
import './feature_highlight/feature_highlight_options';
import LazyLoader from './lazy_loader';
import initLogoAnimation from './logo';
import './milestone_select';
import './frequent_items';
import initBreadcrumbs from './breadcrumb';
import initDispatcher from './dispatcher';
import initUsagePingConsent from './usage_ping_consent';
import initPerformanceBar from './performance_bar';
import initSearchAutocomplete from './search_autocomplete';
import GlFieldErrors from './gl_field_errors';
// EE-only scripts
import 'ee/main'; // eslint-disable-line import/first
......@@ -44,8 +44,6 @@ if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' && gon && gon.test_env) {
import(/* webpackMode: "eager" */ './test_utils/');
document.addEventListener('beforeunload', () => {
// Unbind scroll events
......@@ -84,6 +82,9 @@ document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
if (document.querySelector('.search')) initSearchAutocomplete();
if (document.querySelector('#js-peek')) initPerformanceBar({ container: '#js-peek' });
// Set the default path for all cookies to GitLab's root directory
Cookies.defaults.path = gon.relative_url_root || '/';
......@@ -273,5 +274,6 @@ document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
// initialize field errors
$('.gl-show-field-errors').each((i, form) => new GlFieldErrors(form));
import UsersSelect from '~/users_select';
import ShortcutsNavigation from '~/shortcuts_navigation';
import ShortcutsNavigation from '~/behaviors/shortcuts/shortcuts_navigation';
import initBoards from '~/boards';
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import NewGroupChild from '~/groups/new_group_child';
import notificationsDropdown from '~/notifications_dropdown';
import NotificationsForm from '~/notifications_form';
import ProjectsList from '~/projects_list';
import ShortcutsNavigation from '~/shortcuts_navigation';
import ShortcutsNavigation from '~/behaviors/shortcuts/shortcuts_navigation';
import GroupTabs from './group_tabs';
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
import Activities from '~/activities';
import ShortcutsNavigation from '~/shortcuts_navigation';
import ShortcutsNavigation from '~/behaviors/shortcuts/shortcuts_navigation';
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
new Activities(); // eslint-disable-line no-new
import BuildArtifacts from '~/build_artifacts';
import ShortcutsNavigation from '~/shortcuts_navigation';
import ShortcutsNavigation from '~/behaviors/shortcuts/shortcuts_navigation';
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
new ShortcutsNavigation(); // eslint-disable-line no-new
import BlobViewer from '~/blob/viewer/index';
import ShortcutsNavigation from '~/shortcuts_navigation';
import ShortcutsNavigation from '~/behaviors/shortcuts/shortcuts_navigation';
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
new ShortcutsNavigation(); // eslint-disable-line no-new
import UsersSelect from '~/users_select';
import ShortcutsNavigation from '~/shortcuts_navigation';
import ShortcutsNavigation from '~/behaviors/shortcuts/shortcuts_navigation';
import initBoards from '~/boards';
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
import $ from 'jquery';
import Diff from '~/diff';
import ZenMode from '~/zen_mode';
import ShortcutsNavigation from '~/shortcuts_navigation';
import ShortcutsNavigation from '~/behaviors/shortcuts/shortcuts_navigation';
import MiniPipelineGraph from '~/mini_pipeline_graph_dropdown';
import initNotes from '~/init_notes';
import initChangesDropdown from '~/init_changes_dropdown';
import CommitsList from '~/commits';
import GpgBadges from '~/gpg_badges';
import ShortcutsNavigation from '~/shortcuts_navigation';
import ShortcutsNavigation from '~/behaviors/shortcuts/shortcuts_navigation';
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
new CommitsList(document.querySelector('.js-project-commits-show').dataset.commitsLimit); // eslint-disable-line no-new
import $ from 'jquery';
import ProjectFindFile from '~/project_find_file';
import ShortcutsFindFile from '~/shortcuts_find_file';
import ShortcutsFindFile from '~/behaviors/shortcuts/shortcuts_find_file';
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
const findElement = document.querySelector('.js-file-finder');
import initDismissableCallout from '~/dismissable_callout';
import initGkeDropdowns from '~/projects/gke_cluster_dropdowns';
import Project from './project';
import ShortcutsNavigation from '../../shortcuts_navigation';
import ShortcutsNavigation from '../../behaviors/shortcuts/shortcuts_navigation';
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
const { page } = document.body.dataset;
import LineHighlighter from '~/line_highlighter';
import BlobLinePermalinkUpdater from '~/blob/blob_line_permalink_updater';
import ShortcutsNavigation from '~/shortcuts_navigation';
import ShortcutsBlob from '~/shortcuts_blob';
import ShortcutsNavigation from '~/behaviors/shortcuts/shortcuts_navigation';
import ShortcutsBlob from '~/behaviors/shortcuts/shortcuts_blob';
import BlobForkSuggestion from '~/blob/blob_fork_suggestion';
import initBlobBundle from '~/blob_edit/blob_bundle';
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import GLForm from '~/gl_form';
import IssuableForm from '~/issuable_form';
import LabelsSelect from '~/labels_select';
import MilestoneSelect from '~/milestone_select';
import ShortcutsNavigation from '~/shortcuts_navigation';
import ShortcutsNavigation from '~/behaviors/shortcuts/shortcuts_navigation';
import IssuableTemplateSelectors from '~/templates/issuable_template_selectors';
import WeightSelect from 'ee/weight_select';
/* eslint-disable no-new */
import IssuableIndex from '~/issuable_index';
import ShortcutsNavigation from '~/shortcuts_navigation';
import ShortcutsNavigation from '~/behaviors/shortcuts/shortcuts_navigation';
import UsersSelect from '~/users_select';
import initFilteredSearch from '~/pages/search/init_filtered_search';
import { FILTERED_SEARCH } from '~/pages/constants';
import initIssuableSidebar from '~/init_issuable_sidebar';
import Issue from '~/issue';
import ShortcutsIssuable from '~/shortcuts_issuable';
import ShortcutsIssuable from '~/behaviors/shortcuts/shortcuts_issuable';
import ZenMode from '~/zen_mode';
import '~/notes/index';
import '~/issue_show/index';
import IssuableIndex from '~/issuable_index';
import ShortcutsNavigation from '~/shortcuts_navigation';
import ShortcutsNavigation from '~/behaviors/shortcuts/shortcuts_navigation';
import UsersSelect from '~/users_select';
import initFilteredSearch from '~/pages/search/init_filtered_search';
import IssuableFilteredSearchTokenKeys from '~/filtered_search/issuable_filtered_search_token_keys';
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
import $ from 'jquery';
import Diff from '~/diff';
import ShortcutsNavigation from '~/shortcuts_navigation';
import ShortcutsNavigation from '~/behaviors/shortcuts/shortcuts_navigation';
import GLForm from '~/gl_form';
import IssuableForm from '~/issuable_form';
import LabelsSelect from '~/labels_select';
import ZenMode from '~/zen_mode';
import initIssuableSidebar from '~/init_issuable_sidebar';
import ShortcutsIssuable from '~/shortcuts_issuable';
import ShortcutsIssuable from '~/behaviors/shortcuts/shortcuts_issuable';
import { handleLocationHash } from '~/lib/utils/common_utils';
import howToMerge from '~/how_to_merge';
import initPipelines from '~/commit/pipelines/pipelines_bundle';
import $ from 'jquery';
import ShortcutsNetwork from '../../../../shortcuts_network';
import ShortcutsNetwork from '~/behaviors/shortcuts/shortcuts_network';
import Network from '../network';
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
import $ from 'jquery';
import initBlob from '~/blob_edit/blob_bundle';
import ShortcutsNavigation from '~/shortcuts_navigation';
import ShortcutsNavigation from '~/behaviors/shortcuts/shortcuts_navigation';
import NotificationsForm from '~/notifications_form';
import UserCallout from '~/user_callout';
import TreeView from '~/tree';
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import initBlob from '~/blob_edit/blob_bundle';
import commitPipelineStatus from '~/projects/tree/components/commit_pipeline_status_component.vue';
import GpgBadges from '~/gpg_badges';
import TreeView from '../../../../tree';
import ShortcutsNavigation from '../../../../shortcuts_navigation';
import ShortcutsNavigation from '../../../../behaviors/shortcuts/shortcuts_navigation';
import BlobViewer from '../../../../blob/viewer';
import NewCommitForm from '../../../../new_commit_form';
import { ajaxGet } from '../../../../lib/utils/common_utils';
......@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ import $ from 'jquery';
import Vue from 'vue';
import Translate from '~/vue_shared/translate';
import csrf from '~/lib/utils/csrf';
import ShortcutsWiki from '~/behaviors/shortcuts/shortcuts_wiki';
import Wikis from './wikis';
import ShortcutsWiki from '../../../shortcuts_wiki';
import ZenMode from '../../../zen_mode';
import GLForm from '../../../gl_form';
import deleteWikiModal from './components/delete_wiki_modal.vue';
......@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ function setSearchOptions() {
export default class SearchAutocomplete {
export class SearchAutocomplete {
constructor({ wrap, optsEl, autocompletePath, projectId, projectRef } = {}) {
......@@ -499,3 +499,7 @@ export default class SearchAutocomplete {
this.dropdownMenu.toggleClass('fade-out', !this.isScrolledUp());
export default function initSearchAutocomplete(opts) {
return new SearchAutocomplete(opts);
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
= label_tag :only_protected_branches, _('Only mirror protected branches'), class: 'form-check-label'
= link_to icon('question-circle'), help_page_path('user/project/protected_branches'), target: '_blank'
= f.submit _('Mirror repository'), class: 'btn btn-success', name: :update_remote_mirror
title: Make AutoDevOps work behind proxy
merge_request: 21775
author: Sergej - @kinolaev
type: other
......@@ -44,9 +44,7 @@ describe 'Merge request > User resolves conflicts', :js do
within find('.diff-file', text: 'files/ruby/regex.rb') do
expect(page).to have_selector('', text: "def username_regexp")
expect(page).not_to have_selector('', text: "def username_regex")
expect(page).to have_selector('', text: "def project_name_regexp")
expect(page).not_to have_selector('', text: "def project_name_regex")
expect(page).to have_selector('', text: "def path_regexp")
expect(page).to have_selector('', text: "def archive_formats_regexp")
expect(page).to have_selector('', text: "def git_reference_regexp")
......@@ -110,12 +108,8 @@ describe 'Merge request > User resolves conflicts', :js do
click_link('conflicts', href: %r{/conflicts\Z})
# include_examples "conflicts are resolved in Interactive mode"
# include_examples "conflicts are resolved in Edit inline mode"
it 'prevents RSpec/EmptyExampleGroup' do
include_examples "conflicts are resolved in Interactive mode"
include_examples "conflicts are resolved in Edit inline mode"
context 'in Parallel view mode' do
......@@ -124,12 +118,8 @@ describe 'Merge request > User resolves conflicts', :js do
click_button 'Side-by-side'
# include_examples "conflicts are resolved in Interactive mode"
# include_examples "conflicts are resolved in Edit inline mode"
it 'prevents RSpec/EmptyExampleGroup' do
include_examples "conflicts are resolved in Interactive mode"
include_examples "conflicts are resolved in Edit inline mode"
import $ from 'jquery';
import initCopyAsGFM from '~/behaviors/markdown/copy_as_gfm';
import ShortcutsIssuable from '~/shortcuts_issuable';
import ShortcutsIssuable from '~/behaviors/shortcuts/shortcuts_issuable';
import findAndFollowLink from '~/shortcuts_dashboard_navigation';
import findAndFollowLink from '~/lib/utils/navigation_utility';
describe('findAndFollowLink', () => {
it('visits a link when the selector exists', () => {
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
import $ from 'jquery';
import '~/gl_dropdown';
import SearchAutocomplete from '~/search_autocomplete';
import initSearchAutocomplete from '~/search_autocomplete';
import '~/lib/utils/common_utils';
describe('Search autocomplete dropdown', () => {
......@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ describe('Search autocomplete dropdown', () => {
window.gon.current_user_id = userId;
window.gon.current_username = userName;
return (widget = new SearchAutocomplete());
return (widget = initSearchAutocomplete());
afterEach(function() {
import $ from 'jquery';
import Shortcuts from '~/shortcuts';
import Shortcuts from '~/behaviors/shortcuts/shortcuts';
describe('Shortcuts', () => {
const fixtureName = 'snippets/show.html.raw';
......@@ -635,8 +635,8 @@ rollout 100%:
function install_dependencies() {
apk add -U openssl curl tar gzip bash ca-certificates git
wget -q -O /etc/apk/keys/
curl -L -o /etc/apk/keys/
curl -L -O
apk add glibc-2.28-r0.apk
rm glibc-2.28-r0.apk
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