@@ -9030,6 +9030,7 @@ Represents the total number of issues and their weights for a particular day.
@@ -9030,6 +9030,7 @@ Represents the total number of issues and their weights for a particular day.
| <a id="cirunnermaximumtimeout"></a>`maximumTimeout` | [`Int`](#int) | Maximum timeout (in seconds) for jobs processed by the runner. |
| <a id="cirunnermaximumtimeout"></a>`maximumTimeout` | [`Int`](#int) | Maximum timeout (in seconds) for jobs processed by the runner. |
| <a id="cirunnerprivateprojectsminutescostfactor"></a>`privateProjectsMinutesCostFactor` | [`Float`](#float) | Private projects' "minutes cost factor" associated with the runner (GitLab.com only). |
| <a id="cirunnerprivateprojectsminutescostfactor"></a>`privateProjectsMinutesCostFactor` | [`Float`](#float) | Private projects' "minutes cost factor" associated with the runner (GitLab.com only). |
| <a id="cirunnerprojectcount"></a>`projectCount` | [`Int`](#int) | Number of projects that the runner is associated with. |
| <a id="cirunnerprojectcount"></a>`projectCount` | [`Int`](#int) | Number of projects that the runner is associated with. |
| <a id="cirunnerprojects"></a>`projects` | [`ProjectConnection`](#projectconnection) | Projects the runner is associated with. For project runners only. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <a id="cirunnerpublicprojectsminutescostfactor"></a>`publicProjectsMinutesCostFactor` | [`Float`](#float) | Public projects' "minutes cost factor" associated with the runner (GitLab.com only). |
| <a id="cirunnerpublicprojectsminutescostfactor"></a>`publicProjectsMinutesCostFactor` | [`Float`](#float) | Public projects' "minutes cost factor" associated with the runner (GitLab.com only). |
| <a id="cirunnerrevision"></a>`revision` | [`String`](#string) | Revision of the runner. |
| <a id="cirunnerrevision"></a>`revision` | [`String`](#string) | Revision of the runner. |
| <a id="cirunnerrununtagged"></a>`runUntagged` | [`Boolean!`](#boolean) | Indicates the runner is able to run untagged jobs. |
| <a id="cirunnerrununtagged"></a>`runUntagged` | [`Boolean!`](#boolean) | Indicates the runner is able to run untagged jobs. |