Commit 632dfa03 authored by Zack Cuddy's avatar Zack Cuddy Committed by Annabel Dunstone Gray

Cleanup container css for Geo Nodes

This mainly goes back to a simple top down flow on the headers
Instead of using floats and fixed margins

Use margin over flex grow

Decouple button and h2
parent 732a3ee8
.geo-admin-container {
.page-title-separator {
margin-top: 10px;
.title-text {
line-height: 34px;
.page-subtitle {
margin-bottom: 24px;
.node-badge {
color: $white-light;
padding: 1px $gl-padding-8;
- page_title _('Geo Designs')
- @content_class = "geo-admin-container"
#js-geo-designs{ data: { "geo-svg-path" => image_path('illustrations/gitlab_geo.svg'),
"issues-svg-path" => image_path('illustrations/issues.svg'),
- page_title 'Geo Nodes'
- @content_class = "geo-admin-container"
= render_enable_hashed_storage_warning
= render_migrate_hashed_storage_warning
%span.title-text.float-left= _("Geo Nodes")
= link_to s_("GeoNodes|New node"), new_admin_geo_node_path, class: 'btn btn-success float-right qa-new-node-link'
= _("Geo Nodes")
= link_to s_("GeoNodes|New node"), new_admin_geo_node_path, class: 'btn btn-success ml-auto qa-new-node-link'
= s_('GeoNodes|With %{geo} you can install a special read-only and replicated instance anywhere. Before you add nodes, follow the %{instructions} in the exact order they appear.').html_safe % { geo: link_to('GitLab Geo', help_page_path('administration/geo/replication/'), target: '_blank'), instructions: link_to('setup instructions', help_page_path('administration/geo/replication/', anchor: 'setup-instructions'), target: '_blank') }
- page_title 'New node'
- @content_class = "geo-admin-container"
- page_title 'Geo Projects'
- @content_class = "geo-admin-container geo-admin-projects"
- @content_class = "geo-admin-projects"
- params[:sync_status] ||= []
- page_title "Geo Settings"
- @content_class = "limit-container-width geo-admin-container geo-admin-settings" unless fluid_layout
- @content_class = "limit-container-width geo-admin-settings" unless fluid_layout
= render_if_exists 'admin/geo/settings/form'
- page_title 'Geo Uploads'
- @content_class = "geo-admin-container geo-admin-uploads"
- @content_class = "geo-admin-uploads"
- params[:sync_status] ||= []
%div{ class: container_class }
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