Commit 6d906d28 authored by Felipe Artur's avatar Felipe Artur

Increase epic max child hierarchy to seven

Increase the number of epics users can
nest under a parent epic from 5 to 7
parent 56b6f594
......@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ New child epics appear at the top of the list of epics in the **Epics and Issues
When you add an epic that's already linked to a parent epic, the link to its current parent is removed.
An epic can have multiple child epics up to the maximum depth of five.
An epic can have multiple child epics up to the maximum depth of seven.
See [Manage multi-level child epics]( for
steps to create, move, reorder, or delete child epics.
......@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ module EE
public_only.or(where(confidential: true, group_id: groups))
def etag_caching_enabled?
title: Increase the Epic Nesting from 5 to 7
merge_request: 49619
type: changed
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
require 'spec_helper'
RSpec.describe 'Epic Issues', :js do
include NestedEpicsHelper
include DragTo
let(:user) { create(:user) }
......@@ -195,13 +196,9 @@ RSpec.describe 'Epic Issues', :js do
context 'when epics are nested too deep' do
let(:epic1) { create(:epic, group: group, parent_id: }
let(:epic2) { create(:epic, group: group, parent_id: }
let(:epic3) { create(:epic, group: group, parent_id: }
let(:epic4) { create(:epic, group: group, parent_id: }
before do
visit group_epic_path(group, epic4)
last_child = add_children_to(epic: epic, count: 6)
visit group_epic_path(group, last_child)
......@@ -215,7 +212,7 @@ RSpec.describe 'Epic Issues', :js do
expect(page).to have_selector('.gl-field-error')
expect(find('.gl-field-error')).to have_text("This epic cannot be added. One or more epics would exceed the maximum depth (5) from its most distant ancestor.")
expect(find('.gl-field-error')).to have_text("This epic cannot be added. One or more epics would exceed the maximum depth (#{Epic::MAX_HIERARCHY_DEPTH}) from its most distant ancestor.")
......@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
require 'spec_helper'
RSpec.describe Epic do
include NestedEpicsHelper
let_it_be(:user) { create(:user) }
let_it_be(:group) { create(:group) }
let(:project) { create(:project, group: group) }
......@@ -185,31 +187,28 @@ RSpec.describe Epic do
it 'returns false when level is too deep' do
epic1 = create(:epic, group: group)
epic2 = create(:epic, group: group, parent: epic1)
epic3 = create(:epic, group: group, parent: epic2)
epic4 = create(:epic, group: group, parent: epic3)
epic5 = create(:epic, group: group, parent: epic4)
epic.parent = epic5
add_parents_to(epic: epic1, count: 6)
epic.parent = epic1
expect(epic.valid_parent?).to be_falsey
context 'when adding an Epic that has existing children' do
let(:parent_epic) { create(:epic, group: group) }
let_it_be(:parent_epic) { create(:epic, group: group) }
let(:epic) { build(:epic, group: group) }
let(:child_epic1) { create(:epic, group: group, parent: epic)}
it 'returns true when total depth after adding will not exceed limit' do
create(:epic, group: group, parent: epic)
epic.parent = parent_epic
expect(epic.valid_parent?).to be_truthy
it 'returns false when total depth after adding would exceed limit' do
child_epic2 = create(:epic, group: group, parent: child_epic1)
child_epic3 = create(:epic, group: group, parent: child_epic2)
create(:epic, group: group, parent: child_epic3)
add_children_to(epic: epic, count: 6)
epic.parent = parent_epic
......@@ -218,8 +217,8 @@ RSpec.describe Epic do
context 'when parent has ancestors and epic has children' do
let(:root_epic) { create(:epic, group: group) }
let(:parent_epic) { create(:epic, group: group, parent: root_epic) }
let_it_be(:root_epic) { create(:epic, group: group) }
let_it_be(:parent_epic) { create(:epic, group: group, parent: root_epic) }
let(:epic) { build(:epic, group: group) }
let(:child_epic1) { create(:epic, group: group, parent: epic)}
......@@ -230,8 +229,8 @@ RSpec.describe Epic do
it 'returns false when total depth after adding would exceed limit' do
root_epic.update(parent: create(:epic, group: group))
create(:epic, group: group, parent: child_epic1)
add_parents_to(epic: root_epic, count: 2)
add_children_to(epic: child_epic1, count: 2)
epic.parent = parent_epic
......@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
require 'spec_helper'
RSpec.describe EpicLinks::CreateService do
include NestedEpicsHelper
describe '#execute' do
let(:group) { create(:group) }
let(:user) { create(:user) }
......@@ -148,34 +150,25 @@ RSpec.describe EpicLinks::CreateService do
context 'when adding to an Epic that is already at maximum depth' do
before do
epic1 = create(:epic, group: group)
epic2 = create(:epic, group: group, parent: epic1)
epic3 = create(:epic, group: group, parent: epic2)
epic4 = create(:epic, group: group, parent: epic3)
epic.update(parent: epic4)
add_parents_to(epic: epic, count: 6)
let(:expected_error) { "This epic cannot be added. One or more epics would exceed the maximum depth (5) from its most distant ancestor." }
let(:expected_error) { "This epic cannot be added. One or more epics would exceed the maximum depth (#{Epic::MAX_HIERARCHY_DEPTH}) from its most distant ancestor." }
let(:expected_code) { 409 }
include_examples 'returns an error'
context 'when total depth after adding would exceed depth limit' do
let(:expected_error) { "This epic cannot be added. One or more epics would exceed the maximum depth (5) from its most distant ancestor." }
let(:expected_error) { "This epic cannot be added. One or more epics would exceed the maximum depth (#{Epic::MAX_HIERARCHY_DEPTH}) from its most distant ancestor." }
let(:expected_code) { 409 }
before do
epic1 = create(:epic, group: group)
add_parents_to(epic: epic, count: 1) # epic is on level 2
epic.update(parent: epic1) # epic is on level 2
# epic_to_add has 3 children (level 4 including epic_to_add)
# that would mean level 6 after relating epic_to_add on epic
epic2 = create(:epic, group: group, parent: epic_to_add)
epic3 = create(:epic, group: group, parent: epic2)
create(:epic, group: group, parent: epic3)
# epic_to_add has 5 children (level 6 including epic_to_add)
# that would mean level 8 after relating epic_to_add on epic
add_children_to(epic: epic_to_add, count: 5)
include_examples 'returns an error'
......@@ -215,15 +208,11 @@ RSpec.describe EpicLinks::CreateService do
context 'when total depth after adding would exceed limit' do
before do
epic1 = create(:epic, group: group)
epic.update(parent: epic1) # epic is on level 2
add_parents_to(epic: epic, count: 1) # epic is on level 2
# epic_to_add has 3 children (level 4 including epic_to_add)
# that would mean level 6 after relating epic_to_add on epic
epic2 = create(:epic, group: group, parent: epic_to_add)
epic3 = create(:epic, group: group, parent: epic2)
create(:epic, group: group, parent: epic3)
# epic_to_add has 5 children (level 6 including epic_to_add)
# that would mean level 8 after relating epic_to_add on epic
add_children_to(epic: epic_to_add, count: 5)
let(:another_epic) { create(:epic) }
# frozen_string_literal: true
module NestedEpicsHelper
def add_parents_to(epic:, count:)
latest = nil
count.times do
latest = create(:epic, group:, parent: latest)
epic.update!(parent: latest)
def add_children_to(epic:, count:)
latest = epic
count.times do
latest = create(:epic, group:, parent: latest)
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