Commit 6f8626de authored by Fatih Acet's avatar Fatih Acet

Escape JavaScript in haml template.

parent b63dc993
......@@ -38,19 +38,19 @@
gl.projectOptions = gl.projectOptions || {};
gl.projectOptions["#{@project.path}"] = {
gl.projectOptions["#{j(@project.path)}"] = {
issuesPath: "#{namespace_project_issues_path(@project.namespace, @project)}",
mrPath: "#{namespace_project_merge_requests_path(@project.namespace, @project)}",
name: "#{}"
name: "#{j(}"
- if @group and @group.path
gl.groupOptions = gl.groupOptions || {};
gl.groupOptions["#{@group.path}"] = {
name: "#{}",
issuesPath: "#{issues_group_path(@group.path)}",
mrPath: "#{merge_requests_group_path(@group.path)}"
gl.groupOptions["#{j(@group.path)}"] = {
name: "#{j(}",
issuesPath: "#{issues_group_path(j(@group.path))}",
mrPath: "#{merge_requests_group_path(j(@group.path))}"
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