@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ There are also [Kubernetes-specific deployment variables](../../user/project/clu
| `CI_ENVIRONMENT_NAME` | 8.15 | all | The name of the environment for this job. Available if [`environment:name`](../yaml/README.md#environmentname) is set. |
| `CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG` | 8.15 | all | The simplified version of the environment name, suitable for inclusion in DNS, URLs, Kubernetes labels, and so on. Available if [`environment:name`](../yaml/README.md#environmentname) is set. The slug is [truncated to 24 characters](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/20941). |
| `CI_ENVIRONMENT_URL` | 9.3 | all | The URL of the environment for this job. Available if [`environment:url`](../yaml/README.md#environmenturl) is set. |
| `CI_ENVIRONMENT_ACTION` | 13.11 | all | The action annotation specified for this job's environment. Available if [`environment:action`](../yaml/README.md#environmentaction) is set. Can be `start`, `prepare`, or `stop`. |
| `CI_HAS_OPEN_REQUIREMENTS` | 13.1 | all | Only available if the pipeline's project has an open [requirement](../../user/project/requirements/index.md). `true` when available. |
| `CI_JOB_ID` | 9.0 | all | The internal ID of the job, unique across all jobs in the GitLab instance. |
| `CI_JOB_IMAGE` | 12.9 | 12.9 | The name of the Docker image running the job. |