Commit 768418d9 authored by derek-knox's avatar derek-knox

Initial identifier instance custom renderer

A custom renderer to ensure the instance use,
not just the identifier definitions are
properly made uneditable.
parent e89b0d15
import renderBlockHtml from './renderers/render_html_block';
import renderKramdownList from './renderers/render_kramdown_list';
import renderKramdownText from './renderers/render_kramdown_text';
import renderIdentifierInstanceText from './renderers/render_identifier_instance_text';
import renderIdentifierParagraph from './renderers/render_identifier_paragraph';
import renderEmbeddedRubyText from './renderers/render_embedded_ruby_text';
import renderFontAwesomeHtmlInline from './renderers/render_font_awesome_html_inline';
......@@ -9,7 +10,7 @@ const htmlInlineRenderers = [renderFontAwesomeHtmlInline];
const htmlBlockRenderers = [renderBlockHtml];
const listRenderers = [renderKramdownList];
const paragraphRenderers = [renderIdentifierParagraph];
const textRenderers = [renderKramdownText, renderEmbeddedRubyText];
const textRenderers = [renderKramdownText, renderEmbeddedRubyText, renderIdentifierInstanceText];
const executeRenderer = (renderers, node, context) => {
const availableRenderer = renderers.find(renderer => renderer.canRender(node, context));
......@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ export const buildUneditableCloseTokens = (token, tagType = TAG_TYPES.block) =>
// Complete helpers (open plus close)
export const buildTextToken = content => buildToken('text', null, { content });
export const buildUneditableTokens = token => {
return [...buildUneditableOpenTokens(token), buildUneditableCloseToken()];
import { buildTextToken, buildUneditableInlineTokens } from './build_uneditable_token';
Use case examples:
- Majority: two bracket pairs, back-to-back, each with content (including spaces)
- `[environment terraform plans][terraform]`
- `[an issue labelled `~"master:broken"`][broken-master-issues]`
- Minority: two bracket pairs the latter being empty or only one pair with content (including spaces)
- `[this link][]`
- `[this link]`
Regexp notes:
- `(?:\[.+?\]){1}`: Always one bracket pair with content (including spaces)
- `(?:\[\]|\[.+?\])?`: Optional second pair that may or may not contain content (including spaces)
- `(?!:)`: Never followed by a `:` which is reserved for identifier definition syntax (`[identifier]: /the-link`)
- Each of the three parts is non-captured, but the match as a whole is captured
const identifierInstanceRegex = /((?:\[.+?\]){1}(?:\[\]|\[.+?\])?(?!:))/g;
const isIdentifierInstance = literal => {
// Reset lastIndex as global flag in regexp are stateful (
identifierInstanceRegex.lastIndex = 0;
return identifierInstanceRegex.test(literal);
const canRender = ({ literal }) => isIdentifierInstance(literal);
const tokenize = text => {
const matches = text.split(identifierInstanceRegex);
const tokens = => {
const token = buildTextToken(match);
return isIdentifierInstance(match) ? buildUneditableInlineTokens(token) : token;
return tokens.flat();
const render = (_, { origin }) => tokenize(origin().content);
export default { canRender, render };
title: Add a custom HTML renderer to the Static Site Editor for markdown identifier instance syntax
merge_request: 36574
type: added
import {
......@@ -19,6 +20,13 @@ import {
} from './mock_data';
describe('Build Uneditable Token renderer helper', () => {
describe('buildTextToken', () => {
it('returns an object literal representing a text token', () => {
const text = originToken.content;
describe('buildUneditableOpenTokens', () => {
it('returns a 2-item array of tokens with the originToken appended to an open token', () => {
const result = buildUneditableOpenTokens(originToken);
......@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ const buildMockUneditableCloseToken = type => {
export const originToken = {
type: 'text',
tagName: null,
content: '{:.no_toc .hidden-md .hidden-lg}',
export const uneditableCloseToken = buildMockUneditableCloseToken('div');
import renderer from '~/vue_shared/components/rich_content_editor/services/renderers/render_identifier_instance_text';
import { buildUneditableInlineTokens } from '~/vue_shared/components/rich_content_editor/services/renderers/build_uneditable_token';
import { buildMockTextNode, normalTextNode } from './mock_data';
const mockTextStart = 'Majority example ';
const mockTextMiddle = '[environment terraform plans][terraform]';
const mockTextEnd = '.';
const identifierInstanceStartTextNode = buildMockTextNode(mockTextStart);
const identifierInstanceEndTextNode = buildMockTextNode(mockTextEnd);
describe('Render Identifier Instance Text renderer', () => {
describe('canRender', () => {
node | target
${normalTextNode} | ${false}
${identifierInstanceStartTextNode} | ${false}
${identifierInstanceEndTextNode} | ${false}
${buildMockTextNode(mockTextMiddle)} | ${true}
${buildMockTextNode('Minority example [environment terraform plans][]')} | ${true}
${buildMockTextNode('Minority example [environment terraform plans]')} | ${true}
'should return $target when the $node validates against identifier instance syntax',
({ node, target }) => {
describe('render', () => {
start | middle | end
${mockTextStart} | ${mockTextMiddle} | ${mockTextEnd}
${mockTextStart} | ${'[environment terraform plans][]'} | ${mockTextEnd}
${mockTextStart} | ${'[environment terraform plans]'} | ${mockTextEnd}
'should return inline editable, uneditable, and editable tokens in sequence',
({ start, middle, end }) => {
const buildMockTextToken = content => ({ type: 'text', tagName: null, content });
const startToken = buildMockTextToken(start);
const middleToken = buildMockTextToken(middle);
const endToken = buildMockTextToken(end);
const content = `${start}${middle}${end}`;
const contentToken = buildMockTextToken(content);
const contentNode = buildMockTextNode(content);
const context = { origin: jest.fn().mockReturnValueOnce(contentToken) };
expect(renderer.render(contentNode, context)).toStrictEqual(
[startToken, buildUneditableInlineTokens(middleToken), endToken].flat(),
Markdown is supported
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