Commit 79930f83 authored by GitLab Bot's avatar GitLab Bot

Automatic merge of gitlab-org/gitlab-ce master

parents 7f105041 132e461d
......@@ -115,15 +115,35 @@ const bindEvents = () => {
const templates = {
rails: {
text: 'Ruby on Rails',
icon: '.template-option svg.icon-rails',
icon: '.template-option .icon-rails',
express: {
text: 'NodeJS Express',
icon: '.template-option svg.icon-node-express',
icon: '.template-option .icon-express',
spring: {
text: 'Spring',
icon: '.template-option svg.icon-java-spring',
icon: '.template-option .icon-spring',
hugo: {
text: 'Pages/Hugo',
icon: '.template-option .icon-hugo',
jekyll: {
text: 'Pages/Jekyll',
icon: '.template-option .icon-jekyll',
plainhtml: {
text: 'Pages/Plain HTML',
icon: '.template-option .icon-plainhtml',
gitbook: {
text: 'Pages/GitBook',
icon: '.template-option .icon-gitbook',
hexo: {
text: 'Pages/Hexo',
icon: '.template-option .icon-hexo',
......@@ -507,12 +507,6 @@
.template-option {
.logo {
.btn-template-icon {
width: 40px !important;
padding: 16px 0;
&:not(:first-child) {
......@@ -551,9 +545,8 @@
.selected-icon {
svg {
img {
display: none;
top: 7px;
height: 20px;
width: 20px;
- Gitlab::ProjectTemplate.all.each do |template|
= custom_icon(template.logo, size: 40)
= image_tag template.logo, size: 32, class: "btn-template-icon icon-#{}"
= template.title
<svg xmlns="" width="27" height="32" viewBox="0 0 27 32" class="btn-template-icon icon-node-express"><g fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><path d="M-3 0h32v32H-3z"/><path fill="#353535" d="M1.192 16.267c.04 2.065.288 3.982.745 5.75.456 1.767 1.16 3.307 2.115 4.618.953 1.31 2.185 2.343 3.694 3.098 1.51.755 3.357 1.132 5.54 1.132 3.22 0 5.89-.844 8.016-2.532 2.125-1.69 3.446-4.22 3.962-7.597h1.192c-.437 3.575-1.847 6.345-4.23 8.312-2.384 1.966-5.324 2.95-8.82 2.95-2.383.04-4.42-.338-6.107-1.133-1.69-.794-3.07-1.917-4.142-3.367-1.073-1.45-1.867-3.158-2.383-5.124C.258 20.408 0 18.294 0 16.028c0-2.542.377-4.806 1.132-6.792C1.887 7.25 2.88 5.57 4.112 4.2 5.34 2.83 6.77 1.79 8.4 1.074 10.03.358 11.698 0 13.406 0c2.383 0 4.44.457 6.167 1.37 1.728.914 3.138 2.126 4.23 3.635 1.093 1.51 1.887 3.238 2.384 5.184.496 1.945.705 3.97.625 6.077H1.193zm24.43-1.192c0-1.867-.26-3.645-.775-5.333-.516-1.688-1.28-3.168-2.294-4.44-1.013-1.27-2.274-2.273-3.784-3.008-1.51-.735-3.258-1.102-5.244-1.102-1.67 0-3.228.317-4.678.953-1.45.636-2.72 1.56-3.813 2.77-1.092 1.212-1.976 2.672-2.652 4.38-.675 1.708-1.072 3.635-1.19 5.78h24.43z"/></g></svg>
<svg xmlns="" width="32" height="20" viewBox="0 0 32 20" class="btn-template-icon icon-rails"><g fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><path d="M0-6h32v32H0z"/><path fill="#c00" fill-rule="nonzero" d="M.985 19.636s.422-4.163 3.375-9.087c2.954-4.924 7.99-8.65 12.083-9.017 8.144-.816 15.46 6.485 15.46 6.485s-.24.168-.494.38C23.42 2.49 18.54 5.274 17.005 6.02c-7.033 3.925-4.91 13.616-4.91 13.616H.987zM24.137 2.32c-.45-.182-.9-.35-1.364-.505l.056-.93c.885.254 1.237.423 1.363.493l-.056.943zM22.8 5.304c.45.028.915.084 1.393.183l-.056.872c-.464-.1-.928-.155-1.392-.17l.056-.885zM17.597.913c-.407 0-.815.015-1.223.058l-.268-.83c.465-.056.915-.084 1.35-.084l.282.858h-.14zm.676 5.178c.35-.154.76-.31 1.237-.45l.31.93c-.41.125-.817.294-1.225.49l-.323-.97zm-6.386-3.7c-.366.184-.718.395-1.083.62l-.647-.985c.38-.225.745-.42 1.097-.604l.633.97zm2.883 6.33c.252-.323.548-.646.87-.942l.634.957c-.31.323-.59.647-.83 1L14.77 8.72zm-2.04 4.53c.112-.506.24-1.027.422-1.547l1.012.802c-.14.548-.24 1.097-.295 1.645l-1.14-.9zM6.57 6.57c-.34.35-.662.73-.958 1.11L4.53 6.752c.323-.352.674-.704 1.04-1.055l1 .872zm-4.25 6.286c-.224.52-.52 1.21-.702 1.688L0 13.954c.14-.38.436-1.084.703-1.69l1.618.592zm10.2 3.967l1.518.548c.084.663.21 1.28.337 1.83l-1.688-.605c-.07-.422-.14-1.027-.168-1.772z"/></g></svg>
<svg xmlns="" width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32" class="btn-template-icon icon-java-spring"><g fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><path d="M0 0h32v32H0z"/><path fill="#70AD51" d="M5.466 27.993c.586.473 1.446.385 1.918-.202.475-.585.386-1.445-.2-1.92-.585-.474-1.444-.383-1.92.202-.45.555-.392 1.356.115 1.844l-.266-.234C1.972 24.762 0 20.597 0 15.978 0 7.168 7.168 0 15.98 0c4.48 0 8.53 1.857 11.435 4.836.66-.898 1.232-1.902 1.7-3.015 2.036 6.118 3.233 11.26 2.795 15.31-.592 8.274-7.508 14.83-15.93 14.83-3.912 0-7.496-1.416-10.276-3.757l-.238-.21zm23.58-4.982c4.01-5.336 1.775-13.965-.085-19.48-1.657 3.453-5.738 6.094-9.262 6.93-3.303.788-6.226.142-9.283 1.318-6.97 2.68-6.86 10.992-3.02 12.86.002 0 . 0-.002 5.644-1.122 8.764-2.274 4.56-1.684 9.566-5.835 11.213-10.657-.877 5.015-5.182 9.84-9.507 12.056-2.302 1.182-4.092 1.445-7.88 2.756-.464.158-.828.314-.828.314.96-.16 1.917-.212 1.917-.212 5.393-.255 13.807 1.516 17.745-3.73z"/></g></svg>
title: Add templates for most popular Pages templates
merge_request: 24906
type: added
......@@ -2,14 +2,12 @@
module Gitlab
class ProjectTemplate
attr_reader :title, :name, :description, :preview
attr_reader :title, :name, :description, :preview, :logo
def initialize(name, title, description, preview)
@name, @title, @description, @preview = name, title, description, preview
def initialize(name, title, description, preview, logo = 'illustrations/gitlab_logo.svg')
@name, @title, @description, @preview, @logo = name, title, description, preview, logo
alias_method :logo, :name
def file
......@@ -27,9 +25,14 @@ module Gitlab
TEMPLATES_TABLE = ['rails', 'Ruby on Rails', 'Includes an MVC structure, Gemfile, Rakefile, along with many others, to help you get started.', ''),'spring', 'Spring', 'Includes an MVC structure, mvnw and pom.xml to help you get started.', ''),'express', 'NodeJS Express', 'Includes an MVC structure to help you get started.', '')'rails', 'Ruby on Rails', _('Includes an MVC structure, Gemfile, Rakefile, along with many others, to help you get started.'), '', 'illustrations/logos/rails.svg'),'spring', 'Spring', _('Includes an MVC structure, mvnw and pom.xml to help you get started.'), '', 'illustrations/logos/spring.svg'),'express', 'NodeJS Express', _('Includes an MVC structure to help you get started.'), '', 'illustrations/logos/express.svg'),'hugo', 'Pages/Hugo', _('Everything you need to create a GitLab Pages site using Hugo.'), ''),'jekyll', 'Pages/Jekyll', _('Everything you need to create a GitLab Pages site using Jekyll.'), ''),'plainhtml', 'Pages/Plain HTML', _('Everything you need to create a GitLab Pages site using plain HTML.'), ''),'gitbook', 'Pages/GitBook', _('Everything you need to create a GitLab Pages site using GitBook.'), ''),'hexo', 'Pages/Hexo', _('Everything you need to create a GitLab Pages site using Hexo.'), '')
class << self
......@@ -3758,6 +3758,21 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Everyone can contribute"
msgstr ""
msgid "Everything you need to create a GitLab Pages site using GitBook."
msgstr ""
msgid "Everything you need to create a GitLab Pages site using Hexo."
msgstr ""
msgid "Everything you need to create a GitLab Pages site using Hugo."
msgstr ""
msgid "Everything you need to create a GitLab Pages site using Jekyll."
msgstr ""
msgid "Everything you need to create a GitLab Pages site using plain HTML."
msgstr ""
msgid "Except policy:"
msgstr ""
......@@ -5124,12 +5139,24 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Include the username in the URL if required: <code></code>."
msgstr ""
msgid "Includes an MVC structure to help you get started."
msgstr ""
msgid "Includes an MVC structure, Gemfile, Rakefile, along with many others, to help you get started."
msgstr ""
msgid "Includes an MVC structure, mvnw and pom.xml to help you get started."
msgstr ""
msgid "Incompatible Project"
msgstr ""
msgid "Indicates whether this runner can pick jobs without tags"
msgstr ""
msgid "Information about additional Pages templates and how to install them can be found in our %{pages_getting_started_guide}."
msgstr ""
msgid "Inline"
msgstr ""
......@@ -6688,6 +6715,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Pages Domains"
msgstr ""
msgid "Pages getting started guide"
msgstr ""
msgid "Pagination|Last »"
msgstr ""
......@@ -6,7 +6,12 @@ describe Gitlab::ProjectTemplate do
expected = ['rails', 'Ruby on Rails', 'Includes an MVC structure, .gitignore, Gemfile, and more great stuff', ''),'spring', 'Spring', 'Includes an MVC structure, .gitignore, Gemfile, and more great stuff', ''),'express', 'NodeJS Express', 'Includes an MVC structure, .gitignore, Gemfile, and more great stuff', '')'express', 'NodeJS Express', 'Includes an MVC structure, .gitignore, Gemfile, and more great stuff', ''),'hugo', 'Pages/Hugo', 'Everything you need to get started using a Hugo Pages site.', ''),'jekyll', 'Pages/Jekyll', 'Everything you need to get started using a Jekyll Pages site.', ''),'plainhtml', 'Pages/Plain HTML', 'Everything you need to get started using a plain HTML Pages site.', ''),'gitbook', 'Pages/GitBook', 'Everything you need to get started using a GitBook Pages site.', ''),'hexo', 'Pages/Hexo', 'Everything you need to get started using a plan Hexo Pages site.', '')
expect(described_class.all).to be_an(Array)
......@@ -653,10 +653,10 @@
eslint-plugin-promise "^4.0.1"
eslint-plugin-vue "^5.0.0"
version "1.48.0"
resolved ""
integrity sha512-9lRsfqN0W3JxopiXnTzvDY31O465jMTGNKpiOCXy7uAMfwZA6UsRsc7Pp369uKnOLR0duXUGOxOv4NGsK6AeXw==
version "1.51.0"
resolved ""
integrity sha512-B1Wdhfy5ZClkHuaaCUUZyOBF8CFxxHqxGGhveRekOowtlMExa3tx+YkqNa5XPsEVMF6Aqnh8evQmmN4b+zrHVQ==
version "2.0.2"
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