Commit 7ef7972a authored by Peter Hegman's avatar Peter Hegman

Merge branch...

Merge branch '344327-make-badges-in-app-views-projects-pipelines-_with_tabs-html-haml-pajamas-compliant' into 'master'

Make badges in app/views/projects/pipelines/_with_tabs.html.haml Pajamas-compliant

See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab!76978
parents de2f1195 b75fba31
......@@ -11,16 +11,16 @@
= link_to builds_project_pipeline_path(@project, @pipeline), data: { target: '#js-tab-builds', action: 'builds', toggle: 'tab' }, class: 'builds-tab' do
= _('Jobs') pipeline.total_size
= gl_badge_tag @pipeline.total_size, { size: :sm }, { class: 'js-builds-counter' }
- if @pipeline.failed_builds.present?
= link_to failures_project_pipeline_path(@project, @pipeline), data: { target: '#js-tab-failures', action: 'failures', toggle: 'tab' }, class: 'failures-tab' do
= _('Failed Jobs') @pipeline.failed_builds.count
= gl_badge_tag @pipeline.failed_builds.count, { size: :sm }, { class: 'js-failures-counter' }
= link_to test_report_project_pipeline_path(@project, @pipeline), data: { target: '#js-tab-tests', action: 'test_report', toggle: 'tab' }, class: 'test-tab' do
= s_('TestReports|Tests')[:count]
= gl_badge_tag[:count], { size: :sm }, { class: 'js-test-report-badge-counter' }
= render_if_exists "projects/pipelines/tabs_holder", pipeline: @pipeline, project: @project
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