Update CHANGELOG-EE.md for 11.10.4-ee

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parent 1208dbde
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## 11.10.4 (2019-05-01)
### Fixed (1 change, 1 of them is from the community)
- Fix error retrieving licenses when relative URL in use. !11717 (Hiroyuki Sato)
### Changed (1 change)
- [Insights] Change the default weeks period limit to 12. !11498
## 11.10.3 (2019-04-30) ## 11.10.3 (2019-04-30)
- No changes. - No changes.
title: "[Insights] Change the default weeks period limit to 12"
merge_request: 11498
type: changed
title: Fix error retrieving licenses when relative URL in use
merge_request: 11717
author: Hiroyuki Sato
type: fixed
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