Commit 80a9d8b0 authored by Marvin Karegyeya's avatar Marvin Karegyeya Committed by Nicolò Maria Mezzopera

Adds GitLab UI styles to revoke button in _table.html.haml

parent ef5891ea
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
- else
%span.token-never-expires-label= _('Never')
%td= token.scopes.present? ? token.scopes.join(', ') : _('no scopes selected')
%td= link_to s_('DeployTokens|Revoke'), "#", class: "btn btn-danger float-right", data: { toggle: "modal", target: "#revoke-modal-#{}"}
%td= link_to s_('DeployTokens|Revoke'), "#", class: "gl-button btn btn-danger float-right", data: { toggle: "modal", target: "#revoke-modal-#{}"}
= render 'shared/deploy_tokens/revoke_modal', token: token, group_or_project: group_or_project
- else
title: Adds GitLabUI button styles in deploy tokens _table.html.haml
merge_request: 51082
author: nuwe1
type: other
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