Commit 899d538e authored by Viktor Nagy's avatar Viktor Nagy Committed by Amy Qualls

Revisions for tone and style

Revise the Kubernetes Agent page to bring it closer to GitLab
tone and style.
parent bbef37bd
......@@ -412,11 +412,56 @@ spec:
## Example projects
The following example projects can help you get started with the Kubernetes Agent.
### Simple NGINX deployment
This basic GitOps example deploys NGINX:
- [Configuration repository](
- [Manifest repository](
- [Install GitLab Runner](
### Deploying GitLab Runner with the Agent
These instructions assume that the Agent is already set up as described in the
[Get started with GitOps](#get-started-with-gitops-and-the-gitlab-agent):
1. Check the possible
[Runner chart YAML values](
on the Runner chart documentation, and create a `runner-chart-values.yaml` file
with the configuration that fits your needs, such as:
## The GitLab Server URL (with protocol) that want to register the runner against
## ref:
## The Registration Token for adding new Runners to the GitLab Server. This must
## be retrieved from your GitLab Instance.
## ref:
runnerRegistrationToken: "XXXXXXYYYYYYZZZZZZ"
## For RBAC support:
create: true
## Run all containers with the privileged flag enabled
## This will allow the docker:dind image to run if you need to run Docker
## commands. Please read the docs before turning this on:
## ref:
privileged: true
1. Create a single manifest file to install the Runner chart with your cluster agent:
helm template --namespace gitlab gitlab-runner -f runner-chart-values.yaml gitlab/gitlab-runner > manifest.yaml
1. Push your `manifest.yaml` to your manifest repository.
## Troubleshooting
......@@ -479,7 +524,7 @@ but KAS on the server side is not available via `wss`. To fix it, make sure the
same schemes are configured on both sides.
It's not possible to set the `grpc` scheme due to the issue
[It is not possible to configure KAS to work with grpc without directly editing GitLab KAS deployment]( To use `grpc` while the
[It is not possible to configure KAS to work with `grpc` without directly editing GitLab KAS deployment]( To use `grpc` while the
issue is in progress, directly edit the deployment with the
`kubectl edit deployment gitlab-kas` command, and change `--listen-websocket=true` to `--listen-websocket=false`. After running that command, you should be able to use
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