Commit 8fbc081d authored by Dmitriy Zaporozhets's avatar Dmitriy Zaporozhets

Merge branch 'ce_upstream' into 'master'

CE upstream

See merge request !202
parents 30ad50c9 3193742d
......@@ -27,6 +27,14 @@ v 7.4.0
- New milestone and label links on issue edit form
- Improved repository graphs
- Improve event note display in dashboard and project activity views (Vinnie Okada)
- Add users sorting to admin area
- UI improvements
- Fix ambiguous sha problem with mentioned commit
- Fixed bug with apostrophe when at mentioning users
- Add active directory ldap option
- Developers can push to wiki repo. Protected branches does not affect wiki repo any more
- Faster rev list
- Fix branch removal
v 7.3.2
- Fix creating new file via web editor
......@@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ For examples of feedback on merge requests please look at already [closed merge
1. The change is as small as possible (see the above paragraph for details)
1. Include proper tests and make all tests pass (unless it contains a test exposing a bug in existing code)
1. All tests have to pass, if you suspect a failing CI build is unrelated to your contribution ask for tests to be restarted. See [the CI setup document]( on who you can ask for test restart.
1. Initially contains a single commit (please use `git rebase -i` to squash commits)
1. Can merge without problems (if not please merge `master`, never rebase commits pushed to the remote server)
1. Does not break any existing functionality
......@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ On []( you can find more information a
## Installation
Please see [the installation page on the GitLab website]( for the various options.
Since a manual installation is a lot of work and error prone we strongly recommend fast and reliable Omnibus package installation (deb/rpm) on that page.
Since a manual installation is a lot of work and error prone we strongly recommend the fast and reliable [Omnibus package installation]( (deb/rpm).
## Third-party applications
......@@ -111,7 +111,8 @@
.ci_widget {
padding: 10px 15px;
font-size: 15px;
border-bottom: 1px dashed #AAA;
border-bottom: 1px solid #BBB;
color: #777;
&.ci-success {
color: $bg_success;
......@@ -143,7 +144,8 @@
padding: 10px 15px;
h4 {
margin-top: 0px;
font-size: 20px;
font-weight: normal;
p:last-child {
......@@ -54,11 +54,15 @@ class OmniauthCallbacksController < Devise::OmniauthCallbacksController
if @user.valid?
# Only allow properly saved users to login.
if @user.persisted? && @user.valid?
elsif @user.gl_user.errors.any?
error_message ={ |attribute, message| "#{attribute} #{message}" }.join(", ")
redirect_to omniauth_error_path(oauth['provider'], error: error_message) and return
flash[:notice] = "There's no such user!"
redirect_to new_user_session_path
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
- if current_page?(starred_explore_projects_path)
= pluralize project.star_count, 'star'
See most starred projects
......@@ -19,12 +19,13 @@
= form_for @project, url: retry_import_project_path(@project), method: :put, html: { class: 'form-horizontal' } do |f|
= f.label :import_url, class: 'control-label' do
%span Import existing repo
%span Import existing git repo
= f.text_field :import_url, class: 'form-control', placeholder: ''
This URL must be publicly accessible or you can add a username and password like this:
The import will time out after 4 minutes. For big repositories, use a clone/push combination.
For SVN repositories, check #{link_to "this migrating from SVN doc.", ""}
= f.submit 'Retry import', class: "btn btn-create", tabindex: 4
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
- content_for :note_actions do
- if can?(current_user, :modify_merge_request, @merge_request)
- unless @merge_request.closed? || @merge_request.merged?
- if
= link_to 'Close', project_merge_request_path(@project, @merge_request, merge_request: {state_event: :close }), method: :put, class: "btn btn-grouped btn-close close-mr-link js-note-target-close", title: "Close merge request"
- if @merge_request.closed?
= link_to 'Reopen', project_merge_request_path(@project, @merge_request, merge_request: {state_event: :reopen }), method: :put, class: "btn btn-grouped btn-reopen reopen-mr-link js-note-target-reopen", title: "Reopen merge request"
......@@ -16,15 +16,6 @@
You can accept this request automatically.
You can
%strong= link_to "modify merge commit message", "#", class: "modify-merge-commit-link js-toggle-button", title: "Modify merge commit message"
before accepting merge request
= render 'shared/commit_message_container', params: params,
text: @merge_request.merge_commit_message,
rows: 14, hint: true
= f.submit "Accept Merge Request", class: "btn btn-create accept_merge_request"
......@@ -33,6 +24,14 @@
= label_tag :should_remove_source_branch, class: "checkbox" do
= check_box_tag :should_remove_source_branch
Remove source-branch
= link_to "modify merge commit message", "#", class: "modify-merge-commit-link js-toggle-button", title: "Modify merge commit message"
= render 'shared/commit_message_container', params: params,
text: @merge_request.merge_commit_message,
rows: 14, hint: true
......@@ -21,6 +21,12 @@
= render "projects/merge_requests/show/remove_source_branch"
- if @merge_request.locked?
Merge in progress...
GitLab tries to merge it right now. During this time merge request is locked and can not be closed.
- unless @commits.any?
%h4 Nothing to merge
......@@ -44,13 +44,14 @@
= f.label :import_url, class: 'control-label' do
%span Import existing repo
%span Import existing git repo
= f.text_field :import_url, class: 'form-control', placeholder: ''
This URL must be publicly accessible or you can add a username and password like this:
The import will time out after 4 minutes. For big repositories, use a clone/push combination.
For SVN repositories, check #{link_to "this migrating from SVN doc.", ""}
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
- else
%td.old_line= raw(line.type == "new" ? "&nbsp;" : line.old_pos)
%td.new_line= raw(line.type == "old" ? "&nbsp;" : line.new_pos)
%td.line_content{class: "noteable_line #{line.type} #{line_code}", "line_code" => line_code}= raw "#{line.text} &nbsp;"
%td.line_content{class: "noteable_line #{line.type} #{line_code}", "line_code" => line_code}= raw diff_line_content(line.text)
- if line_code == note.line_code
= render "projects/notes/diff_notes_with_reply", notes: discussion_notes
......@@ -4,28 +4,30 @@ This document describes what services we use for testing GitLab and GitLab CI.
We currently use three CI services to test GitLab:
1. GitLab CI on []( for the [ repo](
1. GitLab CI on []( for the [ repo](
2. GitLab CI at to test the private GitLab B.V. repo at
3. [Semephore]( for [ repo](
| Software @ configuration being tested | GitLab CI ( | GitLab CI ( | Semaphore |
| GitLab CE @ MySQL | ✓ | ✓ | |
| GitLab CE @ PostgreSQL | | | ✓ |
| GitLab EE @ MySQL | ✓ | | |
| GitLab CI @ MySQL | ✓ | | |
| GitLab CI @ PostgreSQL | | | ✓ |
| GitLab CI Runner | ✓ | | ✓ |
| GitLab Shell | ✓ | | ✓ |
| GitLab Shell | ✓ | | ✓ |
| GitLab CE @ MySQL | ✓ | ✓ [Core team can trigger builds]( | |
| GitLab CE @ PostgreSQL | | | ✓ [Core team can trigger builds]( |
| GitLab EE @ MySQL | ✓ | | |
| GitLab CI @ MySQL | ✓ | | |
| GitLab CI @ PostgreSQL | | | ✓ |
| GitLab CI Runner | ✓ | | ✓ |
| GitLab Shell | ✓ | | ✓ |
| GitLab Shell | ✓ | | ✓ |
Core team has access to trigger builds if needed for GitLab CE.
We use [these build scripts]( for testing with GitLab CI.
# Build configuration on [Semaphore]( for testing the [ repo](
Language: Ruby
Ruby verion: 2.1.2
database.yml: pg
- Language: Ruby
- Ruby verion: 2.1.2
- database.yml: pg
Build commands
# Installation
## Consider the Omnibus package installation
Since a manual installation is a lot of work and error prone we strongly recommend the fast and reliable [Omnibus package installation]( (deb/rpm).
## Select Version to Install
Make sure you view [this installation guide]( from the branch (version) of GitLab you would like to install. In most cases this should be the highest numbered stable branch (example shown below).
......@@ -195,6 +195,12 @@ sudo rm -R tmp
sudo -u git -H mkdir tmp
sudo chmod -R u+rwX tmp/
# create directory for pids, make sure GitLab can write to it
sudo -u git -H mkdir tmp/pids/
sudo chmod -R u+rwX tmp/pids/
# if you are already running a newer version of GitLab check that installation guide for other tmp folders you need to create
# reboot system
sudo reboot
......@@ -26,6 +26,15 @@ SELECT CONCAT('ALTER TABLE gitlabhq_production.', table_name, ' ENGINE=InnoDB;')
# If previous query returned results, copy & run all outputed SQL statements
# Convert all tables to correct character set
SET foreign_key_checks = 0;
SELECT CONCAT('ALTER TABLE gitlabhq_production.', table_name, ' CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;') AS 'Copy & run these SQL statements:' FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'gitlabhq_production' AND `TABLE_COLLATION` <> 'utf8_unicode_ci' AND `TABLE_TYPE` = 'BASE TABLE';
# If previous query returned results, copy & run all outputed SQL statements
# turn foreign key checks back on
SET foreign_key_checks = 1;
# Find MySQL users
mysql> SELECT user FROM mysql.user WHERE user LIKE '%git%';
......@@ -5,3 +5,5 @@
- [Share projects with other groups](
- [Labels](
- [GitLab Flow](
- [Notifications](
- [Migrating from SVN to GitLab](
# Migrating from SVN to GitLab
SVN stands for Subversion and is a version control system (VCS).
Git is a distributed version control system.
There are some major differences between the two, for more information consult your favourite search engine.
Git has tools for migrating SVN repositories to git, namely `git svn`. You can read more about this at
[git documentation pages](
Apart from the [official git documentation]( there is also
user created step by step guide for migrating from SVN to GitLab.
[Benjamin New]( wrote [a guide that shows how to do a migration]( Mirrors can be found [here]( and [here](
## Contribute to this guide
We welcome all contributions that would expand this guide with instructions on how to migrate from SVN and other version control systems.
# GitLab Notifications
GitLab has notifications system in place to notify a user of events important for the workflow.
## Notification settings
Under user profile page you can find the notification settings.
![notification settings](notifications/settings.png)
Notification settings are divided into three groups:
* Global Settings
* Group Settings
* Project Settings
Each of these settings have levels of notification:
* Disabled - turns off notifications
* Participating - receive notifications from related resources
* Watch - receive notifications from projects or groups user is a member of
* Global - notifications as set at the global settings
#### Global Settings
Global Settings are at the bottom of the hierarchy.
Any setting set here will be overriden by a setting at the group or a project level.
Group or Project settings can use `global` notification setting which will then use
anything that is set at Global Settings.
#### Group Settings
Group Settings are taking presedence over Global Settings but are on a level below Project Settings.
This means that you can set a different level of notifications per group while still being able
to have a finer level setting per project.
Organization like this is suitable for users that belong to different groups but don't have the
same need for being notified for every group they are member of.
#### Project Settings
Project Settings are at the top level and any setting placed at this level will take presedence of any
other setting.
This is suitable for users that have different needs for notifications per project basis.
## Notification events
Below is the table of events users can be notified of:
| Event | Sent to | Settings level |
| New SSH key added | User | Security email, always sent. |
| New email added | User | Security email, always sent. |
| New user created | User | Sent on user creation, except for omniauth (LDAP)|
| New issue created | Issue assignee [1], project members [2] | [1] not disabled, [2] higher than participating |
| User added to project | User | Sent when user is added to project |
| Project access level changed | User | Sent when user project access level is changed |
| User added to group | User | Sent when user is added to group |
| Project moved | Project members [1] | [1] not disabled |
| Group access level changed | User | Sent when user group access level is changed |
| Close issue | Issue author [1], issue assignee [2], project members [3] | [1] [2] not disabled, [3] higher than participating |
| Reassign issue | New issue assignee [1], old issue assignee [2] | [1] [2] not disabled |
| Reopen issue | Project members [1] | [1] higher than participating |
| New merge request | MR assignee [1] | [1] not disabled |
| Reassign merge request | New MR assignee [1], old MR assignee [2] | [1] [2] not disabled |
| Close merge request | MR author [1], MR assignee [2], project members [3] | [1] [2] not disabled, [3] higher than participating |
| Reopen merge request | Project members [1] | [1] higher than participating |
| Merge merge request | MR author [1], MR assignee [2], project members [3] | [1] [2] not disabled, [3] higher than participating |
| New comment | Mentioned users [1], users participating [2], project members [3] | [1] [2] not disabled, [3] higher than participating |
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