Commit 93e04700 authored by Stan Hu's avatar Stan Hu

Add environment variables to override backup/restore DB settings

In the latest versions of PostgreSQL, using `pg_dump` on a PgBouncer
connection can cause a full GitLab outage. This happens because
`pg_dump` clears the search path and explicitly sets the schema for
every SQL query it runs. When PgBouncer is used in transaction pooling
mode, these connection settings persist and cause queries made by Rails
to fail since the `public` schema is not searched.

Currently there is no way to tell whether a connection is using
PgBouncer, so there is no way to prevent `pg_dump` from running.

To avoid causing an outage, we provide admins with a way to override the
database settings for the backup and restore task via environment


Relates to:

parent dbcf6f37
title: Add environment variables to override backup/restore DB settings
merge_request: 45855
type: added
......@@ -940,9 +940,7 @@ message. Install the [correct GitLab version](
and then try again.
NOTE: **Note:**
There is a known issue with restore not working with `pgbouncer`. The [workaround is to bypass
`pgbouncer` and connect directly to the primary database node](../administration/postgresql/
[Read more about backup and restore with `pgbouncer`](#backup-and-restore-for-installations-using-pgbouncer).
There is a known issue with restore not working with `pgbouncer`. [Read more about backup and restore with `pgbouncer`](#backup-and-restore-for-installations-using-pgbouncer).
### Restore for Docker image and GitLab Helm chart installations
......@@ -1039,26 +1037,60 @@ practical use.
## Backup and restore for installations using PgBouncer
PgBouncer can cause the following errors when performing backups and restores:
Do NOT backup or restore GitLab through a PgBouncer connection. These
tasks must [bypass PgBouncer and connect directly to the PostgreSQL primary database node](#bypassing-pgbouncer),
or they will cause a GitLab outage.
When the GitLab backup or restore task is used with PgBouncer, the
following error message is shown:
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PG::UndefinedTable
There is a [known issue]( for restore not working
with `pgbouncer`.
This happens because the task uses `pg_dump`, which [sets a null search
path and explicitly includes the schema in every SQL query](
to address [CVE-2018-1058](
Since connections are reused with PgBouncer in transaction pooling mode,
PostgreSQL fails to search the default `public` schema. As a result,
this clearing of the search path causes tables and columns to appear
### Bypassing PgBouncer
There are two ways to fix this:
1. [Use environment variables to override the database settings](#environment-variable-overrides) for the backup task.
1. Reconfigure a node to [connect directly to the PostgreSQL primary database node](../administration/postgresql/
#### Environment variable overrides
To workaround this issue, the GitLab server will need to bypass `pgbouncer` and
[connect directly to the primary database node](../administration/postgresql/
to perform the database restore.
By default, GitLab uses the database configuration stored in a
configuration file (`database.yml`). However, you can override the database settings
for the backup and restore task by setting environment
variables that are prefixed with `GITLAB_BACKUP_`:
For example, to override the database host and port to use
and port 5432 with the Omnibus package:
sudo GITLAB_BACKUP_PGHOST= GITLAB_BACKUP_PGPORT=5432 /opt/gitlab/bin/gitlab-backup create
There is also a [known issue](
with PostgreSQL 9 and running a database backup through PgBouncer that can cause
an outage to GitLab. If you're still on PostgreSQL 9 and upgrading PostgreSQL isn't
an option, workarounds include having a dedicated application node just for backups,
configured to connect directly the primary database node as noted above. You're
advised to upgrade your PostgreSQL version though, GitLab 11.11 shipped with PostgreSQL
10.7, and that is the recommended version for GitLab 12+.
See the [PostgreSQL documentation](
for more details on what these parameters do.
## Additional notes
......@@ -140,7 +140,14 @@ module Backup
'sslcrl' => 'PGSSLCRL',
'sslcompression' => 'PGSSLCOMPRESSION'
args.each { |opt, arg| ENV[arg] = config[opt].to_s if config[opt] }
args.each do |opt, arg|
# This enables the use of different PostgreSQL settings in
# case PgBouncer is used. PgBouncer clears the search path,
# which wreaks havoc on Rails if connections are reused.
override = "GITLAB_BACKUP_#{arg}"
val = ENV[override].presence || config[opt].to_s.presence
ENV[arg] = val if val
def report_success(success)
......@@ -48,5 +48,26 @@ RSpec.describe Backup::Database do
expect(output).to include(visible_error)
context 'with PostgreSQL settings defined in the environment' do
let(:cmd) { %W[#{Gem.ruby} -e] + ["$stderr.puts { |k, _| k.start_with?('PG') }"] }
let(:config) { YAML.load_file(File.join(Rails.root, 'config', 'database.yml'))['test'] }
before do
stub_const 'ENV', ENV.to_h.merge({
'PGPASSWORD' => 'donotchange'
it 'overrides default config values' do
expect(output).to include(%("PGHOST"=>""))
expect(output).to include(%("PGPASSWORD"=>"donotchange"))
expect(output).to include(%("PGPORT"=>"#{config['port']}")) if config['port']
expect(output).to include(%("PGUSER"=>"#{config['username']}")) if config['username']
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