Commit 95ffd22f authored by Patrick Bajao's avatar Patrick Bajao

Set default authorized_keys_file

This is the same as gitlab-shell's default. This is to ensure
that it's always set.

It needs to be the same as gitlab-shell's default because we
don't set a default value in omnibus-gitlab. If users don't
set the value of that config in their install and they upgraded,
we must ensure that it's still going to point to the same
authorized keys file.
parent c08191e0
......@@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ Settings['sidekiq']['log_format'] ||= 'default'
Settings['gitlab_shell'] ||={})
Settings.gitlab_shell['path'] = Settings.absolute(Settings.gitlab_shell['path'] || Settings.gitlab['user_home'] + '/gitlab-shell/')
Settings.gitlab_shell['hooks_path'] = :deprecated_use_gitlab_shell_path_instead
Settings.gitlab_shell['authorized_keys_file'] ||= nil
Settings.gitlab_shell['authorized_keys_file'] ||= File.join(Dir.home, '.ssh', 'authorized_keys')
Settings.gitlab_shell['secret_file'] ||= Rails.root.join('.gitlab_shell_secret')
Settings.gitlab_shell['receive_pack'] = true if Settings.gitlab_shell['receive_pack'].nil?
Settings.gitlab_shell['upload_pack'] = true if Settings.gitlab_shell['upload_pack'].nil?
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