Commit 9879cf92 authored by Phil Hughes's avatar Phil Hughes
parent 75136cc0
The repository must be accessible over <code>http://</code>, <code>https://</code>, <code>ssh://</code> or <code>git://</code>.
If your HTTP repository is not publicly accessible, add authentication information to the URL: <code></code>.
If your SSH repository is not publicly accessible, add the public SSH key of the GitLab server to the remote repository.
The update action will time out after 10 minutes. For big repositories, use a clone/push combination.
- page_title "Mirror Repository"
Mirror Repository
A repository can be setup as a mirror of another repository, and can also have a remote mirror associated.
When the repository is configured as a mirror, all of its branches, tags, and commits will automatically be updated from the repository configured in the
%strong Pull from a remote repository
When the repository has a remote mirror associated, it means that the remote repository configured in the <strong>Push to a remote repository</strong> section will automatically receive updates from the current repository.
= form_for @project, url: namespace_project_mirror_path(@project.namespace, @project), html: { class: 'form-horizontal' } do |f|
- if @project.errors.any?
- @project.errors.full_messages.each do |msg|
%p= msg
%h4 Pull from a remote repository
Set up your project to automatically have its branches, tags, and commits updated from an upstream repository every hour.
= render "shared/mirror_update_button"
- if @project.mirror_last_update_success?
%span.prepend-left-default Successfully updated #{time_ago_with_tooltip(@project.mirror_last_successful_update_at)}.
- if @project.mirror_last_update_failed?
The repository failed to update #{time_ago_with_tooltip(@project.mirror_last_update_at)}.
- if @project.mirror_ever_updated_successfully?
Last successful update #{time_ago_with_tooltip(@project.mirror_last_successful_update_at)}.
= f.label :mirror do
= f.check_box :mirror
Mirror repository
Pull from a remote repository
Set up your project to automatically have its branches, tags, and commits updated from an upstream repository every hour.
Set up mirror repository
= form_for @project, url: namespace_project_mirror_path(@project.namespace, @project) do |f|
= form_errors(@project)
= render "shared/mirror_update_button"
- if @project.mirror_last_update_failed?
The repository failed to update #{time_ago_with_tooltip(@project.mirror_last_update_at)}.
- if @project.mirror_ever_updated_successfully?
Last successful update #{time_ago_with_tooltip(@project.mirror_last_successful_update_at)}.
= f.check_box :mirror, class: "pull-left"
= f.label :mirror, "Mirror repository", class: "label-light append-bottom-0"
Automatically update this project's branches, tags, and commits from the upstream repository every hour.
= f.label :import_url, "Git repository URL", class: "label-light"
= f.text_field :import_url, class: 'form-control', placeholder: ''
= render "instructions"
= f.label :mirror_user_id, "Mirror user", class: "label-light"
= users_select_tag("project[mirror_user_id]", class: 'input-large', selected: @project.mirror_user_id ||,
first_user: true, current_user: true, push_code_to_protected_branches: true)
Automatically update this project's branches, tags, and commits from the upstream repository every hour.
= f.label :import_url, class: 'control-label' do
%span Git repository URL
= f.text_field :import_url, class: 'form-control', placeholder: ''
The repository must be accessible over <code>http://</code>, <code>https://</code>, <code>ssh://</code> or <code>git://</code>.
If your HTTP repository is not publicly accessible, add authentication information to the URL: <code></code>.
If your SSH repository is not publicly accessible, add the public SSH key of the GitLab server to the remote repository.
The update action will time out after 10 minutes. For big repositories, use a clone/push combination.
= f.label :mirror_user_id, class: 'control-label' do
Mirror user
= users_select_tag("project[mirror_user_id]", class: 'input-large', selected: @project.mirror_user_id ||,
first_user: true, current_user: true, push_code_to_protected_branches: true)
This user will be the author of all events in the activity feed that are the result of an update,
like new branches being created or new commits being pushed to existing branches.
They need to have at least master access to this project.
- if @project.builds_enabled?
= render 'shared/mirror_trigger_builds_setting', f: f
%h4 Push to a remote repository
Set up the remote repository that you want to update with the content of the current repository every hour.
= render "shared/remote_mirror_update_button", remote_mirror: @remote_mirror
- if @remote_mirror.last_successful_update_at
%span.prepend-left-default Successfully updated #{time_ago_with_tooltip(@remote_mirror.last_successful_update_at)}.
- if @remote_mirror.last_error.present?
The remote repository failed to update #{time_ago_with_tooltip(@remote_mirror.last_update_at)}.
- if @remote_mirror.last_successful_update_at
Last successful update #{time_ago_with_tooltip(@remote_mirror.last_successful_update_at)}.
= f.fields_for :remote_mirrors, @remote_mirror do |rm_form|
= rm_form.label :enabled do
= rm_form.check_box :enabled
Remote Mirror Repository
Automatically update the remote mirror's branches, tags, and commits from this repository every hour.
= rm_form.label :url, class: 'control-label' do
%span Git repository URL
= rm_form.text_field :url, class: 'form-control', placeholder: ''
The requirements for the URL format are the same mentioned in the <strong>Pull from a remote repository</strong> section.
= f.submit "Save Changes", class: "btn btn-create"
This user will be the author of all events in the activity feed that are the result of an update,
like new branches being created or new commits being pushed to existing branches.
They need to have at least master access to this project.
- if @project.builds_enabled?
= render "shared/mirror_trigger_builds_setting", f: f
= f.submit "Update", class: "btn btn-save"
Push to a remote repository
Set up the remote repository that you want to update with the content of the current repository every hour.
= form_for @project, url: namespace_project_mirror_path(@project.namespace, @project) do |f|
= form_errors(@project)
= render "shared/remote_mirror_update_button", remote_mirror: @remote_mirror
- if @remote_mirror.last_error.present?
The remote repository failed to update #{time_ago_with_tooltip(@remote_mirror.last_update_at)}.
- if @remote_mirror.last_successful_update_at
Last successful update #{time_ago_with_tooltip(@remote_mirror.last_successful_update_at)}.
= f.fields_for :remote_mirrors, @remote_mirror do |rm_form|
= rm_form.check_box :enabled, class: "pull-left"
= rm_form.label :enabled, "Remote mirror repository", class: "label-light append-bottom-0"
Automatically update the remote mirror's branches, tags, and commits from this repository every hour.
= rm_form.label :url, "Git repository URL", class: "label-light"
= rm_form.text_field :url, class: "form-control", placeholder: ''
= render "instructions"
= f.submit "Update", class: "btn btn-create"
= f.label :mirror_trigger_builds do
= f.check_box :mirror_trigger_builds
Trigger builds for mirror updates
Trigger builds when branches or tags are updated from the upstream repository.
Depending on the activity of the upstream repository, this may greatly increase the load on your CI runners.
Only enable this if you know they can handle the load.
= f.check_box :mirror_trigger_builds, class: "pull-left"
= f.label :mirror_trigger_builds, "Trigger builds for mirror updates", class: "label-light"
Trigger builds when branches or tags are updated from the upstream repository.
Depending on the activity of the upstream repository, this may greatly increase the load on your CI runners.
Only enable this if you know they can handle the load.
- if @project.mirror? && can?(current_user, :push_code, @project)
- if @project.updating_mirror?
= icon('refresh')
- else
= link_to update_now_namespace_project_mirror_path(@project.namespace, @project), method: :post, class: "btn" do
= icon('refresh')
Update Now
- if @project.updating_mirror?
= icon("refresh spin")
- else
= link_to update_now_namespace_project_mirror_path(@project.namespace, @project), method: :post, class: "btn" do
= icon("refresh")
Update Now
- if @project.mirror_last_update_success?
Successfully updated #{time_ago_with_tooltip(@project.mirror_last_successful_update_at)}.
- if @project.has_remote_mirror?
- if remote_mirror.update_in_progress?
= icon('refresh')
- else
= link_to update_now_namespace_project_mirror_path(@project.namespace, @project, sync_remote: true), method: :post, class: "btn" do
= icon('refresh')
Update Now
- if remote_mirror.update_in_progress?
= icon("refresh spin")
- else
= link_to update_now_namespace_project_mirror_path(@project.namespace, @project, sync_remote: true), method: :post, class: "btn" do
= icon("refresh")
Update Now
- if @remote_mirror.last_successful_update_at
Successfully updated #{time_ago_with_tooltip(@remote_mirror.last_successful_update_at)}.
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