Commit 9963efb4 authored by Enrique Alcantara's avatar Enrique Alcantara

Add subnet dropdown store

- Setup actions to select a subnet
- Setup dropdown Vuex store module for subnet dropdown
- Implement method to fetch subnets
parent 2ecbc885
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ export const fetchVpcs = () =>
.on('success', ({ data: { Vpcs: vpcs } }) => {
const transformedVpcs ={ VpcId: name }) => ({ name }));
const transformedVpcs ={ VpcId: id }) => ({ id, name: id }));
......@@ -34,4 +34,28 @@ export const fetchVpcs = () =>
export const fetchSubnets = ({ vpc }) =>
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const ec2 = new EC2();
Filters: [
Name: 'vpc-id',
Values: [],
.on('success', ({ data: { Subnets: subnets } }) => {
const transformedSubnets ={ SubnetId: id }) => ({ id, name: id }));
.on('error', error => {
export default () => {};
......@@ -8,4 +8,8 @@ export const setVpc = ({ commit }, payload) => {
commit(types.SET_VPC, payload);
export const setSubnet = ({ commit }, payload) => {
commit(types.SET_SUBNET, payload);
export default () => {};
......@@ -4,10 +4,10 @@ export default fetchItems => ({
requestItems: ({ commit }) => commit(types.REQUEST_ITEMS),
receiveItemsSuccess: ({ commit }, payload) => commit(types.RECEIVE_ITEMS_SUCCESS, payload),
receiveItemsError: ({ commit }, payload) => commit(types.RECEIVE_ITEMS_ERROR, payload),
fetchItems: ({ dispatch }) => {
fetchItems: ({ dispatch }, payload) => {
return fetchItems()
return fetchItems(payload)
.then(items => dispatch('receiveItemsSuccess', { items }))
.catch(error => dispatch('receiveItemsError', { error }));
......@@ -23,6 +23,10 @@ const createStore = () =>
namespaced: true,
subnets: {
namespaced: true,
export const SET_REGION = 'SET_REGION';
export const SET_VPC = 'SET_VPC';
export const SET_SUBNET = 'SET_SUBNET';
......@@ -7,4 +7,7 @@ export default {
[types.SET_VPC](state, { vpc }) {
state.selectedVpc = vpc;
[types.SET_SUBNET](state, { subnet }) {
state.selectedSubnet = subnet;
import testAction from 'helpers/vuex_action_helper';
import createState from '~/create_cluster/eks_cluster/store/state';
import * as types from '~/create_cluster/eks_cluster/store/mutation_types';
import * as actions from '~/create_cluster/eks_cluster/store/actions';
import { SET_REGION, SET_VPC, SET_SUBNET } from '~/create_cluster/eks_cluster/store/mutation_types';
describe('EKS Cluster Store Actions', () => {
describe('setRegion', () => {
it(`commits ${types.SET_REGION} mutation`, () => {
const region = { name: 'west-1' };
let region;
let vpc;
let subnet;
testAction(actions.setRegion, { region }, createState(), [
{ type: types.SET_REGION, payload: { region } },
beforeEach(() => {
region = { name: 'regions-1' };
vpc = { name: 'vpc-1' };
subnet = { name: 'subnet-1' };
describe('setVpc', () => {
it(`commits ${types.SET_VPC} mutation`, () => {
const vpc = { name: 'west-1' };
action | mutation | payload | payloadDescription
${'setRegion'} | ${SET_REGION} | ${{ region }} | ${'region'}
${'setVpc'} | ${SET_VPC} | ${{ vpc }} | ${'vpc'}
${'setSubnet'} | ${SET_SUBNET} | ${{ subnet }} | ${'subnet'}
`(`$action commits $mutation with $payloadDescription payload`, data => {
const { action, mutation, payload } = data;
testAction(actions.setVpc, { vpc }, createState(), [
{ type: types.SET_VPC, payload: { vpc } },
testAction(actions[action], payload, createState(), [{ type: mutation, payload }]);
import { SET_REGION, SET_VPC } from '~/create_cluster/eks_cluster/store/mutation_types';
import { SET_REGION, SET_VPC, SET_SUBNET } from '~/create_cluster/eks_cluster/store/mutation_types';
import createState from '~/create_cluster/eks_cluster/store/state';
import mutations from '~/create_cluster/eks_cluster/store/mutations';
......@@ -6,10 +6,13 @@ describe('Create EKS cluster store mutations', () => {
let state;
let region;
let vpc;
let subnet;
beforeEach(() => {
region = { name: 'regions-1' };
vpc = { name: 'vpc-1' };
subnet = { name: 'subnet-1' };
state = createState();
......@@ -17,6 +20,7 @@ describe('Create EKS cluster store mutations', () => {
mutation | mutatedProperty | payload | expectedValue | expectedValueDescription
${SET_REGION} | ${'selectedRegion'} | ${{ region }} | ${region} | ${'selected region payload'}
${SET_VPC} | ${'selectedVpc'} | ${{ vpc }} | ${vpc} | ${'selected vpc payload'}
${SET_SUBNET} | ${'selectedSubnet'} | ${{ subnet }} | ${subnet} | ${'selected sybnet payload'}
`(`$mutation sets $mutatedProperty to $expectedValueDescription`, data => {
const { mutation, mutatedProperty, payload, expectedValue } = data;
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