Commit 9be5ae87 authored by GitLab Bot's avatar GitLab Bot

Automatic merge of gitlab-org/gitlab master

parents 5203469d 741c5eb2
name: gitaly_pack_objects_hook_with_sidechannel
milestone: '14.3'
type: development
group: 'team::Scalability'
default_enabled: false
......@@ -1594,6 +1594,14 @@ production:
#### Requirements and limitations
- The maximum number of jobs that a single job can need in the `needs:` array is limited:
- For, the limit is 50. For more information, see our
[infrastructure issue](
- For self-managed instances, the default limit is 50. This limit [can be changed](#changing-the-needs-job-limit).
- If `needs:` refers to a job that uses the [`parallel`](#parallel) keyword,
it depends on all jobs created in parallel, not just one job. It also downloads
artifacts from all the parallel jobs by default. If the artifacts have the same
name, they overwrite each other and only the last one downloaded is saved.
- In [GitLab 14.1 and later]( you
can refer to jobs in the same stage as the job you are configuring. This feature is
enabled on and ready for production use. On self-managed [GitLab 14.2 and later](
......@@ -1603,17 +1611,6 @@ production:
in a job's `needs:` section.
- In GitLab 13.9 and older, if `needs:` refers to a job that might not be added to
a pipeline because of `only`, `except`, or `rules`, the pipeline might fail to create.
- The maximum number of jobs that a single job can need in the `needs:` array is limited:
- For, the limit is 50. For more information, see our
[infrastructure issue](
- For self-managed instances, the limit is: 50. This limit [can be changed](#changing-the-needs-job-limit).
- If `needs:` refers to a job that uses the [`parallel`](#parallel) keyword,
it depends on all jobs created in parallel, not just one job. It also downloads
artifacts from all the parallel jobs by default. If the artifacts have the same
name, they overwrite each other and only the last one downloaded is saved.
- `needs:` is similar to `dependencies:` in that it must use jobs from prior stages,
meaning it's impossible to create circular dependencies. Depending on jobs in the
current stage is not possible either, but [an issue exists](
##### Changing the `needs:` job limit **(FREE SELF)**
......@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ table.supported-languages ul {
<td rowspan="2">Java</td>
<td><a href="">Gradle</a></td>
<td><a href="">Gradle</a><sup><b><a href="#notes-regarding-supported-languages-and-package-managers">1</a></b></sup></td>
......@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ table.supported-languages ul {
<li><a href=""><code>Pipfile</code></a></li>
<li><a href=""><code>Pipfile.lock</code></a><sup><b><a href="#notes-regarding-supported-languages-and-package-managers">1</a></b></sup></li>
<li><a href=""><code>Pipfile.lock</code></a><sup><b><a href="#notes-regarding-supported-languages-and-package-managers">2</a></b></sup></li>
<td><a href="">Gemnasium</a></td>
......@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ table.supported-languages ul {
<td><a href="">sbt</a><sup><b><a href="#notes-regarding-supported-languages-and-package-managers">2</a></b></sup></td>
<td><a href="">sbt</a><sup><b><a href="#notes-regarding-supported-languages-and-package-managers">3</a></b></sup></td>
<td><a href="">Gemnasium</a></td>
......@@ -247,6 +247,8 @@ table.supported-languages ul {
### Notes regarding supported languages and package managers
1. Although Gradle with Java 8 is supported, there are other issues such that Android project builds are not supported at this time. Please see the backlog issue [Android support for Dependency Scanning (gemnasium-maven)]( for more details.
1. The presence of a `Pipfile.lock` file alone will _not_ trigger the analyzer; the presence of a `Pipfile` is still required in order
for the analyzer to be executed. However, if a `Pipfile.lock` file is found, it will be used by `Gemnasium` to scan the exact package
versions listed in this file.
# DAST profiles components
This document's purpose is to give a broad overview of how DAST profiles apps are structured.
This summary is deliberately abstract so that it doesn't require frequent updates whenever features are
added, changed, or removed in DAST profiles.
## DAST profiles list
The DAST profiles list relies on 4 main components that orchestrate the rendering of both profile
- `DastProfiles` is the top-level component. It acts as the data layer by communicating with the
GraphQL API and rewriting the cache as needed. It renders the profile-specific components and
ensures they receive the updated data through props and events.
- `DastSiteProfilesList` and `DastScannerProfilesList` are the profile-specific components. They
can implement some logic specific to a profile type if needed. Their rendering is delegated to
a shared `DastProfilesList` component that can be extended through slots.
- `DastProfilesList` is responsible for actually rendering a profiles list. As stated above, it
is rendered by a profile-specific component that provides profiles data and optionally customizes
what's displayed using slots.
graph TD;
subgraph Profile list;
DP -- render --> SCPL
DP -- render --> SIPL
SCPL -- render --> DPL
SIPL -- render --> DPL
## DAST profiles forms
To render DAST profile forms, we have 3 components and a mixin.
A base component implements all the logic that can be shared across both profile types, including: form
submission, saving a profile, rendering the form's control. For the specific data and behaviors, we have two
profile-specific components
- `BaseDastProfileForm` implements the logic that can be shared across both profile types like form
submission, saving a profile, rendering the form's control, etc.
- `DastSiteProfileForm` and `DastScannerProfileForm` are profile-specific. They hold the form data
and they both render the base component mentioned above. Among other things, they pass computed
GraphQL options to the base component via props so that the mutations can be triggered properly.
The base component's template is extended with the profile-specific form fields.
- `dastProfileFormMixin` is the mixin that both profile-specific components leverage to share some
common options like props, computed props, etc.
graph TD;
subgraph Site and Scanner profile forms;
M -- included --> SC
M -- included --> SI
SC -- render --> B
SI -- render --> B
## DAST profile selectors
Profile selectors can be used to associate DAST site and scanner profiles with an on-demand DAST
scan, or when configuring DAST for a project. Thus, they have been abstracted out in a reusable
component that itself relies on a set of reusable components.
- `DastProfilesSelector` is the main component that fetches the profiles and renders the
profile-specific selectors.
- `ScannerProfileSelector` and `SiteProfileSelector` both render two common base components that they
extend through props and slots.
- `ProfileSelector` is the base component responsible for rendering the actual selector.
- `ScannerProfileSummary` and `SiteProfileSummary` are the base components responsible for rendering selected profiles'
summary. It relies on `SummaryCell` to render each data-point in the summary.
graph TB;
subgraph Selector;
direction TB;
S --> ScannerSelector
S --> SiteSelector
ScannerSelector --> PS
SiteSelector --> PS
subgraph Profile summary;
direction TB;
ScannerSelector --> ScannerSelectorSummary
ScannerSelectorSummary --> ProfileSelectorSummaryCell
SiteSelector -->SiteSelectorSummary
SiteSelectorSummary --> ProfileSelectorSummaryCell
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