Commit 9cde7509 authored by Patrick Bair's avatar Patrick Bair Committed by Mayra Cabrera

Add helper to create batched background migration

Add a new migration helper to simplify starting a batched background
migration, by defaulting values that don't always need to be specified.
parent 3f2c4621
......@@ -4,8 +4,12 @@ module Gitlab
module Database
module Migrations
module BackgroundMigrationHelpers
BACKGROUND_MIGRATION_BATCH_SIZE = 1_000 # Number of rows to process per job
BACKGROUND_MIGRATION_JOB_BUFFER_SIZE = 1_000 # Number of jobs to bulk queue at a time
BATCH_SIZE = 1_000 # Number of rows to process per job
SUB_BATCH_SIZE = 100 # Number of rows to process per sub-batch
JOB_BUFFER_SIZE = 1_000 # Number of jobs to bulk queue at a time
BATCH_CLASS_NAME = 'PrimaryKeyBatchingStrategy' # Default batch class for batched migrations
BATCH_MIN_VALUE = 1 # Default minimum value for batched migrations
BATCH_MIN_DELAY = 2.minutes.freeze # Minimum delay between batched migrations
# Bulk queues background migration jobs for an entire table, batched by ID range.
# "Bulk" meaning many jobs will be pushed at a time for efficiency.
......@@ -31,7 +35,7 @@ module Gitlab
# # do something
# end
# end
def bulk_queue_background_migration_jobs_by_range(model_class, job_class_name, batch_size: BACKGROUND_MIGRATION_BATCH_SIZE)
def bulk_queue_background_migration_jobs_by_range(model_class, job_class_name, batch_size: BATCH_SIZE)
raise "#{model_class} does not have an ID to use for batch ranges" unless model_class.column_names.include?('id')
jobs = []
......@@ -40,7 +44,7 @@ module Gitlab
model_class.each_batch(of: batch_size) do |relation|
start_id, end_id = relation.pluck("MIN(#{table_name}.id)", "MAX(#{table_name}.id)").first
if jobs.length >= JOB_BUFFER_SIZE
# Note: This code path generally only helps with many millions of rows
# We push multiple jobs at a time to reduce the time spent in
# Sidekiq/Redis operations. We're using this buffer based approach so we
......@@ -89,7 +93,7 @@ module Gitlab
# # do something
# end
# end
def queue_background_migration_jobs_by_range_at_intervals(model_class, job_class_name, delay_interval, batch_size: BACKGROUND_MIGRATION_BATCH_SIZE, other_job_arguments: [], initial_delay: 0, track_jobs: false, primary_column_name: :id)
def queue_background_migration_jobs_by_range_at_intervals(model_class, job_class_name, delay_interval, batch_size: BATCH_SIZE, other_job_arguments: [], initial_delay: 0, track_jobs: false, primary_column_name: :id)
raise "#{model_class} does not have an ID column of #{primary_column_name} to use for batch ranges" unless model_class.column_names.include?(primary_column_name.to_s)
raise "#{primary_column_name} is not an integer column" unless model_class.columns_hash[primary_column_name.to_s].type == :integer
......@@ -127,6 +131,79 @@ module Gitlab
# Creates a batched background migration for the given table. A batched migration runs one job
# at a time, computing the bounds of the next batch based on the current migration settings and the previous
# batch bounds. Each job's execution status is tracked in the database as the migration runs. The given job
# class must be present in the Gitlab::BackgroundMigration module, and the batch class (if specified) must be
# present in the Gitlab::BackgroundMigration::BatchingStrategies module.
# job_class_name - The background migration job class as a string
# batch_table_name - The name of the table the migration will batch over
# batch_column_name - The name of the column the migration will batch over
# job_arguments - Extra arguments to pass to the job instance when the migration runs
# job_interval - The pause interval between each job's execution, minimum of 2 minutes
# batch_min_value - The value in the column the batching will begin at
# batch_max_value - The value in the column the batching will end at, defaults to `SELECT MAX(batch_column)`
# batch_class_name - The name of the class that will be called to find the range of each next batch
# batch_size - The maximum number of rows per job
# sub_batch_size - The maximum number of rows processed per "iteration" within the job
# *Returns the created BatchedMigration record*
# Example:
# queue_batched_background_migration(
# 'CopyColumnUsingBackgroundMigrationJob',
# :events,
# :id,
# job_interval: 2.minutes,
# other_job_arguments: ['column1', 'column2'])
# Where the the background migration exists:
# class Gitlab::BackgroundMigration::CopyColumnUsingBackgroundMigrationJob
# def perform(start_id, end_id, batch_table, batch_column, sub_batch_size, *other_args)
# # do something
# end
# end
def queue_batched_background_migration( # rubocop:disable Metrics/ParameterLists
batch_min_value: BATCH_MIN_VALUE,
batch_max_value: nil,
batch_class_name: BATCH_CLASS_NAME,
batch_size: BATCH_SIZE,
sub_batch_size: SUB_BATCH_SIZE
job_interval = BATCH_MIN_DELAY if job_interval < BATCH_MIN_DELAY
batch_max_value ||= connection.select_value(<<~SQL)
SELECT MAX(#{connection.quote_column_name(batch_column_name)})
FROM #{connection.quote_table_name(batch_table_name)}
migration_status = batch_max_value.nil? ? :finished : :active
batch_max_value ||= batch_min_value
job_class_name: job_class_name,
table_name: batch_table_name,
column_name: batch_column_name,
interval: job_interval,
min_value: batch_min_value,
max_value: batch_max_value,
batch_class_name: batch_class_name,
batch_size: batch_size,
sub_batch_size: sub_batch_size,
job_arguments: job_arguments,
status: migration_status)
def perform_background_migration_inline?
Rails.env.test? || Rails.env.development?
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ RSpec.describe Gitlab::Database::Migrations::BackgroundMigrationHelpers do
context 'with enough rows to bulk queue jobs more than once' do
before do
stub_const('Gitlab::Database::Migrations::BackgroundMigrationHelpers::BACKGROUND_MIGRATION_JOB_BUFFER_SIZE', 1)
stub_const('Gitlab::Database::Migrations::BackgroundMigrationHelpers::JOB_BUFFER_SIZE', 1)
it 'queues jobs correctly' do
......@@ -262,6 +262,120 @@ RSpec.describe Gitlab::Database::Migrations::BackgroundMigrationHelpers do
describe '#queue_batched_background_migration' do
it 'creates the database record for the migration' do
expect do
job_interval: 5.minutes,
batch_min_value: 5,
batch_max_value: 1000,
batch_class_name: 'MyBatchClass',
batch_size: 100,
sub_batch_size: 10) change { Gitlab::Database::BackgroundMigration::BatchedMigration.count }.by(1)
expect(Gitlab::Database::BackgroundMigration::BatchedMigration.last).to have_attributes(
job_class_name: 'MyJobClass',
table_name: 'projects',
column_name: 'id',
interval: 300,
min_value: 5,
max_value: 1000,
batch_class_name: 'MyBatchClass',
batch_size: 100,
sub_batch_size: 10,
job_arguments: %w[],
status: 'active')
context 'when the job interval is lower than the minimum' do
let(:minimum_delay) { described_class::BATCH_MIN_DELAY }
it 'sets the job interval to the minimum value' do
expect do
model.queue_batched_background_migration('MyJobClass', :events, :id, job_interval: minimum_delay - 1.minute) change { Gitlab::Database::BackgroundMigration::BatchedMigration.count }.by(1)
created_migration = Gitlab::Database::BackgroundMigration::BatchedMigration.last
expect(created_migration.interval).to eq(minimum_delay)
context 'when additional arguments are passed to the method' do
it 'saves the arguments on the database record' do
expect do
job_interval: 5.minutes,
batch_max_value: 1000) change { Gitlab::Database::BackgroundMigration::BatchedMigration.count }.by(1)
expect(Gitlab::Database::BackgroundMigration::BatchedMigration.last).to have_attributes(
job_class_name: 'MyJobClass',
table_name: 'projects',
column_name: 'id',
interval: 300,
min_value: 1,
max_value: 1000,
job_arguments: %w[my arguments])
context 'when the max_value is not given' do
context 'when records exist in the database' do
let!(:event1) { create(:event) }
let!(:event2) { create(:event) }
let!(:event3) { create(:event) }
it 'creates the record with the current max value' do
expect do
model.queue_batched_background_migration('MyJobClass', :events, :id, job_interval: 5.minutes) change { Gitlab::Database::BackgroundMigration::BatchedMigration.count }.by(1)
created_migration = Gitlab::Database::BackgroundMigration::BatchedMigration.last
expect(created_migration.max_value).to eq(
it 'creates the record with an active status' do
expect do
model.queue_batched_background_migration('MyJobClass', :events, :id, job_interval: 5.minutes) change { Gitlab::Database::BackgroundMigration::BatchedMigration.count }.by(1)
expect(Gitlab::Database::BackgroundMigration::BatchedMigration.last).to be_active
context 'when the database is empty' do
it 'sets the max value to the min value' do
expect do
model.queue_batched_background_migration('MyJobClass', :events, :id, job_interval: 5.minutes) change { Gitlab::Database::BackgroundMigration::BatchedMigration.count }.by(1)
created_migration = Gitlab::Database::BackgroundMigration::BatchedMigration.last
expect(created_migration.max_value).to eq(created_migration.min_value)
it 'creates the record with a finished status' do
expect do
model.queue_batched_background_migration('MyJobClass', :projects, :id, job_interval: 5.minutes) change { Gitlab::Database::BackgroundMigration::BatchedMigration.count }.by(1)
expect(Gitlab::Database::BackgroundMigration::BatchedMigration.last).to be_finished
describe '#migrate_async' do
it 'calls BackgroundMigrationWorker.perform_async' do
expect(BackgroundMigrationWorker).to receive(:perform_async).with("Class", "hello", "world")
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