Commit a01dc556 authored by charlie ablett's avatar charlie ablett

Merge branch '348494-add-the-speed-efficiency-and-trust-section' into 'master'

Add the Speed. Efficiency. Trust. section to the Cross Stage FDM

See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab!80245
parents 37e63135 4b8de57c
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* Why another sizing scale???
* Great question, friend!
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\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -16,5 +16,25 @@ module Groups
glm_content: 'cross_stage_fdm'
def cross_stage_fdm_value_statements
icon_name: 'collaboration',
title: s_('InProductMarketing|Collaboration made easy'),
desc: s_('InProductMarketing|Break down silos to coordinate seamlessly across development, operations, and security with a consistent experience across the development lifecycle.')
icon_name: 'cog-code',
title: s_('InProductMarketing|Lower cost of development'),
desc: s_('InProductMarketing|A single application eliminates complex integrations, data chokepoints, and toolchain maintenance, resulting in greater productivity and lower cost.')
icon_name: 'cog-check',
title: s_('InProductMarketing|Your software, deployed your way'),
desc: s_('InProductMarketing|GitLab is infrastructure agnostic (supporting GCP, AWS, Azure, OpenShift, VMWare, On Prem, Bare Metal, and more), offering a consistent workflow experience – irrespective of the environment.')
......@@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
- @hide_breadcrumbs = true
- @content_class = 'container-limited limit-container-width'{ data: { track_action: 'render', track_label: 'cross_stage_fdm', track_experiment: 'cross_stage_fdm' } }{ data: { track_action: 'render', track_label: 'cross_stage_fdm', track_experiment: 'cross_stage_fdm' } }
%div s_('InProductMarketing|Discover Premium & Ultimate.')
= s_('InProductMarketing|Access advanced features, build more efficiently, strengthen security and compliance.')
- glm_params = cross_stage_fdm_glm_params
= link_to s_('InProductMarketing|Start a free trial'), new_trial_path(glm_params), class: 'gl-button btn btn-confirm gl-mr-3 gl-mb-3', data: { track_action: 'click_button', track_label: 'start_trial', track_experiment: 'cross_stage_fdm' }
.js-hand-raise-lead-button{ data: { **hand_raise_props(@group, glm_content: glm_params[:glm_content]), track_action: 'click_button', track_label: 'hand_raise_PQL', track_experiment: 'cross_stage_fdm' } }
......@@ -17,3 +17,14 @@
- image_alt = s_('InProductMarketing|Collaboration across stages in GitLab')
= image_tag 'marketing/gitlab-enterprise-header-flow-desktop.png', alt: image_alt, title: image_alt, class: 'gl-w-full' s_('InProductMarketing|Speed. Efficiency. Trust.')
- cross_stage_fdm_value_statements.each do |value| image_tag("illustrations/#{value[:icon_name]}.svg", class: 'gl-w-full') value[:title] value[:desc]
......@@ -60,4 +60,16 @@ RSpec.describe Groups::FeatureDiscoveryMomentsHelper do
it { eq({ glm_source: '', glm_content: 'cross_stage_fdm' }) }
describe '#cross_stage_fdm_value_statements' do
it 'provides a collection of data in the expected structure' do
expect(helper.cross_stage_fdm_value_statements).to all(
icon_name: an_instance_of(String),
title: an_instance_of(String),
desc: an_instance_of(String)
......@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ RSpec.describe 'groups/feature_discovery_moments/advanced_features_dashboard.htm
subject { rendered }
it { have_content(s_('InProductMarketing|Discover Premium & Ultimate.')) }
it { have_content(s_('InProductMarketing|Speed. Efficiency. Trust.')) }
it 'renders the start a trial CTA', :aggregate_failures do
expect(rendered).to have_link(s_('InProductMarketing|Start a free trial'),
......@@ -18623,6 +18623,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|3 ways to dive into GitLab CI/CD"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|A single application eliminates complex integrations, data chokepoints, and toolchain maintenance, resulting in greater productivity and lower cost."
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Access advanced features, build more efficiently, strengthen security and compliance."
msgstr ""
......@@ -18650,6 +18653,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Blog"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Break down silos to coordinate seamlessly across development, operations, and security with a consistent experience across the development lifecycle."
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|By enabling code owners and required merge approvals the right person will review the right MR. This is a win-win: cleaner code and a more efficient review process."
msgstr ""
......@@ -18662,6 +18668,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Collaboration across stages in GitLab"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Collaboration made easy"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Create a custom CI runner with just a few clicks"
msgstr ""
......@@ -18761,6 +18770,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|GitLab is better with teammates to help out!"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|GitLab is infrastructure agnostic (supporting GCP, AWS, Azure, OpenShift, VMWare, On Prem, Bare Metal, and more), offering a consistent workflow experience – irrespective of the environment."
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|GitLab provides static application security testing (SAST), dynamic application security testing (DAST), container scanning, and dependency scanning to help you deliver secure applications along with license compliance."
msgstr ""
......@@ -18854,6 +18866,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Launch GitLab CI/CD in 20 minutes or less"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Lower cost of development"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Making the switch? It's easier than you think to import your projects into GitLab. Move %{github_link}, or import something %{bitbucket_link}."
msgstr ""
......@@ -18890,6 +18905,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Sometimes you're not ready to make a full transition to a new tool. If you're not ready to fully commit, %{mirroring_link} gives you a safe way to try out GitLab in parallel with your current tool."
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Speed. Efficiency. Trust."
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Spin up an autoscaling runner in GitLab"
msgstr ""
......@@ -19025,6 +19043,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|YouTube"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Your software, deployed your way"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Your teams can be more efficient"
msgstr ""
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