Steps to run frontend in production mode locally

parent d9fb5e92
......@@ -146,3 +146,20 @@ export const fetchFoos = ({ state }) => {
return axios.get(state.settings.fooPath);
### 7. How can I test the production build locally?
Sometimes the necessity of testing locally what the frontend production build would produce, to do so the steps are:
1. `gdk stop webpack`
1. edit `gitlab.yaml` and set `webpack => dev_server => enabled: false`
1. `yarn webpack-prod`
1. `gdk restart rails-web`
The production build takes few minutes to be compled, any code change at this point will be displayed only after executing again the points `3` and `4`
To return to the normal `development mode`
1. edit `gitlab.yaml` and set `webpack => dev_server => enabled: true`
1. (Optional) `yarn clean`
1. `gdk start webpack`
1. `gdk-restart rails-web`
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