Commit a6507eed authored by Filipa Lacerda's avatar Filipa Lacerda

Merge branch '44589-problem-with-prettier-setting-trailingcomma-all' into 'master'

Resolve "Problem with prettier setting trailingComma: all"

Closes #44589

See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab-ce!17967
parents df89beb5 f5f6f095
"presets": [
["latest", { "es2015": { "modules": false } }],
"presets": [["latest", { "es2015": { "modules": false } }], "stage-2"],
"env": {
"coverage": {
"plugins": [
["istanbul", {
"exclude": [
["transform-define", {
"process.env.BABEL_ENV": "coverage"
"exclude": ["spec/javascripts/**/*", "app/assets/javascripts/locale/**/app.js"]
"process.env.BABEL_ENV": "coverage"
"printWidth": 100,
"singleQuote": true,
"trailingComma": "all"
"trailingComma": "es5",
"overrides": [
"files": ["**/app/**/*", "**/spec/**/*"],
"options": {
"trailingComma": "all"
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ var ROOT_PATH = path.resolve(__dirname, '..');
// remove problematic plugins
if (webpackConfig.plugins) {
webpackConfig.plugins = webpackConfig.plugins.filter(function (plugin) {
webpackConfig.plugins = webpackConfig.plugins.filter(function(plugin) {
return !(
plugin instanceof webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin ||
plugin instanceof webpack.optimize.ModuleConcatenationPlugin ||
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ module.exports = function(config) {
var karmaConfig = {
basePath: ROOT_PATH,
browsers: ['ChromeHeadlessCustom'],
browsers: ['ChromeHeadlessCustom'],
customLaunchers: {
ChromeHeadlessCustom: {
base: 'ChromeHeadless',
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ module.exports = function(config) {
// escalated kernel privileges (e.g. docker run --cap-add=CAP_SYS_ADMIN)
frameworks: ['jasmine'],
files: [
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ module.exports = function(config) {
reports: ['html', 'text-summary'],
dir: 'coverage-javascript/',
subdir: '.',
fixWebpackSourcePaths: true
fixWebpackSourcePaths: true,
karmaConfig.browserNoActivityTimeout = 60000; // 60 seconds
'use strict';
const crypto = require('crypto');
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
......@@ -27,10 +25,10 @@ let watchAutoEntries = [];
function generateEntries() {
// generate automatic entry points
const autoEntries = {};
const pageEntries = glob.sync('pages/**/index.js', { cwd: path.join(ROOT_PATH, 'app/assets/javascripts') });
watchAutoEntries = [
path.join(ROOT_PATH, 'app/assets/javascripts/pages/'),
const pageEntries = glob.sync('pages/**/index.js', {
cwd: path.join(ROOT_PATH, 'app/assets/javascripts'),
watchAutoEntries = [path.join(ROOT_PATH, 'app/assets/javascripts/pages/')];
function generateAutoEntries(path, prefix = '.') {
const chunkPath = path.replace(/\/index\.js$/, '');
......@@ -38,16 +36,16 @@ function generateEntries() {
autoEntries[chunkName] = `${prefix}/${path}`;
pageEntries.forEach(( path ) => generateAutoEntries(path));
pageEntries.forEach(path => generateAutoEntries(path));
autoEntriesCount = Object.keys(autoEntries).length;
const manualEntries = {
common: './commons/index.js',
main: './main.js',
raven: './raven/index.js',
webpack_runtime: './webpack.js',
ide: './ide/index.js',
common: './commons/index.js',
main: './main.js',
raven: './raven/index.js',
webpack_runtime: './webpack.js',
ide: './ide/index.js',
return Object.assign(manualEntries, autoEntries);
......@@ -91,8 +89,8 @@ const config = {
loader: 'worker-loader',
options: {
inline: true
inline: true,
{ loader: 'babel-loader' },
......@@ -103,7 +101,7 @@ const config = {
loader: 'file-loader',
options: {
name: '[name].[hash].[ext]',
test: /katex.css$/,
......@@ -113,8 +111,8 @@ const config = {
loader: 'css-loader',
options: {
name: '[name].[hash].[ext]'
name: '[name].[hash].[ext]',
......@@ -124,7 +122,7 @@ const config = {
loader: 'file-loader',
options: {
name: '[name].[hash].[ext]',
test: /monaco-editor\/\w+\/vs\/loader\.js$/,
......@@ -132,7 +130,7 @@ const config = {
{ loader: 'exports-loader', options: '' },
{ loader: 'imports-loader', options: 'l=>{},this=>l,AMDLoader=>this,module=>undefined' },
noParse: [/monaco-editor\/\w+\/vs\//],
......@@ -150,10 +148,10 @@ const config = {
source: false,
chunks: false,
modules: false,
assets: true
assets: true,
return JSON.stringify(stats, null, 2);
// prevent pikaday from including moment.js
......@@ -170,7 +168,7 @@ const config = {
new NameAllModulesPlugin(),
// assign deterministic chunk ids
new webpack.NamedChunksPlugin((chunk) => {
new webpack.NamedChunksPlugin(chunk => {
if ( {
......@@ -187,9 +185,12 @@ const config = {
const pagesBase = path.join(ROOT_PATH, 'app/assets/javascripts/pages');
if (m.resource.indexOf(pagesBase) === 0) {
moduleNames.push(path.relative(pagesBase, m.resource)
.replace(/\/index\.[a-z]+$/, '')
.replace(/\//g, '__'));
.relative(pagesBase, m.resource)
.replace(/\/index\.[a-z]+$/, '')
.replace(/\//g, '__')
} else {
moduleNames.push(path.relative(m.context, m.resource));
......@@ -197,7 +198,8 @@ const config = {
const hash = crypto.createHash('sha256')
const hash = crypto
......@@ -212,7 +214,10 @@ const config = {
// copy pre-compiled vendor libraries verbatim
new CopyWebpackPlugin([
from: path.join(ROOT_PATH, `node_modules/monaco-editor/${IS_PRODUCTION ? 'min' : 'dev'}/vs`),
from: path.join(
`node_modules/monaco-editor/${IS_PRODUCTION ? 'min' : 'dev'}/vs`
to: 'monaco-editor/vs',
transform: function(content, path) {
if (/\.js$/.test(path) && !/worker/i.test(path) && !/typescript/i.test(path)) {
......@@ -225,23 +230,23 @@ const config = {
return content;
resolve: {
extensions: ['.js'],
alias: {
'~': path.join(ROOT_PATH, 'app/assets/javascripts'),
'emojis': path.join(ROOT_PATH, 'fixtures/emojis'),
'empty_states': path.join(ROOT_PATH, 'app/views/shared/empty_states'),
'icons': path.join(ROOT_PATH, 'app/views/shared/icons'),
'images': path.join(ROOT_PATH, 'app/assets/images'),
'vendor': path.join(ROOT_PATH, 'vendor/assets/javascripts'),
'vue$': 'vue/dist/vue.esm.js',
'spec': path.join(ROOT_PATH, 'spec/javascripts'),
'~': path.join(ROOT_PATH, 'app/assets/javascripts'),
emojis: path.join(ROOT_PATH, 'fixtures/emojis'),
empty_states: path.join(ROOT_PATH, 'app/views/shared/empty_states'),
icons: path.join(ROOT_PATH, 'app/views/shared/icons'),
images: path.join(ROOT_PATH, 'app/assets/images'),
vendor: path.join(ROOT_PATH, 'vendor/assets/javascripts'),
vue$: 'vue/dist/vue.esm.js',
spec: path.join(ROOT_PATH, 'spec/javascripts'),
// sqljs requires fs
......@@ -256,14 +261,14 @@ if (IS_PRODUCTION) {
new webpack.NoEmitOnErrorsPlugin(),
new webpack.LoaderOptionsPlugin({
minimize: true,
debug: false
debug: false,
new webpack.optimize.ModuleConcatenationPlugin(),
new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin({
sourceMap: true
sourceMap: true,
new webpack.DefinePlugin({
'process.env': { NODE_ENV: JSON.stringify('production') }
'process.env': { NODE_ENV: JSON.stringify('production') },
......@@ -282,7 +287,7 @@ if (IS_DEV_SERVER) {
headers: { 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*' },
stats: 'errors-only',
// watch node_modules for changes if we encounter a missing module compile error
......@@ -298,10 +303,12 @@ if (IS_DEV_SERVER) {
// report our auto-generated bundle count
console.log(`${autoEntriesCount} entries from '/pages' automatically added to webpack output.`);
`${autoEntriesCount} entries from '/pages' automatically added to webpack output.`
/* eslint import/no-commonjs: "off" */
const execFileSync = require('child_process').execFileSync;
const exec = (command, args) => {
......@@ -18,12 +17,7 @@ const execGitCmd = args =>
module.exports = {
getStagedFiles: fileExtensionFilter => {
const gitOptions = [
const gitOptions = ['diff', '--name-only', '--cached', '--diff-filter=ACMRTUB'];
if (fileExtensionFilter) gitOptions.push(...fileExtensionFilter);
return execGitCmd(gitOptions);
/* eslint import/no-commonjs: "off", import/no-extraneous-dependencies: "off", no-console: "off" */
const glob = require('glob');
const prettier = require('prettier');
const fs = require('fs');
......@@ -22,9 +21,7 @@ const availableExtensions = Object.keys(config.parsers);
console.log(`Loading ${allFiles ? 'All' : 'Staged'} Files ...`);
const stagedFiles = allFiles
? null
: getStagedFiles( => `*.${ext}`));
const stagedFiles = allFiles ? null : getStagedFiles( => `*.${ext}`));
if (stagedFiles) {
if (!stagedFiles.length || (stagedFiles.length === 1 && !stagedFiles[0])) {
......@@ -41,15 +38,10 @@ let files;
if (allFiles) {
const ignore = config.ignore;
const patterns = config.patterns;
const globPattern =
patterns.length > 1 ? `{${patterns.join(',')}}` : `${patterns.join(',')}`;
files = glob
.sync(globPattern, { ignore })
.filter(f => allFiles || stagedFiles.includes(f));
const globPattern = patterns.length > 1 ? `{${patterns.join(',')}}` : `${patterns.join(',')}`;
files = glob.sync(globPattern, { ignore }).filter(f => allFiles || stagedFiles.includes(f));
} else {
files = stagedFiles.filter(f =>
files = stagedFiles.filter(f => availableExtensions.includes(f.split('.').pop()));
if (!files.length) {
......@@ -81,7 +73,7 @@ prettier
} else if (!prettier.check(input, options)) {
if (!didWarn) {
'\n===============================\nGitLab uses Prettier to format all JavaScript code.\nPlease format each file listed below or run "yarn prettier-staged-save"\n===============================\n',
'\n===============================\nGitLab uses Prettier to format all JavaScript code.\nPlease format each file listed below or run "yarn prettier-staged-save"\n===============================\n'
didWarn = true;
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