Commit a7d6e53c authored by Thiago Figueiró's avatar Thiago Figueiró

Remove `scanner` parameter from vulnerability_findings REST endpoint

parent 7f422613
......@@ -49,7 +49,6 @@ GET /projects/:id/vulnerability_findings?scope=all
GET /projects/:id/vulnerability_findings?scope=dismissed
GET /projects/:id/vulnerability_findings?severity=high
GET /projects/:id/vulnerability_findings?confidence=unknown,experimental
GET /projects/:id/vulnerability_findings?scanner=bandit,find_sec_bugs
GET /projects/:id/vulnerability_findings?pipeline_id=42
......@@ -63,7 +62,6 @@ Beginning with GitLab 12.9, the `undefined` severity and confidence level is no
| `scope` | string | no | Returns vulnerability findings for the given scope: `all` or `dismissed`. Defaults to `dismissed`. |
| `severity` | string array | no | Returns vulnerability findings belonging to specified severity level: `info`, `unknown`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, or `critical`. Defaults to all. |
| `confidence` | string array | no | Returns vulnerability findings belonging to specified confidence level: `ignore`, `unknown`, `experimental`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, or `confirmed`. Defaults to all. |
| `scanner` | string array | no | Returns vulnerability findings detected by specified scanner.
| `pipeline_id` | integer/string | no | Returns vulnerability findings belonging to specified pipeline. |
title: Remove scanner parameter from vulnerability_findings REST endpoint
merge_request: 55453
author: Thiago Figueiro @thiagocsf
type: changed
......@@ -76,10 +76,6 @@ module API
'Defaults to all',
values: ::Vulnerabilities::Finding.confidences.keys,
default: ::Vulnerabilities::Finding.confidences.keys
optional :scanner,
type: Array[String],
coerce_with: ::API::Validations::Types::CommaSeparatedToArray.coerce,
desc: 'Returns vulnerabilities detected by specified scanners'
optional :pipeline_id, type: String, desc: 'The ID of the pipeline'
use :pagination
......@@ -179,14 +179,6 @@ RSpec.describe API::VulnerabilityFindings do
expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:bad_request)
it 'returns vulnerabilities detected by bandit and find_sec_bugs scanners' do
get api(project_vulnerability_findings_path, user), params: { scanner: 'bandit,find_sec_bugs' }.merge(pagination)
expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok)
expect( { |v| v.dig('scanner', 'external_id') }.uniq).to match_array %w[bandit find_sec_bugs]
context 'when pipeline_id is supplied' do
it 'returns vulnerabilities from supplied pipeline' do
finding_count = (sast_report.findings.count + ds_report.findings.count - 1).to_s
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