Commit ab819597 authored by Ezekiel Kigbo's avatar Ezekiel Kigbo Committed by Kushal Pandya

Set the selected value stream after create

Ensure we set the newly created value
stream when the request succeeds
parent 2329d705
......@@ -336,8 +336,8 @@ export const reorderStage = ({ dispatch, getters }, initialData) => {
export const receiveCreateValueStreamSuccess = ({ commit, dispatch }) => {
export const receiveCreateValueStreamSuccess = ({ commit, dispatch }, valueStream = {}) => {
return dispatch('fetchCycleAnalyticsData');
......@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ export const createValueStream = ({ commit, dispatch, getters }, data) => {
return Api.cycleAnalyticsCreateValueStream(currentGroupPath, data)
.then(() => dispatch('receiveCreateValueStreamSuccess'))
.then(({ data: newValueStream }) => dispatch('receiveCreateValueStreamSuccess', newValueStream))
.catch(({ response } = {}) => {
const { data: { message, payload: { errors } } = null } = response;
commit(types.RECEIVE_CREATE_VALUE_STREAM_ERROR, { message, errors });
......@@ -372,8 +372,8 @@ export const fetchValueStreamData = ({ dispatch }) =>
.then(() => dispatch('fetchStageMedianValues'))
.then(() => dispatch('durationChart/fetchDurationData'));
export const setSelectedValueStream = ({ commit, dispatch }, streamId) => {
commit(types.SET_SELECTED_VALUE_STREAM, streamId);
export const setSelectedValueStream = ({ commit, dispatch }, valueStream) => {
commit(types.SET_SELECTED_VALUE_STREAM, valueStream);
return dispatch(FETCH_VALUE_STREAM_DATA);
......@@ -124,9 +124,10 @@ export default {
state.isCreatingValueStream = false;
state.createValueStreamErrors = errors;
[types.RECEIVE_CREATE_VALUE_STREAM_SUCCESS](state, valueStream) {
state.isCreatingValueStream = false;
state.createValueStreamErrors = {};
state.selectedValueStream = convertObjectPropsToCamelCase(valueStream);
state.isDeletingValueStream = true;
......@@ -139,9 +140,10 @@ export default {
state.isDeletingValueStream = false;
state.deleteValueStreamError = null;
state.selectedValueStream = null;
[types.SET_SELECTED_VALUE_STREAM](state, valueStream) {
state.selectedValueStream = valueStream;
state.selectedValueStream = convertObjectPropsToCamelCase(valueStream);
[types.REQUEST_VALUE_STREAMS](state) {
state.isLoadingValueStreams = true;
title: Set selected value stream after create and delete
merge_request: 46100
type: fixed
......@@ -884,6 +884,7 @@ describe('Cycle analytics actions', () => {
describe('createValueStream', () => {
const payload = { name: 'cool value stream' };
const createResp = { id: 'new value stream', is_custom: true, ...payload };
beforeEach(() => {
state = { currentGroup };
......@@ -891,7 +892,7 @@ describe('Cycle analytics actions', () => {
describe('with no errors', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
mock.onPost(endpoints.valueStreamData).replyOnce(httpStatusCodes.OK, {});
mock.onPost(endpoints.valueStreamData).replyOnce(httpStatusCodes.OK, createResp);
it(`commits the ${types.REQUEST_CREATE_VALUE_STREAM} and ${types.RECEIVE_CREATE_VALUE_STREAM_SUCCESS} actions`, () => {
......@@ -904,7 +905,7 @@ describe('Cycle analytics actions', () => {
[{ type: 'receiveCreateValueStreamSuccess' }],
[{ type: 'receiveCreateValueStreamSuccess', payload: createResp }],
......@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ describe('Cycle analytics mutations', () => {
${types.RECEIVE_DELETE_VALUE_STREAM_SUCCESS} | ${'isDeletingValueStream'} | ${false}
${types.REQUEST_DELETE_VALUE_STREAM} | ${'deleteValueStreamError'} | ${null}
${types.RECEIVE_DELETE_VALUE_STREAM_SUCCESS} | ${'deleteValueStreamError'} | ${null}
${types.RECEIVE_DELETE_VALUE_STREAM_SUCCESS} | ${'selectedValueStream'} | ${null}
${types.INITIALIZE_CYCLE_ANALYTICS_SUCCESS} | ${'isLoading'} | ${false}
`('$mutation will set $stateKey=$value', ({ mutation, stateKey, value }) => {
......@@ -60,15 +61,16 @@ describe('Cycle analytics mutations', () => {
mutation | payload | expectedState
${types.SET_FEATURE_FLAGS} | ${{ hasDurationChart: true }} | ${{ featureFlags: { hasDurationChart: true } }}
${types.SET_SELECTED_PROJECTS} | ${selectedProjects} | ${{ selectedProjects }}
${types.SET_DATE_RANGE} | ${{ startDate, endDate }} | ${{ startDate, endDate }}
${types.SET_SELECTED_STAGE} | ${{ id: 'first-stage' }} | ${{ selectedStage: { id: 'first-stage' } }}
${types.RECEIVE_CREATE_VALUE_STREAM_ERROR} | ${{ errors: { name: ['is required'] } }} | ${{ createValueStreamErrors: { name: ['is required'] }, isCreatingValueStream: false }}
${types.RECEIVE_DELETE_VALUE_STREAM_ERROR} | ${'Some error occurred'} | ${{ deleteValueStreamError: 'Some error occurred' }}
${types.RECEIVE_VALUE_STREAMS_SUCCESS} | ${valueStreams} | ${{ valueStreams, isLoadingValueStreams: false }}
${types.SET_SELECTED_VALUE_STREAM} | ${valueStreams[1].id} | ${{ selectedValueStream: {} }}
mutation | payload | expectedState
${types.SET_FEATURE_FLAGS} | ${{ hasDurationChart: true }} | ${{ featureFlags: { hasDurationChart: true } }}
${types.SET_SELECTED_PROJECTS} | ${selectedProjects} | ${{ selectedProjects }}
${types.SET_DATE_RANGE} | ${{ startDate, endDate }} | ${{ startDate, endDate }}
${types.SET_SELECTED_STAGE} | ${{ id: 'first-stage' }} | ${{ selectedStage: { id: 'first-stage' } }}
${types.RECEIVE_CREATE_VALUE_STREAM_ERROR} | ${{ errors: { name: ['is required'] } }} | ${{ createValueStreamErrors: { name: ['is required'] }, isCreatingValueStream: false }}
${types.RECEIVE_DELETE_VALUE_STREAM_ERROR} | ${'Some error occurred'} | ${{ deleteValueStreamError: 'Some error occurred' }}
${types.RECEIVE_VALUE_STREAMS_SUCCESS} | ${valueStreams} | ${{ valueStreams, isLoadingValueStreams: false }}
${types.SET_SELECTED_VALUE_STREAM} | ${valueStreams[1].id} | ${{ selectedValueStream: {} }}
${types.RECEIVE_CREATE_VALUE_STREAM_SUCCESS} | ${valueStreams[1]} | ${{ selectedValueStream: valueStreams[1] }}
'$mutation with payload $payload will update state with $expectedState',
({ mutation, payload, expectedState }) => {
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