| `category` | string | `document.body.dataset.page` | Page or subsection of a page in which events are captured. |
| `category` | string | `document.body.dataset.page` | Page or subsection of a page in which events are captured. |
| `action` | string | generic | Action the user is taking. Clicks must be `click` and activations must be `activate`. For example, focusing a form field is `activate_form_input`, and clicking a button is `click_button`. |
| `action` | string | `'generic'` | Action the user is taking. Clicks must be `click` and activations must be `activate`. For example, focusing a form field is `activate_form_input`, and clicking a button is `click_button`. |
| `data` | object | `{}` | Additional data such as `label`, `property`, `value` as described in [Structured event taxonomy](index.md#structured-event-taxonomy), `context` for custom contexts, and `extra` (key-value pairs object). |
| `data` | object | `{}` | Additional data such as `label`, `property`, `value` as described in [Structured event taxonomy](index.md#structured-event-taxonomy), `context` for custom contexts, and `extra` (key-value pairs object). |
For custom event tracking, use a Vue `mixin` in components. Vue `mixin` exposes the `Tracking.event`
For custom event tracking, use the [Vue mixin](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/blob/master/app/assets/javascripts/tracking/tracking.js#L207). It exposes `Tracking.event` as the `track` method.
static method and the `track` method. You can specify tracking options in `data` or `computed`.
You can specify tracking options in by creating a `tracking` data object
These options override any defaults and allow the values to be dynamic from props or based on state.
or computed property, and as a second parameter: `this.track('click_button', opts)`.
These options override any defaults and allow the values to be dynamic from props or based on state:
Several default options are passed when an event is tracked from the component:
| Property | Type | Default | Example |
| -- | -- | -- | -- |
-`category`: If you don't specify, by default `document.body.dataset.page` is used.