Commit b0d1d17f authored by Frederic Caplette's avatar Frederic Caplette Committed by Erick Bajao

Add download code coverage button

In the repo analytics, we add a
button that will allow a user
to download the last 3 months
code coverage statistics.
parent 82a668e0
......@@ -14,7 +14,20 @@
#js-languages-chart{ data: { chart_data: @languages.to_json.html_safe } }
- if defined?(@daily_coverage_options)
- start_date = capture do
#{@daily_coverage_options[:base_params][:start_date].strftime('%b %d')}
- end_date = capture do
#{@daily_coverage_options[:base_params][:end_date].strftime('%b %d')}
= (_("Code coverage statistics for master %{start_date} - %{end_date}") % {start_date: start_date, end_date: end_date})
- download_path = capture do
%a.btn.btn-sm{ href: "#{download_path}?#{@daily_coverage_options[:base_params].to_query}" }
= _("Download raw data (.csv)")
#js-code-coverage-chart{ data: { daily_coverage_options: @daily_coverage_options.to_json.html_safe } }
......@@ -5279,6 +5279,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Code Review Analytics displays a table of open merge requests considered to be in code review. There are currently no merge requests in review for this project and/or filters."
msgstr ""
msgid "Code coverage statistics for master %{start_date} - %{end_date}"
msgstr ""
msgid "Code owner approval is required"
msgstr ""
......@@ -7616,6 +7619,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Download license"
msgstr ""
msgid "Download raw data (.csv)"
msgstr ""
msgid "Download source code"
msgstr ""
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