Commit b3f312b2 authored by Lukas Eipert's avatar Lukas Eipert

Improve startup.css cloaking

We have seen flickering of content on the Issue boards pages. By
improving our selectors, we can prevent that flickering.

Looking at app/views/layouts/_page.html.haml, the selectors:

- `.content-wrapper > .alert-wrapper` for breadcrumbs, flashes and
- `#content-body` for the content of a page

seem more reliable than `.container-limited` which isn't set on _all_
parent 45842fd5
......@@ -53,7 +53,5 @@
/* Rules for overriding cloaking in startup-general.scss */
.modal-dialog {
display: block;
@import 'startup/cloaking';
@include cloak-startup-scss(block);
Prevent flashing of content when using startup.css
@mixin cloak-startup-scss($display) {
// Breadcrumbs and alerts on the top of the page
.content-wrapper > .alert-wrapper,
// Content on pages
// Prevent flashing of haml generated modal contents
.modal-dialog {
display: $display;
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