%p=s_('Environments|Are you sure you want to stop this environment?')
%p=s_('Environments|Note that this action will stop the environment, but it will %{emphasis_start}not%{emphasis_end} have an effect on any existing deployment due to no “stop environment action” being defined in the %{ci_config_link_start}.gitlab-ci.yml%{ci_config_link_end} file.').html_safe%{emphasis_start: '<strong>'.html_safe,
msgid "Environments|Note that this action will stop the environment, but it will %{emphasisStart}not%{emphasisEnd} have an effect on any existing deployment due to no “stop environment action” being defined in the %{ciConfigLinkStart}.gitlab-ci.yml%{ciConfigLinkEnd} file."
msgstr ""
msgid "Environments|Note that this action will stop the environment, but it will %{emphasis_start}not%{emphasis_end} have an effect on any existing deployment due to no “stop environment action” being defined in the %{ci_config_link_start}.gitlab-ci.yml%{ci_config_link_end} file."