Commit b50ade79 authored by Amy Qualls's avatar Amy Qualls
Browse files

Merge branch 'fix_protected_branches_doc' into 'master'

Fix Value issues for

See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab!81186
parents 400bcbc9 3e935039
......@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ To protect a branch:
1. Go to your project and select **Settings > Repository**.
1. Expand **Protected branches**.
1. From the **Branch** dropdown menu, select the branch you want to protect.
1. From the **Branch** dropdown list, select the branch you want to protect.
1. From the **Allowed to merge** list, select a role, or group that can merge into this branch. In GitLab Premium, you can also add users.
1. From the **Allowed to push** list, select a role, group, or user that can push to this branch. In GitLab Premium, you can also add users.
1. Select **Protect**.
......@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ To protect multiple branches at the same time:
1. Go to your project and select **Settings > Repository**.
1. Expand **Protected branches**.
1. From the **Branch** dropdown menu, type the branch name and a wildcard.
1. From the **Branch** dropdown list, type the branch name and a wildcard.
For example:
| Wildcard protected branch | Matching branches |
......@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ to a protected branch. This is compatible with workflows like the [GitLab workfl
1. Go to your project and select **Settings > Repository**.
1. Expand **Protected branches**.
1. From the **Branch** dropdown menu, select the branch you want to protect.
1. From the **Branch** dropdown list, select the branch you want to protect.
1. From the **Allowed to merge** list, select **Developers + Maintainers**.
1. From the **Allowed to push** list, select **No one**.
1. Select **Protect**.
......@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ You can allow everyone with write access to push to the protected branch.
1. Go to your project and select **Settings > Repository**.
1. Expand **Protected branches**.
1. From the **Branch** dropdown menu, select the branch you want to protect.
1. From the **Branch** dropdown list, select the branch you want to protect.
1. From the **Allowed to push** list, select **Developers + Maintainers**.
1. Select **Protect**.
......@@ -135,11 +135,11 @@ To allow a deploy key to push to a protected branch:
1. Go to your project and select **Settings > Repository**.
1. Expand **Protected branches**.
1. From the **Branch** dropdown menu, select the branch you want to protect.
1. From the **Branch** dropdown list, select the branch you want to protect.
1. From the **Allowed to push** list, select the deploy key.
1. Select **Protect**.
Deploy keys are not available in the **Allowed to merge** dropdown.
Deploy keys are not available in the **Allowed to merge** dropdown list.
## Allow force push on a protected branch
......@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ To protect a new branch and enable force push:
1. Go to your project and select **Settings > Repository**.
1. Expand **Protected branches**.
1. From the **Branch** dropdown menu, select the branch you want to protect.
1. From the **Branch** dropdown list, select the branch you want to protect.
1. From the **Allowed to push** and **Allowed to merge** lists, select the settings you want.
1. To allow all users with push access to force push, turn on the **Allowed to force push** toggle.
1. To reject code pushes that change files listed in the `CODEOWNERS` file, turn on the
......@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ To protect a new branch and enable Code Owner's approval:
1. Go to your project and select **Settings > Repository**.
1. Expand **Protected branches**.
1. From the **Branch** dropdown menu, select the branch you want to protect.
1. From the **Branch** dropdown list, select the branch you want to protect.
1. From the **Allowed to push** and **Allowed to merge** lists, select the settings you want.
1. Turn on the **Require approval from code owners** toggle.
1. Select **Protect**.
......@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ Users with at least the Maintainer role can manually delete protected
branches by using the GitLab web interface:
1. Go to **Repository > Branches**.
1. Next to the branch you want to delete, select the **Delete** button (**{remove}**).
1. Next to the branch you want to delete, select **Delete** (**{remove}**).
1. On the confirmation dialog, type the branch name and select **Delete protected branch**.
Protected branches can only be deleted by using GitLab either from the UI or API.
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