Commit b52cbab4 authored by Phil Hughes's avatar Phil Hughes

Fixed alignment of buttons in note forms

parent f011b86b
- content_for :note_actions do
- if can?(current_user, :update_issue, @issue)
= link_to 'Reopen issue', issue_path(@issue, issue: {state_event: :reopen}, status_only: true, format: 'json'), data: {no_turbolink: true, original_text: "Reopen issue", alternative_text: "Comment & reopen issue"}, class: "btn btn-nr btn-grouped btn-reopen btn-comment js-note-target-reopen #{issue_button_visibility(@issue, false)}", title: 'Reopen issue'
= link_to 'Close issue', issue_path(@issue, issue: {state_event: :close}, status_only: true, format: 'json'), data: {no_turbolink: true, original_text: "Close issue", alternative_text: "Comment & close issue"}, class: "btn btn-nr btn-grouped btn-close btn-comment js-note-target-close #{issue_button_visibility(@issue, true)}", title: 'Close issue'
= link_to 'Reopen issue', issue_path(@issue, issue: {state_event: :reopen}, status_only: true, format: 'json'), data: {no_turbolink: true, original_text: "Reopen issue", alternative_text: "Comment & reopen issue"}, class: "btn btn-nr btn-reopen btn-comment js-note-target-reopen #{issue_button_visibility(@issue, false)}", title: 'Reopen issue'
= link_to 'Close issue', issue_path(@issue, issue: {state_event: :close}, status_only: true, format: 'json'), data: {no_turbolink: true, original_text: "Close issue", alternative_text: "Comment & close issue"}, class: "btn btn-nr btn-close btn-comment js-note-target-close #{issue_button_visibility(@issue, true)}", title: 'Close issue'
= render 'projects/notes/notes_with_form'
......@@ -6,6 +6,6 @@
= render 'projects/notes/hints'
= f.submit 'Save Comment', class: 'btn btn-nr btn-save btn-grouped js-comment-button'
= f.submit 'Save Comment', class: 'btn btn-nr btn-save js-comment-button'
%button.btn.btn-nr.btn-cancel.note-edit-cancel{ type: 'button' }
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
= f.submit 'Comment', class: "btn btn-nr btn-create comment-btn btn-grouped js-comment-button"
= f.submit 'Comment', class: "btn btn-nr btn-create append-right-10 comment-btn js-comment-button"
= yield(:note_actions)
%a.btn.btn-cancel.js-note-discard{role: "button", data: {cancel_text: "Cancel"}}
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