Commit b5bcb8c8 authored by Chad Woolley's avatar Chad Woolley

Clean up CAPTCHA view logic

- Fixes bug related to `merge_request_to_resolve_discussions_of` which
  was introduced when the `yield` was removed from the view.
- Combines existing separate layouts into a single view (this was the
  source of the above bug). The layout hardcoded the name of the
  separate view, and was never reused, so it served no useful purpose
  as a layout anyway.
- Removes unused `has_submit` flag
- Renames views to be consistent "`captcha_check`" terminology used in
  controller and helper methods
- Reorganizes and adds comments to views
- See
parent f0e4e89a
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ module SpammableActions::CaptchaCheck::HtmlFormatActionsSupport
def with_captcha_check_html_format(&block)
captcha_render_lambda = -> { render :verify }
captcha_render_lambda = -> { render :captcha_check }
with_captcha_check_common(captcha_render_lambda: captcha_render_lambda, &block)
- humanized_resource_name = spammable.class.model_name.human.downcase
= _('Anti-spam verification')
= _("We detected potential spam in the %{humanized_resource_name}. Please solve the reCAPTCHA to proceed.") % { humanized_resource_name: humanized_resource_name }
= render 'shared/recaptcha_form', spammable: spammable
= render layout: 'layouts/recaptcha_verification', locals: { spammable: @issue } do
= render layout: 'shared/captcha_check', locals: { spammable: @issue } do
-# These fields are for values which are passed via URL parameters, and not included in the
-# issue's params, so they must be yielded to the block to be rendered.
-# If these are removed and no longer passed via URL parameters, the support
-# for yielding in the layout can also be removed.
= hidden_field_tag(:merge_request_to_resolve_discussions_of, params[:merge_request_to_resolve_discussions_of])
= hidden_field_tag(:discussion_to_resolve, params[:discussion_to_resolve])
......@@ -2,22 +2,36 @@
- humanized_resource_name = spammable.class.model_name.human.downcase
- script = local_assigns.fetch(:script, true)
- method = params[:action] == 'create' ? :post : :put
- has_submit = local_assigns.fetch(:has_submit, true)
= _('Anti-spam verification')
= _("We detected potential spam in the %{humanized_resource_name}. Please solve the reCAPTCHA to proceed.") % { humanized_resource_name: humanized_resource_name }
= form_for resource_name, method: method, html: { class: 'recaptcha-form js-recaptcha-form' } do |f|
-# Create a hidden field for each param of the resource
- params[resource_name].each do |field, value|
= hidden_field(resource_name, field, value: value)
= hidden_field_tag(:spam_log_id,
-# The reCAPTCHA response value will be returned in the 'g-recaptcha-response' field
-# The reCAPTCHA response value will be returned in the 'g-recaptcha-response' field in non-test environments
= recaptcha_tags script: script, callback: 'recaptchaDialogCallback', nonce: content_security_policy_nonce unless Rails.env.test?
-# Fake the 'g-recaptcha-response' field in the test environment, so that the feature spec
-# can get to the (mocked) SpamVerdictService check.
= hidden_field_tag('g-recaptcha-response', 'abc123') if Rails.env.test?
-# Yields a block with given extra params.
-# Create a hidden field to pass back the ID of the spam_log record which was previously created
= hidden_field_tag(:spam_log_id,
-# Yields a block with given extra params which are not included in `params[resource_name]`.
-# Currently, this is only used for these params which are passed via URL parameters,
-# and can be removed once they are no longer needed to be passed:
-# - merge_request_to_resolve_discussions_of
-# - discussion_to_resolve
= yield
- if has_submit
= f.submit _("Create %{humanized_resource_name}") % { humanized_resource_name: humanized_resource_name }, class: 'gl-button btn btn-confirm'
= f.submit _("Create %{humanized_resource_name}") % { humanized_resource_name: humanized_resource_name }, class: 'gl-button btn btn-confirm'
......@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ RSpec.describe SpammableActions::CaptchaCheck::HtmlFormatActionsSupport do
context 'when spammable.render_recaptcha? is true' do
let(:render_recaptcha) { true }
it 'renders :verify' do
expect(controller).to receive(:render).with(:verify)
it 'renders :captcha_check' do
expect(controller).to receive(:render).with(:captcha_check)
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