Commit b8012ad8 authored by Alexis Ginsberg's avatar Alexis Ginsberg

Update actionable_insight template to encourage

parent 0ee654c1
<!-- Actionable insights must recommend an action that needs to take place. An actionable insight both defines the _insight_ and clearly calls out _action_ or next step required to improve based on the result of the research observation or data. Actionable insights are tracked over time and will include follow-up.-->
### :mag_right: Insight
<!-- Describe the insight itself: often the problem, finding, or observation. _What_ is currently happening? -->
### :bulb: Supporting evidence
<!-- Describe _why_ the problem is happening, or more details behind the finding or observation. Try to include quotes or specific data collected. Feel free to link the Actionable insight from Dovetail here if applicable instead of retyping details. -->
### :dart: Action
<!--Describe the next step or action that needs to take place as a result of the research. The action should be clearly defined, achievable, and directly tied back to the insight. Make sure to use directive terminology, such as: conduct, explore, redesign, etc. _How_ do we take a step toward improving the experience? -->
### :books: Resources
- **Dovetail link:** [`Paste URL here`](url)
- **Research issue link:** [`Paste URL here`](url)
### :white_check_mark: Tasks
- [ ] Assign this issue to the appropriate Product Manager, Product Designer, or UX Researcher.
- [ ] Add the appropriate `Group` (such as `~"group::source code"`) label to the issue. This helps identify and track actionable insights at the group level.
- [ ] Link this issue back to the original Research Issue in the GitLab UX Research project.
/label ~"Actionable Insight"
## Actionable Insights
Actionable insights always have a follow-up action that needs to take place as a result of the research observation or data, and a clear recommendation or action associated with it. An actionable insight both defines the insight and clearly calls out the next step. These insights are tracked over time and at the group level.
#### Link
- [ ] Provide the link to the Dovetail actionable insight you created earlier (this should contain all the essential details)
- [ ] If applicable, link this actionable insight issue back to the original Research Issue in the GitLab UX Research project
#### Assign
- [ ] Assign this issue to the appropriate Product Manager, Product Designer, or UX Researcher
#### Group label
- [ ] Add the appropriate `Group` (such as `~"group::source code"`) label to the issue. This is done to identify and track actionable insights at the group level.
#### Description
- [ ] Provide some brief details on the actionable insight and the action to take
| ------ | ------ |
| Dovetail link: | (URL goes here) |
| Details: | (details go here) |
| Action to take: | (action goes here) |
/label ~"Actionable Insight"
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